23552 Lübeck: At the time, the Aegidienhof was the largest social housing project in Schleswig-Holstein. Here, young and old, people without and with disabilities, single people and families, live and work together in a new urban mix. The architectural firm Meyer Steffens Architekten+Stadtplaner BDA carefully renovated and converted twelve different old town houses around a large common courtyard in the complex around the Aegidienhof, which is significant in terms of architectural and cultural history. The result is 65 apartments as well as 9 studios, practices, offices, workshops and a café. Completion (modernization): 2003
Thema: CHP
D - 34246 Vellmar-Nord: The urban design, with around 550 residential units on a 16-hectare site, envisages a mix of detached single houses and houses in a more compact design using semi-detached and terraced houses and multi-storey housing. In terms of size, it will be one of the largest plus-energy housing estates in Germany. The plus-energy concept takes into account heat, electricity and mobility. Start of construction: from April 2020. Completion: ~2024
73728 Esslingen Neue Weststadt: A "showcase neighbourhood" with 600 flats, office and commercial space as well as a new building for Esslingen University of Applied Sciences is being built on 12 hectares. The total investment volume is around 190 million euros. 30 per cent of the district's use is earmarked for commercial use. Construction of individual building blocks began in 2016 and will continue until around 2022. Planned completion: 2022
D - 14055 Berlin-Charlottenburg: 665 units as a new housing estate with two-, three- and four-room flats. Also detached houses, shops, doctors' surgeries and a day care centre. Mix of rented and owner-occupied flats.
The contract was signed on 14 March 2018 after 5 years of negotiations. The company expects construction to start at the end of 2019 and the final construction phase could be completed in 2025.
Low-energy house standard, CHP, photovoltaic system, sustainable mobility concept with bicycle parking spaces outside the front doors and e-bikes, electric cars in the car-sharing fleet. Neighbourhood with Cradle to Cradle certification and healthy building materials, green roof.
10963 Berlin-Kreuzberg: "International Building Exhibition", 106 units, completed in 1987 / optimisation and redesign in 2006, grey water recycling plant for 250 tenants, saving 3 million litres of fresh water per year.
10965 Berlin: Cooperative for self-managed, social and ecological living eG. In the Möckernkiez model project, 471 residential units were created in 14 residential buildings. They were built according to the passive house standard and ecological building criteria. 0.21 parking spaces per unit. Property size: 30,000 m². It is barrier-free throughout and designed to be free of car traffic at the neighbourhood level. The Möckernkiez is located directly adjacent to the southeastern entrances of the Park am Gleisdreieck. Completion: 2018
22045 Hamburg-JenfeldHAMBURG WATER Cycle®, an urban quarter with 835 residential units, 630 of them in new buildings, and commercial space for around 2000 residents is being built on 35 ha of the former Lettow-Vorbeck barracks. Project costs: approx. 250 million euros. The most far-reaching project of a decentralised water supply and disposal system currently in Europe: vacuum toilets, biogas production and waste water separation (HAMBURG WATER Cycle®). The biogas produced will be used to generate heat and electricity for the new district in a climate-neutral manner in the district's own combined heat and power plant. The project will thus enable climate-neutral living and sustainable drainage.
22844 Norderstedt: 36 terraced houses in low-energy construction, all roofs are completely greened, combined heat and power plant. Completion: ~2002
23617 Stockelsdorf: 24 flats in 13 terraced houses, two semi-detached houses, 1 detached house (and ... ?). Timber frame construction with solid infill (bricks) in the south façade and highly insulated infill (cellulose) in the north façades. Conservatories, combined heat and power unit, rainwater utilisation, PVC-free construction, healthy living materials and paintwork. Architectural partnership Rolf Zeschke (Bad Schwartau) & Uwe Witaszek. Completion: ~1997
24159 Kiel-Pries: In 7 buildings around a car-free courtyard of approx. 6,500 m², a total of 27 apartments between approx. 40 and approx. 125 m² living space and a community house with a grass roof, as well as an organic food store in an existing building have been created in a space-saving architecture. Four of the buildings are new constructions, in the other two buildings old building substance was redeveloped. Completion: 2003
28357 Bremen-Hollerland: 200 units (not realised); model photos, well-analysed study on the failure of the project. The most important reasons: "too sterile architecture; too expensive although low-cost construction was promised; too far outside the city; the fact that the city railway was not routed to the new district after all; generally poor construction activity; major employer in Bremen went bankrupt." However, the Hollerland project caused a lot of media hype and is regarded as a model for many other projects that have since been realised, such as "Bremen-Grünenstrasse", although not on the outskirts of the city but in the city centre.
30629 Hanover-Miesburg: "Regenbogensiedlung", 111 council flats, GFZ 0.88. 9,000 m² living space. Occupancy 1996. 900 euros/m². Architect: Schmitz, Aachen, property developer Gundlach, Philipp Holzmann AG - CHP, low-energy construction, extensive green roof - pergola development
33649 Bielefeld-Quelle: 96 units, architect: Hans-Friedrich Bültmann, special features: all buildings are equipped with composting toilets and the highest composting toilet in Europe is located on the 5th floor. Further water measures: rainwater infiltration, own drinking water source; a reed sewage treatment plant was planned but could not be realised. Energy: BHKW, local heating network, internal cable TV, telephone distribution. Social: KiTa, craftsmen's yard, cooperative project. Economy: Development as a large plot, low-cost construction with partly much own work. Construction time: 1997
74172 Neckarsulm-Amorbach: the largest solar local heating project to date with a 150,000 m3 -The storage capacity was 65,000 m³ in 1997 and 115,000 m³ in 2001. The entire new development area with a total of 4,000 residential units has been realised in low-energy construction and is supplied via various local heating islands and CHP units. 2004: a biomass heating plant was put into operation. A housing estate with 1,300 units and a school are supplied by a solar system with seasonal storage.
74321 Bietigheim-BissingenHousing estate near the Rommelmühle eco-centre. Planning by Joachim Eble Architecture. On the area next to the Rommelmühle 17 apartments of different sizes were built in 10 buildings. The buildings are characterised by the use of healthy building materials and a minimised heating energy requirement. Completion: 1999
76187 Karlsruhe-Nordweststadt: the design was planned for an undeveloped plot of land as a student research project at the University of Karlsruhe in cooperation with the association ASKA e.V., but was not realized. Concept: 140 units, photovoltaic and biomass CHP, business and office facilities, community facilities, gastronomy, car sharing tower, reed sewage treatment plant, board stack wood construction, hemp, flax or cellulose insulation, social settlement concept, integrated living. Completion: not realized
79100 Freiburg-Vauban: extended citizen participation through the Forum Vauban, car-free living, public transport, car sharing, mixed use, solar garage, local heating with CHP units, nature-oriented open space design, building biology and ecological materials. 40% of households live without their own car. The number of parking spaces for the entire quarter is 0.42 PkW/WE. Large-scale completion: 2012
79100 Freiburg-Vauban (Project No. 1): 285 adults, children and young people in 45 flats which are mainly divided into shared flats. Former barracks buildings converted with a lot of own work, modelled on the Cherysee barracks in Constance; creation of low-cost living space; biodiesel CHP local heat supply, clay interior plastering, cellulose insulation etc., partly very large shared flats; food coop, first occupancy after renovation with ecological building materials: 1993.
79100 Freiburg-Vauban59 UNITS. Architecture: Rolf Disch; plus energy houses with 81 to 210 m2 and variable floor plan design; cost savings during construction due to pre-assembly of building services systems and wooden elements; south-facing orientation; main façade glazing total k-value o.5; CHP for energy supply; Expo 2000 project. Completion: 2006
79111 Freiburg: Construction of Europe's first CO2-neutralen Verwaltungs- und Produktionsgebäudes für Solarmodule der Firma Solar-Fabrik AG. Die Firma SolarFabrik ging 2015 insolvent. Unter der Marke "Solar-Fabrik" werden bis heute Solarmodule angeboten. Die Firma hat ihren Sitz in Wiesen (Bayern). Heute ist der "M10 SolarCampus" im Gebäude. Fertigstellung: 1999
24113 Kiel-Hassee: Werkgemeinschaft für Architektur und Städtebau (Heidrun Buhse, H.Schulze, a.o.), 21 dwelling units, reed sewage treatment plant, compost toilets, BHKW with local heating network, planning by architects, cooperative, participation, community house, kindergarten, architectural office, organic building form. Completion: 1992
30539 Hanover-Kronsberg: Reducing energy consumption through low-energy construction, saving electricity and using CHP units. A passive house estate (see "Lummerland estate") and a solar estate with solar local heating and seasonal storage were realised as sub-projects. Intensive green space design. Rainwater is channelled into the trough-trench system. Completion: 2000
60486 Frankfurt-Westbahnhof: "Arche", Architekten: Eble + Sambeth (Tübingen); Bauträger: Karlsruher Versicherungen AG, Soziokulturelles Zentrum, Initiativenhaus, Gewerbehof, Bistro-Vollwertcafe, Naturklimaanlage (begrüntes Glashaus mit Wasserspielen), Kindertagesstätte, Regenwasseraufbereitung für die Toilettenspülung, etc.; Vorläuferprojekt des Prisma commercial yard in Nuremberg. Until the end of 2012, the entire building was supplied with waste heat from the taz printing plant (via a gas heat pump).
76228 Karlsruhe-Hohenwettersbach: "50 Morgen": 150 WE. Verschiedene Architekten und Bauträger u.a. P.I.A., Gisa und Ingo Bohning, LEG Baden-Württemberg. Energieversorgung erfolgt über ein Nahwärmenetz, das von einem Block-Heiz-Kraft-Werk (BHKW) Strom und Wärme bezieht. Das BHKW verbrennt Biogas, das aus einem Teil der Karlsruher Bioabfälle gewonnen wird. Teilweise wurden die Gebäude in Passivhaus- Bauweise realisiert und ökologische Materialien verwendet. Fertigstellung: 2004