Thema: IGA / BUGA
54296 Trier: Total area approx. 70 ha, residential area: approx. 25 ha, Science Park and University of Trier mainly in the area of the former barracks: approx. 23 ha, green and open spaces: approx. 20 ha. Private investment in residential construction approx. 200 million euros and approx. 150 million euros in commercial construction. Approx. 850 residential units*, completion: 2015
74076 Heilbronn: 22 houses are to be built and occupied in the first construction phase by 2019. The development is intended to form a compact, urban edge to the Federal Horticultural Show Heilbronn 2019. 19 renowned offices have designed the architecture for this. The usage concepts are diverse, and technical innovations are to be showcased. A four- to six-storey development is planned for the approximately 30-hectare site. Around 3,500 residents are expected to live here one day. The site is certified as a "DGNB Platinum" for urban neighbourhoods (2016 version).