Web database of sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods


76149 Karlsruhe-Nordstadt: MIKA stands for "Tenants Initiative Karlsruhe", barracks conversion with a lot of own work. 86 flats, completion: 1999

Project name MIKA - Tenants' Initiative Karlsruhe eG. Community-oriented living and housing in the former "Smiley-Barracks" in Karlsruhe's Nordstadt district.
Building type(s) The four buildings, two of which face each other, are accessed by a centrally located residential street. The northern end is formed by a community house.
New construction, renovation Conversion of four barracks buildings into living space
Form(s) of ownership Cooperative
Location Northern end of the former barracks area
Size (WE) 86
Residents approx. 230
Completion 1997-1999

Photo gallery 2004

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Waste Existing old buildings have been upgraded through conversion and change of use, pos. land management due to dense development and high number of residents, buildings and grounds have been converted into living space at low cost and saving on materials.
Energy Connection of heating and central hot water supply of the entire settlement to the district heating network, rainwater cistern
Building Biology Partial interior finishing with clay building materials
Traffic Residential
Outdoor facilities Low degree of sealing: existing asphalted outdoor areas were renaturalized; existing old trees were preserved, large green areas and community gardens as well as playground and play street were created,
Economics Financing through cooperative organisational structure, participation of residents in planning, conversion and organisation of the community
Socio-cultural 12.5% of the apartments Handicapped accessible, Community house as a meeting place for social and cultural communication, Temporary workplaces during conversion, Integrates social facilities and kindergarten; Socially bound rental apartments, Mixed community, Age range 0-80 years, Self-responsibility and personal initiative n Working communities, Integration of migrants, Community-oriented housing,
Student research project
Philipp Lieser (2004) at the University of Karlsruhe (2 MB)
Sources Arbeitsgemeinschaft Baden-Württembergischer Bausparkassen; Competition - Documentation, Successful housing estates - attractive residential quarters - lively neighbourhoods
MiKa - Gründungsinitiative; Financing and company form, documentation; MiKa e.G.
Link www.mika-eg.de

Last Updated: December 25, 2020

Similar projects on sdg21:
All project/s of the planning office: ; City region: Karlsruhe and surrounding area; Country: Germany; Characteristics: 03 - 4 floors, Cooperative, Multi-storey housing, Rental apartments, Terraced house, Housing project; typology: Settlement; Thematic: Own contribution, Barracks conversion
