Since 1 August, the internet portal for sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods has been offered under the domain and as a WordPress version with extended functions.
Keywords: Quarters, Settlements, sdg21 news
Since 1 August, the internet portal for sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods has been offered under the domain and as a WordPress version with extended functions.
From the March 10, 2020 meeting of the Senate:
The Senate today adopted a comprehensive catalogue of measures to accelerate the expansion of solar energy in Berlin, based on a proposal by Ramona Pop, Senator for Economic Affairs, Energy and Industry.
Senator Pop: "The potential study for the Solarcity master plan has shown that we can harvest 25 percent of electricity generation with solar energy from the roofs of Berlin. To achieve this, we must accelerate the expansion of solar energy in the city. It is necessary for the federal government to finally improve the legal framework for solar energy in cities. Nevertheless, we want to actively use the existing leeway at the state level. With the Solarcity Master Plan, we will expand information and advice, set incentives and also examine regulatory instruments. The implementation of the Solarcity Master Plan is a joint task for the Senate, but also for all Berlin stakeholders from business and society."
The expert recommendation Masterplan Solarcity was developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) and the expert group on the Solarcity Master Plan and includes a catalogue of 27 measures to accelerate solar expansion in Berlin as well as an accompanying study by the Fraunhofer Institute. One of the first steps towards implementation is the creation of a coordination office.
Since November 2018, 26 experts from the energy and solar industry, housing industry, associations and interest groups, state companies, science and administration have been supporting the Senate Department for Economic Affairs, Energy and Industry as a group of experts in the creation of the Solarcity Master Plan. In seven meetings as well as several appointments to discuss the topic in greater depth, the expert group identified obstacles and opportunities for the expansion of solar energy in Berlin. It developed a broad mix of 27 measures in nine fields of action. The creation of incentives and better framework conditions is addressed as well as the removal of barriers and the need for public relations work and information.
The accompanying master plan study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems shows that the target of 25 percent solar power in Berlin is achievable if the potential of all owner groups is tapped in parallel. A PV capacity of 4,400 MWp would have to be installed in Berlin by the target year 2050 in order to be able to generate 14 petajoules of solar electricity per year. The potential for this is available in Berlin. The study provides an overview of its distribution among owner groups, different types of use and the districts. It becomes clear that the majority of the solar plants to be built can be realised by private actors and state-owned companies. Therefore, both the study and the catalogue of measures recommend the conclusion of partnership agreements between the actors and the Senate.
For more information and the expert recommendation, see:
Source: Press release from 10.03.2020
DE-News, Renewable, Communities, New books and studies, News Blog Berlin, PV, Solar thermal, Environmental policy
Our home. Our West. Broadcast from 7.2.2020
43:39 Min Available until 07.02.2021
WDR. By Melanie Didier
From minute 25 to 29:50 the ecological settlement Waldquelle in Bielefeld is shown. Ute Möller, one of the founders, leads a tour through the ecological settlement and reports on the experiences and developments in the now almost 25-year-old settlement with lots of wood, greenery and solar cells on the roof.
Link to the documentary:
Info and photo gallery about the Waldquelle eco-settlement
Building Biology, Building materials / Construction, Greening / climate adaptation, DE-News, Movies, Media, News Blog NRW, PV, Participation, Settlements, eG
The city of Eschweiler (North Rhine-Westphalia) has been awarded the climate protection prize "Klimaaktive Kommune 2019″ by the Federal Environment Ministry in category 1: "Resource and energy efficiency in the municipality". The city of Eschweiler is committed to more resource and climate protection with its Factor X construction areas.
Film about the Faktor X housing estate in Eschweiler:
(6:25 min.) published on Nov 5, 2019
The prize is awarded by the Federal Environment Ministry (BMU) as part of the National Climate Initiative (NKI), which is implemented by the German Institute of Urban Affairs gGmbh (DIFU).
More information about the climate protection award "Climate Active Community 2019″ is available on the website of the National Climate Protection Initiative of the Federal Government :
Project Info:
All Factor X settlements:
Awards, Building materials / Construction, DE-News, Faktor X / ResScore, Movies, Movies 4 to 10 Min, Wood construction, Climate protection, Communities, Media, NaWaRohs, Sustainable management, News Blog NRW, Recycling, Resource efficiency, Settlements, Sufficiency, Tools, Contests & Prizes, Housing, Certification & Labels, Life cycle assessment, Ecology
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