9:43 min, 2012
Project Info:
Keywords: DE-News, Movies, Movies 4 to 10 Min, News Blog Bavaria
9:43 min, 2012
Project Info:
Plan b broadcast, Seestadt Aspern from minute 15:30. video available until 1.6.2020:
No longer online; original link:
To the documentary website
The series plan b uses the example of the Urban Lakeside Aspern in Vienna to explain what a "circular economy" can look like in concrete terms. The Urban Lakeside is one of the largest urban development areas in Europe. By 2028, high-quality housing for more than 20,000 people and almost as many jobs will be built in several stages in the northeast of Vienna in the 22nd district. A sustainable urban district is to be created.
It is shown how the city's building pit material is partly used directly on site as raw material for the concrete of the new buildings. Architect Thomas Romm is currently developing guidelines for innovative, environmentally friendly and cost-effective construction together with Thomas Mosor.
Link to the seaside town
Building materials / Construction, Movies, Movies 11 to 45 Min, Sustainable management, News Blog Europe (without DE), News Blog Austria, Recycling, Resource efficiency, Settlements, Vienna, Ecology
Electricity from the sun and wind is too expensive? Wrong: according to new studies, green electricity is cheaper than fossil energy worldwide and in Germany.
Since 2009, prices for wind power have fallen by a third, for solar power by 80 per cent and in the next decade, solar power is set to become a further 60 per cent cheaper. 170 countries now have targets for renewables, and large financial investors are looking for these secure plants. Electricity storage systems are also expected to be 65 per cent cheaper by 2020 and their capacity is set to multiply from 1 to 250 gigawatts. And the rival authority IEA, the International Energy Agency of the OECD, which for years tried to talk down renewables, now sees similarly rapid growth and falling prices.
Read the full article from 17.1.2017 on taz.de
DE-News, Renewable, New books and studies, News Blog Europe (without DE), Environmental policy, Economics
Another piece of good news for Bonn: The Federal Government will set up one of four regional "Sustainability Strategies Network Offices" in the federal city. This was announced by Chancellor Merkel and the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) on Tuesday, 31 May, at the RNE annual conference in Berlin.
From September, the new "Networking Centre for Sustainability Strategies West" (RENN West) will bring together stakeholders from civil society, local authorities and business. RENN West will be responsible for the states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland. The aim is to better anchor innovative future concepts for sustainable business and living. These could include, for example, low-emission mobility, more conscious consumption or better coexistence between different generations in a neighbourhood.
RENN West will be organised by the NRW State Agenda 21 Working Group (LAG 21). Its concept won out over five other applicants in a competition. Funding for the regional network centres comes from the Federal Chancellery, which coordinates the national sustainability strategy.
NRW Environment Minister Remmel, who coordinates NRW's sustainability strategy, congratulated the new network office: "I am pleased that this will further strengthen Bonn in its role as Germany's No. 1 sustainability centre. The cooperation with the international and national sustainability institutions already based in Bonn will certainly be very fruitful for RENN West."
NRW Minister Franz-Josef Lersch-Mense, who is responsible for One World policy in the state government, also welcomed the establishment of RENN West in Bonn: "In Bonn, very concrete work is being done on the major challenges facing humanity in the 21st century, such as combating climate change. The establishment of the new network office therefore fits perfectly into the international environment."
Bonn's Lord Mayor Ashok Sridharan was pleased about the good news: "The establishment of the regional network office of the German Council for Sustainable Development in Bonn fits perfectly with the profile of our city. The networking of municipalities, business and civil society to promote sustainable development is also an important concern for us as a city."
Sustainability Centre Bonn
As a German city of the United Nations, Bonn is currently home to 18 UN agencies. The largest UN institution in Bonn is the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The most recent addition in spring 2016 was the United Nations Staff College (UNSSC) branch dealing with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). And only recently, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the UN cleared the way for the establishment of the UN SDG Action Campaign office by signing a corresponding memorandum of understanding.
Under the heading "UN in Bonn - Shaping Sustainability", the Bonn UN agencies support the targeted efforts of governments for a sustainable future in the areas of climate change, land degradation, biodiversity and ecosystem services, species conservation, global volunteerism, health, human security, disaster risk reduction, tourism as well as education.
In addition to federal authorities and development cooperation institutions, Bonn is also home to scientific institutions, companies and around 150 international and internationally active non-governmental organisations. They all make the international location Bonn a place from which sustainability is shaped.
Source: Press release City of Bonn, 31.05.2016
Bonn, News Blog NRW, SDG 2030, Environmental policy
Difu city survey "OB-Barometer 2020" gives municipalities' assessment of the future*
Berlin/Cologne. Climate protection and adaptation to the consequences of climate change will become increasingly important for cities. This is one of the findings of the survey of (Lord) Mayors of large German cities* conducted by the German Institute of Urban Affairs in January and February 2020. Almost two-thirds of the respondents named climate protection as an important municipal issue for the future. This means that the number of mayors who attribute an increase in importance to this field of municipal policy action has more than tripled compared to the previous year. Future surveys will show how strongly this result was influenced by the protests of the 'Fridays for Future' movement.
More than half of the respondents also see a growing need for action in the area of mobility. This topic, which already ranked second among the future topics last year, has thus once again gained in importance for city leaders. This may also have something to do with the fact that urban mobility is an essential aspect of municipal climate protection. The top future topic of the two previous years, digitalization, is in third place in the survey among the most important future topics for municipal policy. A good third of respondents believe that digitisation will become more important for cities in the next five years. Other municipal policy issues to which the mayors attach particularly high relevance for the future are the creation of affordable housing, the financial situation of the cities and the strengthening of the economy.
City leaders agree that the future challenges facing cities will require a high level of funding. This is particularly true for the topics of mobility and climate protection. Almost 90 percent of those for whom these are key issues for the future expect to have to make large or very large investments in these areas. The situation is similar in the areas of digitisation and the creation of affordable housing: here, around three quarters of the city leaders who see digitisation and housing among the most important future issues for cities still consider the future financing requirements in these policy areas to be high or very high.
* The survey was conducted before the Corona pandemic in Germany pushed other issues into the background. Even if normality should have returned to some extent in the cities after the state of emergency, the view of the political decision-makers on the municipal world will be different. Difu will therefore publish the full results of the OB-Barometer 2020 at a later date, possibly linked to current surveys that include "Corona aspects". This report therefore focuses primarily on the sub-area of "future issues".
Source: PM Difu from 12.5.2020
DE-News, Renewable, Climate emergency, Climate protection, Communities, New books and studies, City, Transition Town, Environmental policy