Die sdg21.Webdatenbank bzw. www.oekosiedlungen.de ist seit dem Jahr 2000 im Netz und wird ehrenamtlich und nichtkommerziell als kostenfreies Angebot von Holger Wolpensinger (greenUP Architektur & Bauberatung) in Bonn mit zahlreichen Unterstützenden betrieben. Ziel dieser Website ist es, das Wissen und die Erfahrungen aus der Planung und Realisierung von nachhaltigen Siedlungen und Quartieren zu sammeln, um Hilfestellung für andere Projekte anzubieten.
Sdg21 is formed from the acronym for "sustainable development goals" and the number 21, which stands for the 21st century. The Sustainable Development Goals 2030 were adopted by all countries of the world at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in New York in September 2015. The projects listed in the sdg21.web database are intended to show the largest possible approaches to achieving the SDG 2030 targets. Until cities, neighbourhoods and settlements are decarbonised and adapted to new demands from vastly changing environmental conditions, it is likely to be well beyond 2030. Even 2050 is considered ambitious in the buildings sector. This website shows this and how it can be done, using numerous practical examples.
Many thanks to all who have contributed to the creation of these pages, especially:
- Prof. Dr Wolfgang Rid (Erfurt) for the joint application and implementation of the study "The economics of ecological housing construction. A profitability analysis of sustainable neighbourhoods and settlements from the year 2000″ (2023 - 2025) as part of the Zukunft Bau funding programme (project number of the Federal Building Ministry
- Prof Ludger Dederich for the application and implementation of the BBSR study as part of Zukunft Bau "Settlements and urban districts in Germany compared to neighbouring European countries: Standards, construction costs and implementation recommendations (HolzW ohnBau-Studie HWB) and the contributors Stephan Klein, Miriam Koudmani, Lara Glowatzki, Carolin Thomann, Roman Schaurhofer, Amelie Terbuyken and Kristina Viehmann. Duration: January 2021 to December 2022. 120 timber housing projects of 100 units or more in Europe were analysed in the study, 83 of which were completed in 2022 (as of 12/2022). www.holzwohnbau.eu
- Dem Bauwende e.V. for the possibility to collect donations for the sdg21.web database via the association
- Ben Brix for photos of the Baufrösche projects
- Hannsjörg Pohlmeyer (HolzbauCluster RLP, Koblenz) for numerous photos of timber construction settlements
- Prof. Dr. Michael Prytula, Potsdam / Berlin for the continuous professional exchange over many years and numerous picture galleries
- Achim Rhein, Darmstadt for the help with the technical implementation, the exchange and the many suggestions about WordPress
- Benjamin Grießmann for the support with questions about WordPress
- Olesja Dornieden, Berlin for technical support in redesigning and updating the database-based version 2011
- A. Wolpensinger, Bonn for the screen design published 2011 to 2019
- Den Kolleginnen und Kollegen des NSE-Netzwerk nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung für diverse Unterstützungen, insbesondere Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rid (Erfurt), Carsten Sperling (Dalborn), Micha Fedrowitz (Dortmund) und Prof. Dr. Holger Wallbaum (Göteborg)
- Prof. Markus Neppl and Rob van Gool at the University of Karlsruhe for the opportunity to present the Upper School Seminar "Sustainable Settlements in Baden-Württemberg to be performed
- Prof. (ret.) Dr. Günther Uhlig Cologne/Karlsruhe and Rob van Gool Karlsruhe for leaving about a dozen folders and documents on ecological housing and housing development of the former Chair of Housing, Housing Development and Design of the University of Karlsruhe.
- Monika Kunz, Head of the Saarbrücken City Planning Office for providing a dozen folders and helpful tips and expert support on ecological housing and housing estate construction
- Dr. Johann Hartl, Ottobrunn for field trip documents, pictures and websites of more than 30 ecological settlements in Germany. See: Dr.-Ing. Eun-Heui Lee, Johann Hartl (2003): Ecological Housing Estates. A guide to 27 realized ecological housing estates in Germany. Seoul/ Berlin
- Wolfgang Würstlin, G8 Dortmund for documents on car-free living and an Access database on ecological settlements and housing projects
- Dr. Jürgen Bärsch, koelnInstitut iPEK (formerly Klaus Novy Institut) for the provision of an Access database on ecological settlements and housing projects
- Joachim Eble and Rolf Messerschmidt Eble Messerschmidt Partner Architects and Urban Planners PartGmbBTübingen for numerous support including the provision of archive materials
- Prof. Dr. Doris Haas-Arndt, Hanover for her expert support and numerous documents on eco-settlements in German-speaking countries
- City planner Armin Jung Urban concepts Cologne
- Architect Sabine Rothfuß, Theilenhofen architecture-con-terra.com
- Ulla Schauber and Ulrike Jurrack, Urban Strategists Weimar
und an alle weiteren Einzelpersonen, Institutionen, Planungsbüros, Unternehmen, Verbände und Vereine, die hier namentlich nicht genannt sind.