12619 Berlin Marzahn-Hellersdorf: Mietersonne Kaulsdorf, Germany's largest tenant power project with almost 3.4 megawatts (MW) of capacity, is being built by Berliner Stadtwerke for the Berlin housing association berlinovo in Marzahn-Hellersdorf. Tenants of 4,300 apartments will be able to benefit from the green electricity generated directly on their roofs.
The dimensions of the project, consisting of 39 solar systems on one hundred residential buildings in the district between Wuhletal and Hellersdorfer Strasse, speak for themselves: a total of 27,000 m² are covered with modules, which corresponds to 3.8 times the area of a football pitch. The yield is estimated at around 2.9 million kilowatt hours per year, which is equivalent to the entire electricity requirements of 1,200 two-person households. This means that approx. 1,580 tons of CO2-emissions were avoided. Berliner Stadtwerke is investing around €3.75 million in this project. This year, 2.0 MW of the total 3.4 MW will be installed, around 60 percent of which have already been installed on the roofs since May. A further 1.4 MW is to follow in 2020 and 2021.
Last Updated: January 23, 2021
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All project/s of the planning office: ; City region: Berlin and surrounding area; Country: Germany; Characteristics: Existing buildingsTypology: ; Thematic: Energy and climate protection, Renewable, Photovoltaics