D - 68309 Mannheim: Since 2012, five largely mixed-use neighbourhoods have been developed on an area of 94 hectares on what was once the largest barracks site of the US armed forces in Germany, the so-called "Benjamin Franklin Village". Residential buildings for around 9,300 people (4,100 residential units) and around 2,000 jobs are to be created. A 50-hectare park will also be realised. Existing buildings will be used, energy-efficiently renovated and modernised, but many new buildings will also be constructed. The first residents moved in on 31 December 2017, and in December 2019 the number of residents exceeded 1,000. Completion: 2025
Thema: Mix of uses
D - 20457 Hamburg Baakenhafen: das achtgeschossige Stadthaus in der Hamburger Hafencity wird mit 52 Wohnungen als ökologisch-sozialer Gesamtorganismus für ca. 180 Bewohner realisiert. Die konsequente ökologische Ausrichtung des Gebäudekonzepts sorgt für einen niedrigen ökologischen Fußabdruck über den gesamten Lebenszyklus: Massivholzbauweise (Brettstapel), Solarstromanlagen an Fassade und auf dem Dach, Wasser- und Biomassekreislaufsysteme mit Grauwasserrecycling und Terra-Preta-Produktion, intensive Fassadenbegrünung und das Gewächshaus zum Gemüseanbau auf dem Dach. Der Entwurf wurde im we-house Realisierungswettbewerb Baakenhafen mit dem ersten Preis ausgezeichnet. Fertigstellung: 2025/2026
D - 80335 Munich: On the site of the former Luitpold barracks and neighbouring areas, a total of around 900 flats and space for 770 workplaces are to be built in a new mixed-use urban quarter. According to a resolution passed by the city of Munich's planning committee on 20 May 2020, 370 residential units are to be built in timber construction in the "Kreativfeld", part of the creative quarter. The urban neighbourhood between Dachauer-, Loth-, Schwere-Reiter-, Heß- and Infanteriestraße will combine living and working with art, culture and knowledge. Twelve building neighbourhoods and a mixed-use area are to be created. Tenders for building cooperatives and developers are due to start soon on the "Kreativfeld" (as of 4 June 2020). Completion (1st BA Kreativfeld): ~2024
CH - 8005 Zurich: 100 apartments in 4 buildings with a total floor space of 11866 m². Infrastructure in the neighbourhood: restaurant, hairdresser, flower and fruit shop, a consumer depot with organic vegetables (opening hours in the off-peak hours), the "Pantoffelbar" with drinks around the clock, a guest room and a large common room with kitchen on the roof. The "Hardturm Settlement" as it is called by the "Kraftwerk 1" building and housing cooperative, which according to common definition would be called a quarter due to the building density and the mix of uses, is located in the Zurich West district. Completion: Completion: 2001
NL - 1087 Amsterdam: Haveneiland is the eastern and western part of the newest neighbourhood "IJburg" in the east of Amsterdam. It was created as part of the Dutch housing development programme "VINEX "*. Like "Steigereiland" and "Rieteilanden", "Haveneiland" was built on an artificially raised island. Completion: ~2018
23552 Lübeck: At the time, the Aegidienhof was the largest social housing project in Schleswig-Holstein. Here, young and old, people without and with disabilities, single people and families, live and work together in a new urban mix. The architectural firm Meyer Steffens Architekten+Stadtplaner BDA carefully renovated and converted twelve different old town houses around a large common courtyard in the complex around the Aegidienhof, which is significant in terms of architectural and cultural history. The result is 65 apartments as well as 9 studios, practices, offices, workshops and a café. Completion (modernization): 2003
53113 Bonn: Together with Weststadt, Bonn's Südstadt district is considered the largest contiguous (and preserved) Wilhelminian-style neighbourhood in Germany. Bonn-Bad Godesberg also has a large contiguous Gründerzeit neighbourhood. These neighbourhoods are considered the urban development prototype of the "city of short distances" due to the mix of uses. In addition, the building density helps to create affordable living space and the reutilisation-friendly floor plans mean that the buildings can often be used for well over 100 years. Completion: 1914
Newly built districts with space-efficient mobility offers
NL - 3526 KM Utrecht: On the west side of the Merwedekanal, a new sustainable urban district is being built in a central location not far from Utrecht's main railway station. The plan is to create a mixed-use district with 6,000 flats for approximately 12,000 residents. The area is to become a showcase for healthy and sustainable living with innovative concepts for recycling, energy production, climate adaptation and mobility solutions. Planned completion: by 2024DK - Copenhagen-Örestad South: 475 units as large-format buildings around two courtyards forming an 8. Mix of uses: apartments, terraced houses and commercial use (offices, shops and a café on 10,000 m²) with a total of 62,000 m² of usable space. A special feature is a public access path, whereby one can climb up to the roof. As a result, one does not even have to leave the building ensemble to go jogging. Architect's office: BIG. Completion: 2012
NL - Culemborg: With 240 houses, it is the largest permaculture settlement in Europe and worldwide. It was built with the aim of living there in the most environmentally friendly and self-managed way possible. The founder Marleen Kaptein was convinced from the beginning that people should have the opportunity to shape their environment and take responsibility. Completion: 2009
D - 28217 Bremen: With the development of the 15-hectare former Kelloggs factory site on the south side of the Europahafen, a new mixed urban quarter is to be created in Bremen in the immediate vicinity of the city centre and directly on the Weser. In addition to a variety of residential options, it will include office and commercial space, schools and daycare centers, recreational facilities and public spaces. Modern ecological mobility and energy concepts and sophisticated architecture determine the image of the quarter. Planned start of construction: 2021, planned completion: ~2031
CH - Winterthur: Das Mehrgenerationenhaus Giesserei liegt in Oberwinterthur, im Stadtzentrum Neuhegi unmittelbar am Eulachpark. Es verfügt über 155 Wohnungen und 14 Gewerbebetriebe. Die Gebäude sind in ökologischer Holzbauweise erstellt und erfüllen den Minergie-P-Eco-Standard. Die Giesserei gilt mit nur 0,2 Parkplätzen pro Wohnung und 480 Veloständern als autofreie Siedlung. Grundstücksfläche: 11 000 m². Fertigstellung: 2013
73728 Esslingen Neue Weststadt: A "showcase neighbourhood" with 600 flats, office and commercial space as well as a new building for Esslingen University of Applied Sciences is being built on 12 hectares. The total investment volume is around 190 million euros. 30 per cent of the district's use is earmarked for commercial use. Construction of individual building blocks began in 2016 and will continue until around 2022. Planned completion: 2022
D - 15806 Wünsdorf:
Konzept einer ökologischen Modell- und Zukunftsstadt für das 21. Jahrhundert. Seit 2017 entwickelt ein Team von Pionieren des ökologischen Städtebaus um Prof. Dr. Ekhart Hahn eine neu zu errichtende Campus-Eco-City am Standort Wünsdorf bei Zossen (ca. 40 km von Berlin). Die ehemalige "verbotene" Stadt Wünsdorf mit einer Fläche von insgesamt 600 ha bietet ideale Bedingungen für die Realisierung dieser Vision, die auf ca. 100 ha realisiert werden soll. Fertigstellung: ~2030
12627 Berlin: (not realized). 33 architectural firms from Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland, among others, presented the design of WerkBundStadt Berlin. The plan was to build 1,100 new apartments in 38 buildings on 2.8 hectares of land. A critique of it in the deutsche bauzeitung (db) recalls the historical heritage in which the project stands: "It is laudable that the Deutscher Werkbund is speaking out with a contribution. After all, it is precisely the Werkbund housing estates from Stuttgart to Breslau, Prague, Vienna and Zurich that stand for the experimental living worlds of modernism.
D - 28329 Bremen-Osterholz: At least 500 apartments are planned, which will offer a new home to around 1,000 Bremen residents of all ages and from different social classes and cultures. In close cooperation with the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, the Bremer Heimstiftung, as the owner of the site, is therefore not only working on new living space. Social institutions, clubs and cultural institutions will also enrich the "Ellener Hof Foundation Village" in the future. In addition, the partners are focusing on attractive green spaces. The respectful treatment of the valuable stock of trees, bushes and vegetation on the property is the basis and an integral part of all planning. Construction began on 7.9.2018. Planned completion: 2025(?)
22926 AhrensburgSite area: 6.4 ha; 15 houses with 1 - 14 flats with high ecological standards (110 units); 40% of the built-up area for commercial use. Largest residential project with living and working in Schleswig-Holstein. Completion: 2012
23730 Pelzerhaken: 14 condominiums, boat moorings, a surfing and sailing school, a shop and a café have been built on the former navy grounds on the Bay of Lübeck. The centrepiece is the more than 70-year-old telecommunications tower, which was completely gutted and converted with its two side wings. Completion: 2007
Groundbreaking was in Dec. 2019; both schools are expected to open for the school year 2023/2024 completed), a lively mix of housing, culture, commerce and retail is to be realized there. Completion: ~2024
Cologne-Ehrenfeld: approx. 4 ha area. Within the framework of a cooperative expert procedure, three planning offices developed an urban development plan in autumn 2013 as a basis for the further structural development of the area. The design by Ortner & Ortner from Cologne was selected as the winning design. The citizens wanted housing and culture instead of a shopping mall. The shopping mall was averted. Instead, the partly built-over and used, partly fallow area in the centre of Ehrenfeld is to be developed integratively. In addition to the Helios primary and comprehensive school (D - 70191 Stuttgart: the city of Stuttgart assumes 7,500 apartments (for 11,000 inhabitants) and 4,000 jobs (as of 2015) on 85 ha. Start: 2026 at the earliest; completion: ~2032
72072 Tübingen: District development in the French Quarter for 2,500 residents. Around 150 businesses with around 700 jobs have been established. Leisure, shopping and service facilities are planned in the quarter itself or are partly available in the immediate vicinity of the quarter. This is a conversion area with former barracks of the French Army; conversion of the massive barracks buildings, which are worth preserving, to multi-storey housing or redensification on vacant, cleared areas. Completion: 2012
79100 Freiburg-Vauban: extended citizen participation through the Forum Vauban, car-free living, public transport, car sharing, mixed use, solar garage, local heating with CHP units, nature-oriented open space design, building biology and ecological materials. 40% of households live without their own car. The number of parking spaces for the entire quarter is 0.42 PkW/WE. Large-scale completion: 2012
79111 Freiburg-Rieselfeld (Project No. 2): 67 Wohnungen, 3 Gewerbeeinheiten. Weitgehende Berücksichtigung von Genderaspekten, barrierefreies Bauen, gemeinschaftliche Nutzung verschiedener Räume, großzügige Laubengänge. Durchmischung: im 1. BA vorwiegend allein erziehende Mütter, im 2. BA junge Familien und im 3. BA durchmischte Bewohnerstruktur. Erstellung: 1996 - 2001