Question: The energy transition entered a new phase with the EEG reform in summer 2014. How do you assess the current situation?
Nina Scheer: The question of when it entered a new phase cannot always be precisely identified. In any case, it was outlined in the coalition agreement and was formalised in law with the EEG 2014. Now, for the first time, there are maximum limits for the expansion of renewable energy in the electricity sector. This is a fundamental change of course.
The idea was to create expansion corridors for each individual technology, i.e. caps and reins to regulate expansion. This view assumes that everything can be regulated. However, it disregards the question of what conditions are necessary for companies in the renewables sector and everything that surrounds it to gain a foothold in the long term. The companies must be able to generate profits in a foreseeable and long-term manner. There are now question marks over the future. Incidentally, this also applies to the switch to tenders. This is a second turning point, which is also not helpful for the energy transition.
Read the full interview from 24 March 2016: German Society for Solar Energy
Keywords: DE-News, Renewable, Sustainable management, Environmental policy