Web database of sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods

New domains "sdg21.eu" as well as sdg21.de, sdg21.ch and sdg21.at

Although www.siedlungen.eu is self-explanatory in the German-speaking world, it is somewhat unwieldy in normal language usage. For this reason, the abbreviation "sdg21" has also been used since February 2017. It is formed from the acronym for "sustainable development goals", and the number stands for the 21st century. The Sustainable Development Goals 2030 were adopted by all the countries of the world at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in New York in September 2015. In order to achieve the SDG 2030 targets, the projects listed are intended to provide solutions. The website is now available via the domains www.siedlungen.eu , www.sdg21.eu and www.sdg21.de, www.sdg21.ch and www.sdg21.at reachable.

Keywords: sdg21 news