On 31 March 2020, the European Commission awarded the European Heritage Label to the Werkbundsiedlungen in Stuttgart, Brno, Wroclaw, Vienna and Prague.
From 1927 to 1932, 6 European Werkbund housing estates were built, which tested the industrialization of building through prefabrication and at the same time new forms of social coexistence:
1927 Werkbundsiedlung Stuttgart, Weißenhofsiedlung
1928 Werkbundsiedlung Brno, Nový Dům (New House)
1929 Werkbundsiedlung Breslau, WUWA
1932 Werkbundsiedlung Vienna, currently being revitalised
1932 Werkbundsiedlung Neubühl, Zurich-Wollishofen
1932/33 Werkbundsiedlung Prague, Baba
The Werkbund housing estates have had a significant influence on the development of architecture in the 20th century. They form a European cultural asset of exceptional standing and are still the subject of intellectual and design debates today; they exemplarily reflect the political-social developments and ruptures of the 20th century in Europe. In their entirety, the Werkbund housing estates are outstanding testimonies to the common roots of modernity.
A cross-border network, initiated to a large extent by the state capital Stuttgart in 2013, is intended to ensure the preservation of the settlements and to convey the significance of the emergence of modern architecture as a joint European achievement.
Detailed information in werkbund.brief 57
Keywords: Awards, DE-News, European Heritage Label, News Blog Baden-Württemberg, News Blog Europe (without DE), News Blog Switzerland, News Blog Austria, Settlements, Aesthetics / Architecture / Building Culture