Kategorie für Blog: News Blog Hamburg
On 22.12.2020, the Senate passed the first legal ordinance on the Hamburg Climate Protection Act. This regulates the concrete implementation of the solar roof obligation and the integration of renewable energies when replacing heating systems. With these regulations, Hamburg is one of the pioneers in climate protection in the building sector nationwide.
To ensure that significantly more houses in Hamburg are greened with plants on roofs and facades, the environmental authority is making €500,000 in funding available from 1 June. A maximum of € 100,000 and up to 40 % of the costs, applicants can receive in future in grants. Applications can be made from construction costs of €1,000. Funding will be provided for ground and wall-based greening of new and existing buildings, preparatory work, climbing aids, plants, planting measures, irrigation systems, completion maintenance and the ancillary costs for professional planning and supervision.
A further 700,000 euros will be available for #moinzukunft cargo bikes from 1 April. Up to 2,000 euros in subsidies are possible for the purchase of a new e-load bike and 500 euros for normal load bikes.
With retroactive effect from 1 January 2020, the timber construction subsidy in Hamburg has now officially been increased to EUR 0.80 per kilogramme of timber product as part of the various subsidised housing construction programmes. As a prerequisite for the subsidy,...
Senate adopts concrete measures for the next ten years and sets new CO2-targets for 2030 and 2050

The five northern German coastal states have joined forces to build a green hydrogen economy as a pillar of the energy and transport transition: At their autumn meeting in Lübeck, the ministers, senators and senators responsible for economy and transport today (7 November) adopted a joint "North German Hydrogen Strategy". At the same time the heads of department called on the federal government to support their initiative and to include it in the national hydrogen strategy announced by the federal government for the end of the year. "With our strategy we show a way how the hydrogen potentials can be raised especially in the field of industry and mobility.
The Timber Construction Award 2020 Building with Wood in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg honours realised buildings that are predominantly constructed from wood and wood-based materials as well as other renewable raw materials. The primary objective is to promote the use and further development of this resource-saving, environmentally friendly and sustainable building material. The buildings to be submitted should be of high design quality [...].
Nationwide, construction with wood for buildings up to the high-rise limit is to be made easier and the Model Building Code (MBO) adapted accordingly. This was adopted by the Construction Ministers' Conference (BMK) at the end of the two-day conference in Norderstedt. In addition to climate-friendly construction with a focus on wood, the topic of "affordable housing" was also on the agenda.
Since 1 May 2018, the amendments to the Hamburg Building Code (HBauO) have come into force. The resolution on this was passed in June 2017. In the future, wood can be used for construction projects with a height of up to 22 metres - i.e. approximately 6 to 7 storeys. Also in the area of [...]
Incentive for less "grey energy" in the construction of non-residential buildings The City of Hamburg promotes the use of wood in the construction of new non-residential buildings with a floor area of 100 m² or more. The use of wood in the construction of new buildings is subsidised with € 800 per tonne of wood product.
Senate passes new building code The Hamburg Senate passed a new building code on June 13. Hamburg is one of the first federal states to create new possibilities for diverse and innovative construction with wood: In future, wood may also be used for building projects with a height of up to 22 metres - this corresponds [...]
The city's largest timber house celebrated its topping-out ceremony in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg on Thursday. The six storeys consist of 371 pre-assembled wooden modules that are stacked on top of each other. The individual modules weigh more than nine tonnes and are virtually ready-made student flats, including bathroom, kitchenette and bed. Only the foundations and staircases are made of concrete. "The building could revolutionise the way residential buildings are built," said building owner Torsten Rickmann at the topping-out ceremony on Thursday. The student residence should be ready for occupancy by the winter semester. A furnished flat will cost 500 euros warm rent per month. The first students are due to move in on 1 October.
In an elaborate programme, NDR devoted itself to the topic of "Who owns the road? Anyone who cycles a lot will know many of the situations shown only too well. Examples from northern Germany, including Oldenburg and Hamburg, as well as the Koppenhagen model with wide and demarcated cycle paths and the first high-speed cycle path in Germany in NRW "SR1" are shown, but the sense of cycle lanes on the road is also discussed.
Some cities subsidize the use of certified insulation materials with a bonus to support resource conservation, carbon storage and particularly environmentally friendly products. This also includes many insulation materials made from renewable raw materials. The overview lists the cities that grant an extra subsidy for certified natural insulation materials: Düsseldorf 10 - 25 EUR/m² Hamburg 10 EUR/m² Hanover [...]
In a study of new residential construction in the Hanseatic city, the Institute for Research and Consulting for Housing, Real Estate and the Environment (F+B) comes to the conclusion that energy requirements such as overall energy efficiency or energy efficiency in Hamburg do not make building more expensive.
It is estimated that the care and integration of refugees will cost 20 billion euros in 2016. In the program Frontal21 from 24.5.2016 (from (minute 25 to 33) figures are mentioned, how some providers of refugee accommodations charge horrendous prices. According to their research, the cost of accommodation per refugee is 87 to [...]