Web database of sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods

Housing estate Ökozentrum Rommelmühle

a4774321 Bietigheim-BissingenHousing estate near the Rommelmühle eco-centre. Planning by Joachim Eble Architecture. On the area next to the Rommelmühle 17 apartments of different sizes were built in 10 buildings. The buildings are characterised by the use of healthy building materials and a minimised heating energy requirement. Completion: 1999

The houses are connected by a local heating network supplied by the Rommelmühle energy centre. Here, the waste heat from the hydropower generators is used, the electricity yield from which (approx. 2 million kWh/a) is fed entirely into the public grid. A combined heat and power unit generates most of the heat required for the apartments and also supplies them with environmentally friendly electricity.

With the Mühlenhof as a connecting element between the buildings and the KulturRaum Rommelmühle association, which strives for a lively neighbourhood, the area offers good conditions for lively multi-generational living.

Developer: archy-nova.com

Last Updated: May 4, 2020

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