6:46 min, 2014
Project Info: http://sdg21.eu/db/energiebunker-iba-hamburg
Keywords: Movies, Movies 4 to 10 Min, News Blog Hamburg
6:46 min, 2014
Project Info: http://sdg21.eu/db/energiebunker-iba-hamburg
Dresden, 22.10.2019
Heliatek, the world's leading provider of organic solar energy solutions, announces that its award-winning technology has been certified by TÜV Rheinland as having a carbon footprint of less than 16 kg CO2e/m2 in a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). For a sustainable future in the face of ever increasing climate change, the planet's growing energy needs must be met by environmentally friendly low carbon energy sources. Heliatek has developed industrial grade organic solar films that are suitable for almost any building surface and help to significantly avoid greenhouse gas emissions.
After less than 3 months, the organic solar films studied already save the CO2e (CO2 equivalent) produced during the entire life cycle, from production to disposal. "We can proudly announce that we offer one of the most environmentally friendly ways to generate electricity and significantly avoid greenhouse gas emissions. The unique composition of our organic solar films without toxic materials and with PET based protective films makes even the disposal of the modules at the end of their life easy and at the same time environmentally conscious," says Guido van Tartwijk, CEO of Heliatek.
In order to compare the carbon footprint with other solar technologies, all results must be converted into g CO2e/kWh. This value takes into account the lifetime electricity generation for a given location. For Southern Europe, HeliaSol® has a carbon footprint of only 5-7 g CO2e/kWh (7-9 g CO2e/kWh in Central Europe) and thus already significantly undercuts all current solar technologies.
Standard modules based on crystalline silicon achieve values of 40 - 100 g CO2e/kWh depending on the installation site and the origin of the modules. "With the planned improvement in our efficiency, we will further reduce the carbon footprint of our product to become the energy source with the lowest CO2 footprint - including hydropower, wind and solar energy. This is a truly green product," says Jan Birnstock, CTO of Heliatek.
Heliatek is currently installing the new production line for the series production of its unique OPV solar films. The production line is in the start-up phase and will produce organic solar films with an annual capacity of up to 1 million m² from mid-2020.
About the TÜV Rheinland life cycle assessment
TÜV Rheinland has certified Heliatek's HeliaSol® , as one of the first companies in the solar industry, in a life cycle assessment according to ISO 14040/44. This analysis provides a structured and comprehensive method for quantifying energy and material flows and their potential environmental impact. The LCA analyzes the environmental impact of all phases of a product's life, from raw material procurement, through production and use, to disposal at the end of the product's life, including all transport and delivery routes ("cradle-to-grave"). All site-related conversions of the TÜV values were carried out by Heliatek.
The TÜV Rheinland certificate is available online at the ID number below and can be accessed by scanning the following QR code:
About Heliatek
As the technology leader in organic photovoltaics, Heliatek develops, produces and distributes industrial organic PV solar solutions for almost any building surface (horizontal, vertical, curved, rigid and flexible). Heliatek is synonymous with energy solutions designed for various traditional applications that were previously impossible due to their unique properties - they are ultra-light, flexible and truly green. HeliaSol® is a ready-made solution, ideal for retrofitting existing buildings. HeliaFilm® is a tailor-made solar film for companies in the construction and building materials industries, which can be integrated into their façade or roofing system products. Heliatek currently employs around 150 people at its sites in Dresden and Ulm in Germany.
Research and development work as well as the installation of production technology were supported by the Free State of Saxony, the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union.
DE-News, Renewable, News Blog Saxony, PV, Life cycle assessment, Ecology
The new website was implemented by the German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu) as part of the project "Resource Policy at Municipal and Regional Level" (kommRess) on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency. Resource protection is becoming increasingly important in environmental policy. Against this background, the Federal Environment Ministry wants to provide greater support to municipalities in matters of resource efficiency. The website provides an overview of the many possibilities for municipal action and shows good examples of how resources can be conserved.
Stock, Blogs & Portals, Quarters, Resource efficiency, Settlements
12/2011: Foundation stone laid for the 10 square kilometre ecology park in Qingdao, China www.detail.de/...
11/2011: Grants for integrated neighbourhood concepts and refurbishment managers: New KfW funding programme "Energy-efficient urban refurbishment". The pilot phase for the integrated energy neighbourhood concept was launched on 15 November. The new KfW programme "Energy-efficient urban refurbishment" is intended to develop and implement measures to increase the energy efficiency of buildings and infrastructure, in particular for heat supply in the neighbourhood. For 2012, 92 million euros are available from the special "Energy and Climate Fund".
11/2011: BUND Yearbook 2012 "Ecological building and renovation" Published
The 244-page, full-colour booklet combines ecological building principles and practical tips for all phases of construction or renovation - from planning and financing to implementation with appropriate building materials and technologies and furnishing. Written in an easy-to-understand and clear style, with many examples and practical suggestions, it offers an all-round service for building owners and renovators. Reading sample (pdf) Order directly for EUR 8.90 (plus EUR 2 postage) from: www.ziel-marketing.de
10/2011: Passive house residential complex with 155 flats in Austria
In Eisenstadt, the capital of Burgenland, the largest passive house complex in the Austrian province to date is being built on the Kirchäcker site: www.detail.de/...
9/2011: Gardening in the centre of the city. Christa Müller: "Urban Gardening - On the return of gardens to the city"
"Until recently, most urban planners reacted patronisingly to
urban mini-farming." How thoroughly the tide has turned
The book "Urban Gardening", which the journalist
and crime writer Susanne Billig for Deutschlandradio Kultur in a
in a revealing 7-minute conversation.
9/2011: Climate protection in municipalities. The practical guide was funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and compiled by the German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu) in co-operation with the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (ifeu) and the Climate Alliance and is now available in a fundamentally revised version. The guide (514 pages, loose-leaf collection in a folder) can be ordered from Difu for a nominal fee of EUR 14.40 and is available to download free of charge as a PDF file:
9/2011: Funding programme launched for energy-plus homes
The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) has launched a new funding programme for model houses that meet the so-called "Plus Energy Standard". Around 1.2 million euros will initially be available for this programme in 2011. The programme supports developers who construct buildings that produce significantly more energy than is required for their operation.
8/2011: Documentation of the "Ecovillages and Sustainable Living" Conference in Portugal from 7-11 July 2011 of the Global Ecovillage Network Europe:
7/2011: DGNB certification for sustainable urban neighbourhoods
The criteria for sustainable urban neighbourhoods were developed over the course of a year. More than 10 urban neighbourhoods are now on their way to a DGNB certificate. In October, the DGNB will present the first awards in Munich at the Expo Real commercial property trade fair.
6/2011: Topping-out ceremony for the 8-storey timber house in Bad Aibling: Topping-out ceremony after 4 weeks of assembly on 10 June 2011 in the zero-energy city in Bad Aibling:
At the firstn Großveranstaltung in the Grand Palais Éphémère on dem Champ–de–Mars celebrated the 10th International Timber Construction Forum FBC an appearance, dhe President himself Macron and his ministers draws attention to building with wood.
Like never beforen at the anniversary appearance of the French Timber Construction Forum Content and packaging together. As an advertisement for timber construction, the temporary Grand Palais Ephémère for itself. In keeping with this, the Auditorium Ephémère was created especially for the Forum. made of curved CLT–Panels and the also for this issue developed Mstands "Belleville" from hardwood. Thise convincing Embedding the Message via den Change in Direction Building with renewable raw materials drew not only 6800 registered visitors to, sondern also two Minister and the President of the Republic, Macron. The intention, announced shortly thereafter, to Aid approved a year ago for the forestry– and timber sector by 100 million euros, stands unmistakably in the Context to this performance.
Die so far last Presentation the wood industry in Paris hieß 'Paris Capitale' and transformed the Champs–Elysées in a Garden. For This event saw the industry reach far more into the Bag, as it at 10. International Holzbauforum was the case. In the area of the Wood construction leaves itself the Effect of the 10. Forums only with the Exhibition via Wooden houses compare the the Architect Roland Schweitzer 1979 at the Centre Pompidou organised. It was attended by over one million People visited and marks the beginning of modern timber construction in France.
A future for us all
For the Organiser of the Forums was it important, the Industry effective to present, um dhe current Often medial Mood against Wood processing to invalidate. So came it to unique Designing a concept for low-emission Events with the help of wood. "Réservez un futur": "A future reserve“! An important Strategic approach: The Emissions of the Trade fair presentation to reduceen through Renunciation, Repurposing and Recourse at renewable Building materials. The Forum waived at Carpeting, set Wooden tables an, the aus the Doors of a dissolved Paris hospital created are, and developed new flexible Trade fair facilitiesmade of wood.
emission, compensation and perception of the "Ecologically designed timber construction" forum.
Go to second Part the Strategy belongs the Investigation of the Life cycle of a Timber Construction Forum and the Calculation the emissions of the 10th Forum. This Analysis helps den Organisern, next steps towards emissions neutrality. What is considered emissions still remain is determined by the Planting ar own designated Forest plot in Epinal/Nancy France compensated. All Parttaker have the Possibility, a Seedling for 6 Euro to Buy In this Case went it at the New planting a two Hectare large Plot north of Nancy with larches and Atlas cedars.
Thematically structured exhibition on the subject of timber construction
This approach had a consistent and invigorating effect on the visitors. The "Belleville" booths were attached to the Veranstaltion specialists GL Events sells, and the Auditorium interested the Organisers of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris for further use. The amalgamation the calculation of emissions and their compensaation through the Congress participant was received with goodwill and enthusiasm within the industry. After all, von originally estimated 2000 trees for 2000 congress participants/Inside a little more than 1300 sells become. Whereby some Visitors/Inside to to 150 Trees ordered. The Minister of Agriculture Julien Denormandie reached for his wallet during the passageonnaie and
bought five seedlings, which he planted on die baptised the names of his children.
The conference programme is available
Even more important was thee media impact of the concept "Réservez un futur". More than 400 articles appeared in the general press about the Veranstaltung. With this, the Forum made a huge leap into the public eye, and this also applies to all other events of the
Timber Construction Forum. Above all, however, timber construction finally showed itself from a side that Challenges due to collectionwithstands the test of time. The 10th Forum truly ushered in a new era, provided that the French timber industry to take advantage of this historic opportunity toß.
First Nagelprobe will in September implement the government's long announced and now The "Assises de la forêt et du bois" (forestry and timber assemblies) were– and timber industry). There the distribution of the additional money that has been promised.enbut only if the industry is willing to is to finally pull together. How this can succeedn, has the 10th Forum single-handedly impressively demonstrated.
Whoever is looking forward to this important Prepare meeting would like, can view the entire records of the Conferences for six Rent months:
Until now, only the printed summaries were available for this within the framework of the timber construction forums. Also forward-looking is the first-time Live–Fromsthe conferences during the Forum. In French–Guyana and Canada made use of it. In this way the Timber construction forums to globaln Events. Their impact in promoting timber construction is growing.
Epinal–Nancy from 6 to 8 April 2022
The next International Timber Construction Forum finds from 6 to 8 April 2022 in Épinal–Nancy instead of.