The city of Bonn has received the Blue Sky Award for its commitment to sustainable development, environmental and climate protection, also on an international level. Mayor Reinhard Limbach accepted the award on Thursday, 29 August 2019, in the Chinese special economic zone Shenzhen.
The award is presented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Blue Sky Awards Organizing Committee to cities and individuals that have made a special contribution to climate protection.
Internationally, Bonn is involved, among other things, in the city network for sustainability ICLEI, which has its headquarters in the federal city and whose president is Lord Mayor Ashok Sridharan. In addition, the city - funded by Engagement Global - is working together with the cities of La Paz (Bolivia), Cape Coast (Ghana) and Linares (Chile) under the heading "Municipal Climate Protection Partnerships". Topics include strategies and measures for adapting to climate change, the use of renewable energies and education for sustainable development. In Chengdu (China), an exchange on climate protection issues was held together with civil society organisations.
With its own sustainability strategy, which was adopted at the beginning of the year, Bonn wants to contribute to the systematic implementation of the United Nations' Agenda 2030 with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. And in early summer, the city launched a new participatory campaign on climate protection under the motto "Think new. Simply act. Together for the climate." shows that climate-friendly action can be very simple and enrich one's own life.
Coalition of cities to promote a sustainable circular economy
Mayor Limbach also participated in the launch event of the Green Circular Cities Coalition of the international city network ICLEI. This is a coalition of cities for the promotion of a sustainable circular economy, in which the cities of Bonn, Turku (Finland), Shenzhen (PR China) as well as Yokohama and Nagano (Japan), among others, participate.
Limbach discussed the topic of urban transformation/circular economy with international city representatives. In doing so, he presented projects and approaches of the city of Bonn in waste avoidance and the recycling of valuable resources. Also on the agenda of the two-day visit was a presentation of the Shenzhen city bus transport system, which is entirely electric, and a modern combined heat and power plant powered by waste.
Keywords: News Blog NRW, UN (United Nations)