The cities propose to strengthen and accelerate local climate protection through a new financial support system. The German Association of Cities today published a concept and a publication on its website. The Chief Executive of the German Association of Cities, Helmut Dedy, told the Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) for a report on 6 June:
"We think it is good and important that the federal government also wants to promote municipal climate protection more strongly. From the cities' point of view, there have been far too many short-sighted and cumbersome federal funding programmes so far, which at best have caused a flash in the pan. This is no longer appropriate, because we need to act quickly and effectively to achieve climate neutrality. The German Association of Cities has therefore developed a concept for how the federal and state governments can wisely promote municipal climate protection. Municipalities should receive fixed budgets for climate protection for at least 10 years. This creates planning security at the local level, for example to renovate school buildings to make them more energy efficient or to achieve a heat supply without fossil fuels.
Further information on the Cities' Council proposal can be found here:
Keywords: Procurement, DE-News, Renewable, Funding, Climate protection, Communities