In 2020, there were a total of 61,000 page views. This overview shows the 10 most frequently accessed projects, photo galleries and individual pages of the sdg21.web database.
Kategorie für Blog: sdg21 news
The previous sdg21.WordPress theme was no longer "responsive" for quite a while, which is why not all functions could be used, especially on smartphones. This week I was finally able to solve the problem. So now the sdg21.web database is available again on tablets and smartphones with full functionality. Through the new "Theme" it can [...]
Via the new feature you will get a message by email when there are new posts in the sdg21.web database. sdg21 news subscription Sent with the latest content weekly on Tuesday at 9:00 am when there is something new on All subscription options can be found at:
Ab heute lässt sich die Webdatenbank für nachhaltige Siedlungen und Quartiere unter der Domain "" abrufen. Die bisherigen Domains, und deren Subdomains sind weiterhin aktiv und führen direkt zu den jeweiligen Inhalten.
Why the move to
There is a content-related and a practical reason for this. The practical reason is the somewhat shorter spelling, but also that it is easier to pronounce.
Der inhaltliche Grund ist, dass es auf dieser Webseite nicht nur um Siedlungen gehen soll, wie es vermuten lässt, sondern vermehrt auch um Stadtquartiere. Stadtquartiere mit weitergehenden Nachhaltigkeitskonzepten gibt es nicht so viele, wie Nachhaltige Siedlungen oder Ökosiedlungen. Aber die städtebauliche Struktur von im besten Fall nutzungsgemischten Quartieren und die in den meisten Fällen deutlich geringere Flächenverbrauch bei gleicher Nutzfläche, ist alleine schon ein signifikanter Beitrag zu einer Nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Gemischte Quartiere sind kozeptionell bestens dafür geeignet Alltagsmobilität ohne privaten PkW zu organisieren und sind eine etablierte und erprobte Methode um preiswerten Wohnraum in der Stadt herzustellen.
Um diesen Themenschwerpunkt direkter kommunizieren zu können, gibt es innerhalb der sdg21.Webdatenbank nun zusätzlich den Zugang über die URL This link will directly display Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods.
Die neue Rubrik "Historische Siedlungen und Quartiere vor 1980" ist im Aufbau:
There, projects are listed that are considered to be type representatives of certain themes that are still frequently mentioned in sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods today.
The following sdg21 web pages had the most hits from January 1 to December 31, 2019: Page views were only recorded if "Do not track" was disabled in the user's browser. This means the actual access numbers are likely to be significantly higher sdg21 page views projects link 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [...]
In a second somewhat more extensive update of the sdg21 web database there were these new features: - the start page was completely reworked - many new projects and photo galleries - the europe projects reorganized - FNB blog moved to the sdg21 website at - improved structuring and new plugins improve the functionality
From May to December 2018, the following sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods were accessed most frequently in the sdg21 web database: settlement / neighbourhood 1. Bielefeld-Waldquelle 2. Ökostation Freiburg 3. ESA student dormitory Kaiserslautern 4. Hundertwasser-Haus "Waldspirale" 5. IBA Block 6 Berlin 6. Ökosiedlung "Frasenweg" 7. Stellwerk 60 Cologne-Nippes 8. Am Rundling Berlin 9. [...]
In 2017, from April to December, the following profiles of sustainable settlements in the sdg21 web database were accessed most frequently: settlement page views 01. Sustainable model city district Vauban 782 02. Tree houses by Frei Otto in Berlin-Tiergarten 641 03. Community settlement "Alte Gärtnerei" in Kiel 610 04. Clay building settlement Schöneiche 599 05. Hundertwasser house "Waldspirale" 539 [...]
Many new projects, new photo galleries or new individual project photos have been added to the web database in 2018. The following is an overview. New projects and photos in the sdg21 database Living at the Dantebad Project link: Direct to photo gallery: Many thanks to Johann Hartl for the photos! New photo galleries [...]
Die Fotos entstanden August 2017 Die ganze Fotogalerie gibt es hier: Weitere Infos über das Öko-Zentrum NRW:
To date, the "Hoher Weg" eco estate in Hamm is the second largest timber housing estate in Germany with 120 residential units. This is astonishing because it was built back in the 1990s. The photos were taken in August 2017: The largest German timber housing estate was also built in Hamm: More information about the estate in [...]
Permakultur-Siedlung „Eva Lanxmeer“ in Culemborg Mit 240 Häusern ist es die größte Permakultur-Siedlung weltweit. Bauzeit: 1994 bis 2009. E.V.A. steht für den Namen der Gruppe „Ecologisch Centrum voor Educatie, Voorlichting en Advies“. Infos: Fotogalerie: „Stad van de Zon“ in Heerhugowaard Die Siedlung ist mit 2.900 Wohnungen auf 123 […]
Many thanks to Johann Hartl for the photos of the "Neue Wege" housing project from 25 March 2017. The Augsburg model project for multi-generational living in cost-effective timber construction was completed in 2000. Click here for more information:
Although is self-explanatory in the German-speaking world, it is somewhat unwieldy in normal language usage. For this reason, the abbreviation "sdg21" has also been used since February 2017. It is formed from the acronym for "sustainable development goals", the number stands for the 21st century. The Sustainable Development Goals 2030 were adopted in September [...]
On, photos of the sustainable showcase neighbourhood eQ in Pfaffenhofen are now available for the first time. In 2012, Pfaffenhofen received the German Sustainability Award in the "Small Towns and Municipalities" category, and in 2011 the city of Pfaffenhofen was honoured as the most sustainable city in the world (category 20,000 - 75,000 inhabitants) for its eco-neighbourhood, among other things. Click here for the photo gallery [...]
Many thanks to Mr Pohlmeyer for the current photos of the small "cube settlement" planned by Peter Hübner (plus+, Neckartenzlingen). To the photo gallery 9/2016
55 new projects have been added to the web directory in autumn 2016. The sortable table provides an overview:
With the change to WordPress and the update of the individual project representations there were many innovations. In detail, these are: - 55 new settlement projects were added to the web directory - the area for settlement projects that are "in development" was significantly expanded and updated - the previous "comparison of federal states" (the last one was from [...]
Since 1 August, the internet portal for sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods has been offered under the domain and as a WordPress version with extended functions.