Samstag, 15. Juni 2024
14.00 Uhr Eröffnung
mit Bürgermeisterin Monika Neuhöfer-Avdić
und Singer-Songwriter Auftakt
15.00 Uhr Vernissage
„Zeitzeugen der Lauffenmühle“
15.30 Uhr Vernissage „Lokale Kunstschaffende“
16.30 Uhr Narrenzunft Lörrach
„S‘isch wie‘s isch“
17.30 Uhr Peter Reimtgut
„Das ist Leben“
19.00 Uhr The Kerstin
„slightly distracted“, mit Pheat
Sonntag, 16. Juni 2024
11.00 Uhr Narrenzunft Lörrach
„S‘isch wie‘s isch“
12.00 Uhr Hellbergschule
mit Musik- und Tanz-AG
14.00 Uhr Führung
über das Lauffenmühle-Areal
15.00 Uhr Nachbarschaftstreff
mit Kaffee und Kuchen
15.30 Uhr „ALFA“ Percussion Ensemble
Städtische Musikschule
16.00 Uhr Bands „Greenhorns“ und „Marshmallow
Fighters“, Städtische Musikschule
17.00 Uhr Führung über das Lauffenmühle-Areal
18.00 Uhr Performance „Brunch Boys“
mit Schlagzeug und Effekten
Kategorie für Blog: News Blog Baden-Württemberg
With a very large majority, the municipal council decided on 22.07.2021 to initiate the urban development measure (SEM) "Nördlich Hafner". The development statute provides the project with a binding legal framework for the city of Constance and the remaining property owners in the area. The decision is also the conclusion of the preparatory studies (VU) that have been running for about four years, in which not only various subject-related studies and the urban development framework plan were developed, but also a comprehensive timetable and a detailed cost and financing overview were drawn up. The development of the approx. 106 ha area (of which approx. 60 ha are residential areas) including all technical and social infrastructures (e.g. day-care centres, primary school) will cost a total of almost 420 million euros. Income from the allocation of land will ultimately result in a largely balanced overall balance.
The Special price on the topic "Urban development revisited: Prices - Practice - Perspectives" was given to the project Urban development area Stuttgarter Straße, French Quarter in Tübingen. The special prize, which is awarded in parallel to the urban development prize, serves to highlight particularly urgent fields of action in urban development and urban planning. It was awarded on 23.4.2021 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the German Urban Development Prize to contributions that had already been recognised with prizes and awards between 1980 and 2010. The judging of the special prize was very complex, as it had to cover a span of 30 years, i.e. a generation, of the achievements of German urban development that were considered outstanding at the time, and, in retrospect, it had to be based on robust, objective criteria that could adequately reflect the complexity of 30 years of urban development history and 30 years of urban development models.
The prize is awarded every two years by the German Academy for Urban Development and Regional Planning (DASL) with significant support from the Wüstenrot Foundation. Urban Development Award in the DSP 2020 competition goes to the project Quarter at the former Blumengroßmark in Berlin. With 81 applications, a particularly large number of projects were submitted for the Urban Design Award. The spectrum was very broad: urban-structural-geographical, thematic, structural-spatial. From the new town hall in the urban planning context of a small municipality to the large conversion project of a metropolitan region, the interdisciplinary jury (urban planning, architecture, open space planning, preservation of historical monuments, economics, sociology) was faced with a very difficult decision in many cases.
Heidelberg is receiving massive funding from the 2021 urban development programme for two construction projects on conversion sites. The development of Patrick-Henry-Village (PHV) into a new city district has even received the highest funding amount in the entire programme. Heidelberg will receive 3.5 million euros for this project. In addition, the conversion of the sports hall on the former US hospital in Rohrbach will be funded with 400,000 euros. This was announced by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economics on Wednesday, February 3.
The state of Baden-Württemberg is setting an example in climate protection: by 2040 at the latest, the state administration is to operate in a climate-neutral manner. The new Climate Protection Foundation supports it in this by using the interest on its share capital to promote research and development as well as educational projects in the field of climate protection. In addition, the state, municipalities, companies and all citizens can offset their CO2 emissions through compensation payments and thus become climate neutral. The cooperation partner will be the non-profit climate protection organisation myclimate Germany.
Forestry Minister Peter Hauk MdL: "With our call for ideas, we want to further promote municipal timber construction in the state and further consolidate our nationwide position as the No. 1 timber construction state".
A total of around 6.5 million euros in funding from the Baden-Württemberg timber construction campaign is available for the call for ideas for municipal timber construction concepts. The online application deadline is 12 February 2020.
Constance receives project funding for "Hafner KliEn" from the 7th Energy Research Programme of the Federal Government The city of Constance is striving for sustainable urban development. This should include consideration of the triad of sufficiency, efficiency and substitution in the area of energy policy decisions and climate protection. This also and especially applies to the new city district [...].
Franklin Village", one of the first large-scale socially and ecologically developed residential projects in Germany, is to be built on the "Franklin" conversion site in Mannheim. The idea is to build a quarter in timber construction that claims to be ecologically and socially sustainable. The project developers will celebrate the groundbreaking ceremony in mid-September with an artistically designed parade of diversity.
The city is to become cleaner and quieter: Under the heading "blue_village_Franklin", important future topics such as new mobility, energy efficiency, climate-optimised living or smart grids are being tested with the conversion of the former military area FRANKLIN. The SQUARE project, two model houses renovated according to the latest energy standards, and the electromobile bus lines 66 and 67 are part of this master plan. Franz Untersteller MdL, State Minister for the Environment, Climate and Energy Management, visited the two model projects in the new urban quarter on Tuesday, 4 August, as part of his summer tour "Environmental Future".
Environment Minister Franz Untersteller reacted with relief to the agreement reached yesterday by the coalition on the amendment of the Climate Protection Act. The law is to be passed by the state parliament before the summer break and will then replace the previous climate protection law from 2013.
Hydrogen from hydropower: successful start for one of the largest power-to-gas plants in Germany to date. This is reported by the Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW). The megawatt plant has been in operation for four months in April 2020 and is functioning reliably. A research electrolyser connected to it is also running successfully. The ZSW is coordinating the project. The operator of the commercial plant is the energy supplier Energiedienst AG.
Min. 4:36; Video from 18.02.2020; Ed.: MWSP Mannheim
Mannheim's conversion is green - this is demonstrated by the work of the municipal development company MWSP on the TURLEY, TAYLOR, FRANKLIN and SPINELLI sites.
This week, the German cabinet plans to adopt the draft bill on the coal phase-out law. However, the roadmap for the shutdown of coal-fired power plants that is to be voted on deviates in several places from the coal compromise reached last year. The Solar Cluster Baden-Württemberg points this out and demands considerable improvements. According to the draft law, carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced significantly less than agreed in the first ten years: By 2030, only five gigawatts instead of 20 gigawatts of power are to be switched off. In addition, the number of CO2 allowances will not fall to the same extent as coal-fired power generation.
Shortly after the shutdown of the Swiss old reactor Mühleberg it goes Philippsburg 2 nuclear power plant from the grid on 31.12.2019 as planned. This will be followed in a few months by Fessenheim the two oldest reactors in France. In addition, the 45-year-old nuclear power plant "Ring neck 2" from the grid. Shutting down nuclear reactors significantly reduces the risk of accidents and avoids masses of radioactive nuclear waste and its transport in Castor containers.
Grenzach-Wyhlen, December 5, 2019. Hydrogen production in Grenzach-Wyhlen in Baden-Württemberg can start. Energiedienst received approval for the operation of the power-to-gas plant today. All technical proofs and official clarifications have now been fulfilled.
Energiedienst will produce hydrogen from self-generated green electricity using electrolysis in the state-of-the-art plant. The electricity comes from the company's own hydroelectric power plant on the same site. The environmentally friendly hydrogen will initially be used in nearby industry. There are also plans to use it in local public transport. A comprehensive concept also envisages that the waste heat generated during electrolysis will be used to heat a new residential area. By linking electricity, mobility and heat supply in this way - keyword: sector coupling - the plant should help to reduce CO2 emissions and support the energy transition.
Dynamic master plan for the Patrick Henry Village presented / Citizen participation from 9 December A central park with a lake in the centre, diversity in architecture and in the use of buildings, energy production directly in the neighbourhood, a ring road, large neighbourhood garages, the public space for it free of parking spaces - these are just a few aspects from [...]
With the successful implementation of the state program "Area-wide Safety Charging Network for Electric Vehicles" (SAFE), Baden-Württemberg is the first state to have an area-wide charging network for electric cars in a 10-kilometer grid. The SAFE charging network consists of more than 450 charging stations.
With the timber construction funding program, the city wants to promote concrete timber buildings, especially in residential construction Timber Construction Guide presents 29 realized and forward-looking timber construction projects in Freiburg More climate protection with the renewable raw material wood. Timber construction in Freiburg is an important instrument for climate protection and indispensable for achieving the city's ambitious climate protection goals. […]
The Climate Protection Programme 2030 presented by the Climate Cabinet on 20 September 2019 also includes new rules for the supply of heat to buildings. One measure is the replacement premium for old oil and gas heating systems. With this, the state wants to take over up to 40 % of the costs, according to the reading of the information program Zukunft Altbau promoted by the Ministry of the Environment of Baden-Württemberg, [...]
The Rosenstein urban planning competition recently ended with the decision on the winning design. First place went to the Stuttgart-based asp Architekten/Koeber Landschaftsarchitektur consortium. Detlef Kron, head of the Office for Urban Planning and Housing, opened the exhibition on the Rosenstein competition on Friday, September 27, at 5 p.m. in the church of St. [...]
Nationwide, construction with wood for buildings up to the high-rise limit is to be made easier and the Model Building Code (MBO) adapted accordingly. This was adopted by the Construction Ministers' Conference (BMK) at the end of the two-day conference in Norderstedt. In addition to climate-friendly construction with a focus on wood, the topic of "affordable housing" was also on the agenda.
BUND and the ifeu - Institute for Energy and Environmental Research have produced various studies on building issues over the last 10 years, including "13 measures against energy waste in the boiler room". This study now deals with the core issue of cost allocation for energy modernisation in rented buildings. Already in the year [...]
Baden-Württemberg's Environment and Energy Minister Franz Untersteller has concluded the state's support programme for PV storage systems and described it as a success.