44649 Herne: This is not a housing estate, but the concept could equally be applied to housing. The Naturhuset apartment house by Bengt Warne in Stockholm was one of the first pioneering buildings to implement the house-in-house principle with a shell of glass. Also the Student dormitory ESA in Kaiserslautern is built like this. The project in Herne, however, is the most spectacular of its kind in this form.
Planned in partnership by the German architectural firm HHS Planer & Architekten AG and the French architectural firm Jourda & Perraudin (Francoise Helene Jourda and Gilles Perraudin), the building is enclosed in a glass climate shell that creates a Mediterranean climate similar to that in Nice. This is on average 5 °C warmer than the outside temperature. Water features, earth channels and large gates prevent overheating in summer. The solar system in the roof, was the largest building-integrated system of its kind at the time. The supports inside are made of 56 spruce trunks. Completion: 1999
Thema: House-in-house concept
2 posts
67659 Kaiserslautern: ESA (Energy-Saving Student Residence): planned and built with students, "house within a house" principle (based on Bengt Warn's "Naturhuset"), 20 rooms, a kitchen and other common rooms, diverse planting of the conservatory, recycled building materials, solar system for hot water, each room also has a private terrace or seating area in the greenhouse