85057 Ingolstadt: 132 WE + 2 community houses as prefabricated 3-storey timber frame construction. 795 €/m2 (<=> 1,590.70 DM/sqm WF; 159,714.29 DM/WE). Developed as part of the "Siedlungsmodelle Bayern" programme. It is the first "real" timber housing estate with over 100 residential units, at least in Europe. Architecture: Sampo Widmann project consortium with Prof Hermann Schröder. Property developer: Gemeinnützige Wohnungsgesellschaft Ingolstadt. Completion: 1994
Dekade: 1990-1999
76149 Karlsruhe: Conversion of the former U.S. housing estate. 526 units of the total of 1,651 units of this existing housing estate were built as storeys in timber frame construction in the low-energy standard. The additional storeys in timber construction alone are the largest coherent timber housing estate in Europe in the last 40 years. Completion: 2000
01189 Dresden-Coschütz: 18 units, completion. 1999, Fritz Matzinger residential courtyard: there are a number of housing estates, particularly in Austria, that were realised according to the Matzinger residential courtyard concept (see also "Offenau residential courtyards"). Timber panel construction, a great deal of personal labour, cost-effective.
10115 Berlin-Mitte: Gründerinnenzentrum, EnergieSystemTechnik; Construction period: 1994/95, Planning: Architekturbüro Inken Baller, Size: NF existing building - 5,724 sqm, NF new building - 1,329 sqm
12249 Berlin-Lankwitz: Apartment buildings. Elevation and redensification. Baufrösche Kassel/Berlin. 148 flats existing, 84 flats with additional storeys and 61 flats with extensions. Reconstruction: 1995 to 1998. socially acceptable redevelopment, approx. 1,420 €/m² floor space; Berlin Environmental Prize 2001.
12351 Berlin-Neukölln: Atrium-Living courts les Palétuviers, 21 WE, Arch. Fritz Matzinger, project address: Ibisweg 19. From originally 600 interested parties, two atrium houses were built for a housing cooperative for 21 people. Construction period: 1990 to 1992
13156 Berlin-Pankow: Consortium Winfried Brenne Architekten / Joachim Eble Architektur, 226 units, largest roof-integrated solar power system on residential buildings in Europe; research study on the costs of ecological building materials (comparison with Berlin reference house). Reference: 1999
16230 Brodowin: Domespace seminar house and eco-centre, independent regional development, promotion of ecological business start-ups, soft tourism, conversion of a former LPG to ecological farming.
18507 Grimmen-Hohenwieden: Living, working and organising leisure time together - this is the concept of the SOS Village Community Grimmen-Hohenwieden. People with learning and mental disabilities are welcome, supported and encouraged in four house communities with a total of 32 places, in external training living with 25 places in eight flats, in outpatient assisted living and in the nine work areas of the workshop for disabled people (WfbM).
21035 Hamburg-Allermöhe: 36 completed units in semi-detached and terraced houses, one of the older ecological housing estates in Germany; largely built from 1985-96, the last house was built in 2003. Compost toilets, reed sewage treatment plant, biological building materials. "Interessengemeinschaft Ökologisches Bauen Allermöhe", planning/construction management: J. Lupp architect; Vollbracht und Bäumer architects; T. Keidel, M. Uhlenhaut, Hamburg; Cordes, Rotenburg/ Wümme. Awards Timber Construction Prize Northern Germany 1988.
23569 Lübeck-Kücknitz: 36 social housing units in 3 buildings in low-energy and timber construction with a total living space of 2,213 m². Pilot project as part of the "Resource-saving construction" programme funded by the state of Schleswig-Holstein. The main premise in the implementation of this pilot project was the synthesis of healthy living, energy and cost-saving construction with child and family-friendly floor plans. Completion: 1998
23500 Lübeck-Moisling: New construction of 75 flats as semi-detached houses (30x) and detached houses (5x) in timber construction. A special feature was a high proportion of own labour, which was credited instead of equity. Some of the houses were built as so-called "butterfly houses". The construction costs were less than 1000 euros per square metre of living space. Completion: 1999
23617 Stockelsdorf: 24 flats in 13 terraced houses, two semi-detached houses, 1 detached house (and ... ?). Timber frame construction with solid infill (bricks) in the south façade and highly insulated infill (cellulose) in the north façades. Conservatories, combined heat and power unit, rainwater utilisation, PVC-free construction, healthy living materials and paintwork. Architectural partnership Rolf Zeschke (Bad Schwartau) & Uwe Witaszek. Completion: ~1997
25524 Itzehoe: The "car-free" estate consists of 18 flats (12 semi-detached houses, 2 semi-detached houses with 3 flats each), which are organised as a homeowners' association. Approx. 1/3 of the total area is used as common property: Paths, Thingplatz, biotope and meadow etc.; planning office: Christine Appel, Itzehoe. Completion: 1998
25704 Meldorf, district of Dithmarschen: Ecological settlement "Roter Sand". In 3 years an ecological settlement with 21 WEs in single-family houses, semi-detached houses and a 4-family house was built, which is characterized by its diverse exterior design and its multi-layered social structure. Completion: 1995(?)
30629 Hanover-Miesburg: "Regenbogensiedlung", 111 council flats, GFZ 0.88. 9,000 m² living space. Occupancy 1996. 900 euros/m². Architect: Schmitz, Aachen, property developer Gundlach, Philipp Holzmann AG - CHP, low-energy construction, extensive green roof - pergola development
30974 Wennigsen: 20,000 square meters, 30 houses. Project start: 1994, completion: 1998. An award-winning eco-settlement was created in the Langes Feld development area.
33649 Bielefeld-Quelle: 96 units, architect: Hans-Friedrich Bültmann, special features: all buildings are equipped with composting toilets and the highest composting toilet in Europe is located on the 5th floor. Further water measures: rainwater infiltration, own drinking water source; a reed sewage treatment plant was planned but could not be realised. Energy: BHKW, local heating network, internal cable TV, telephone distribution. Social: KiTa, craftsmen's yard, cooperative project. Economy: Development as a large plot, low-cost construction with partly much own work. Construction time: 1997
44649 Herne: This is not a housing estate, but the concept could equally be applied to housing. The Naturhuset apartment house by Bengt Warne in Stockholm was one of the first pioneering buildings to implement the house-in-house principle with a shell of glass. Also the Student dormitory ESA in Kaiserslautern is built like this. The project in Herne, however, is the most spectacular of its kind in this form.
Planned in partnership by the German architectural firm HHS Planer & Architekten AG and the French architectural firm Jourda & Perraudin (Francoise Helene Jourda and Gilles Perraudin), the building is enclosed in a glass climate shell that creates a Mediterranean climate similar to that in Nice. This is on average 5 °C warmer than the outside temperature. Water features, earth channels and large gates prevent overheating in summer. The solar system in the roof, was the largest building-integrated system of its kind at the time. The supports inside are made of 56 spruce trunks. Completion: 1999