9:43 min, 2012
Project Info:
Keywords: DE-News, Movies, Movies 4 to 10 Min, News Blog Bavaria
9:43 min, 2012
Project Info:
Nationwide, construction with wood for buildings up to the high-rise limit is to be made easier and the Model Building Code (MBO) adapted accordingly. This was adopted by the Construction Ministers' Conference (BMK) at the end of the two-day conference in Norderstedt. In addition to climate-friendly construction with a focus on wood, the topic of "affordable housing" was also on the agenda.
Four and a half years after the legal equality of timber construction in the LBO Baden-Württemberg and almost half a year after Bremen, the sixth federal state to break out of the broad phalanx of "timber construction obstructionists", the realisation is now maturing throughout Germany that timber is a particularly environmentally friendly and climate-compatible building material that can be used to solve a wide range of construction tasks well and cost-effectively.
Conclusion of the Construction Ministers' Conference: Wooden houses for more climate friendliness
27 September 2019
Conference of Building Ministers decides on more climate protection (4.10.2019):
Building materials / Construction, DE-News, Wood construction, Communities, News Blog Baden-Württemberg, News Blog Berlin, News Blog Bremen, News Blog Hamburg, News Blog NRW, News Blog RLP, City, Housing, Housing policy, Ecology
Today, Thursday, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU officially announced their agreement on new EU rules for occupational pensions. Thanks to the persistence of Green shadow rapporteur Bas Eickhout, we were able to push through important demands in the final "Directive on the activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision". Currently, occupational pension funds across Europe manage [...]
Read the whole article on the website of Sven Giegold - Member of the Green Group in the European Parliament
Climate protection, News Blog Europe (without DE), Environmental policy, Economics
Research has identified neighbourhoods as an important level of action for climate protection. For this reason, the BMBF, BMU and Federal Ministries of Construction and Transport have funded several research projects on sustainable neighbourhoods, which are now being processed. The consensus of the research projects presented and the funding bodies is that "it is important to economically research neighbourhood concepts for a climate-friendly heat and power supply as well as an environmentally friendly mobility offer" and "to sensibly link the individual elements in the sense of a functioning sector coupling.
The focus articles of the issue "Ökologisches Wirtschaften 3/2019" show on the one hand the potentials of the neighbourhood approach for the implementation of climate protection measures, but also present best practice examples and discuss the feasibility in practice.
The selection criterion for the projects presented was, as is to be expected with the newsletter of the IOER - Institute for Ecological Economy, that members are involved in them. Overall, the contributions provide a good overview of the neighbourhood research projects currently underway in Germany.
Published 9/4/2019
Table of Contents
Urban development in times of climate change
by Christopher Garthe
Introduction to the main topic
Climate neutrality in urban quarters
by Elisa Dunkelberg, Swantje Gährs, Jan Knoefel, Julika Weiß
Working together for broad implementation
Actors and their role in the energy transition in the neighbourhood
by Elisa Dunkelberg, Jan Knoefel, Julika Weiß
Case study Hamburg
Measures and instruments of urban heat planning
by Lubow Hesse
Traffic planning at district level
Mobility in climate-neutral urban districts - electric, multimodal and networked
by Uta Bauer, Thomas Stein, Victoria Langer
Technical concepts for climate neutrality
Heating, cooling and electricity in the quarter
by Volker Stockinger
QUARREE100 - An urban quarter undergoing an energy transformation
Researching, learning and implementing together
by Martin Eckhard, Torben Stührmann, Benedikt Meyer
To the issue "Ökologisches Wirtschaften 3/2019 - Klimaneutralität in Stadtquartieren" at oekom-Verlag:
DE-News, Energy storage, Renewable, Research, Climate protection, Mobility, New books and studies, Quarters, Settlements
The Special price on the topic "Urban development revisited: Prices - Practice - Perspectives" was given to the project Urban development area Stuttgarter Straße, French Quarter in Tübingen. The special prize, which is awarded in parallel to the urban development prize, serves to highlight particularly urgent fields of action in urban development and urban planning. It was awarded on 23.4.2021 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the German Urban Development Prize to contributions that had already been recognised with prizes and awards between 1980 and 2010. The judging of the special prize was very complex, as it had to cover a span of 30 years, i.e. a generation, of the achievements of German urban development that were considered outstanding at the time, and, in retrospect, it had to be based on robust, objective criteria that could adequately reflect the complexity of 30 years of urban development history and 30 years of urban development models.
"The robust urban design concept and the qualities of the public space are the hallmarks of the quarter, which exudes great liveliness. When strolling through the district, one has the certainty that it will gain in popularity and vitality as it ages," was the jury's verdict for the project. Thirty years after the competition for the French Quarter in Tübingen [urban development prize winner from the 2001 submission], the idea of parcelling proves to be a recipe for success with a high degree of suitability for everyday use and exemplary for participatory-oriented urban development in Germany.
DE-News, Movies, Movies < 4 Min, Barracks conversion, News Blog Baden-Württemberg, Mix of uses, Affordable housing, Quarters, Social diversity, Urban production, Contests & Prizes