Web database of sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods

Research initiative promotes public buildings and quarters

EnOB EnEff City EnEff-Waerme

Project outlines, especially for public buildings, municipal properties and urban districts, can be submitted until 29 July as part of the new funding initiative "Solar Building & Energy Efficient City".

Press release

The funding announcement "Solar Construction/Energy Efficient City" can be downloaded from the press page of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.

Contact at Project Management Jülich
Module I Solar Building: Kerstin Lorenz, Tel. 02461/61-92 93, ptj-BauEnergieStadt(at)fz-juelich.de
Module II Energy Efficient City: Swen Mistol, Tel. 02461/61-15 76, ptj-BauEnergieStadt(at)fz-juelich.de

Further information
EnEff.Gebäude.2050 funding initiative
Information from the project management organisation Jülich with contact persons and information on funding

Research initiative EnOB - Research for energy-optimised construction

Research initiatives EnEff:Stadt - Research for the energy-efficient city and EnEff:Wärme - Research for energy-efficient heating and cooling networks

National Platform Future City of the Federal Government

Keywords: DE-News, Renewable, Research, Funding, Climate protection, City