Kategorie für Blog: News Blog Lower Saxony
The state of Lower Saxony has launched a new funding programme for battery storage systems. The funding guideline was published in the Lower Saxony Ministerial Gazette on 21 October. Applications can be submitted to the NBank with immediate effect.
The subsidy of up to 40 per cent of the net investment costs of a battery storage system applies in connection with the new construction or expansion of PV systems (at least 4 kWp). In addition to natural persons, grant recipients can also be companies, legal entities, local authorities and many others.
Good news for the PV industry: The solar cap will be abolished and solar expansion will be further promoted. The photovoltaic potential in Germany is enormous - especially when it comes to using roof space on new buildings. The new LichtBlick SolarCheck now shows in detail how well the 14 largest German cities are currently exploiting this potential. Enormous differences are revealed: While Nuremberg (49.1%) and Hanover (46.8%) exploit almost half of their potential, Munich and Düsseldorf do not even reach the 10 percent hurdle. The absolute taillight: the Hanseatic city of Hamburg with only 7.2 percent - one more reason for the solar obligation for new buildings planned by the mayor's office.
The Lower Saxony Timber Construction Prize has now been awarded for the third time. The aim of the state-wide competition is to strengthen the use of wood as a climate-friendly and sustainable building material, to present the current state of timber construction and to inspire future builders to build with this unique raw material. The Lower Saxony Timber Construction Award 2020 honours structures and buildings that are predominantly made of wood and wood-based materials and stand out for their high design and timber construction quality, as well as taking particular account of ecological and resource-saving aspects in the interests of sustainability.
Funding is available for greening facades and roofs as well as for unsealing on private, public and commercial properties in the Hannover city area.
The alliance aims to promote the development of a hydrogen economy with "green" hydrogen produced from renewable energies.
Osnabrück is the winner of the competition for the German Sustainability Award 2020 for large cities. The award has been presented by the Stiftung Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis e.V. since 2012. The funding amount is 30,000 euros for sustainable urban development projects.
The expansion of solar power plants in Lower Saxony continues to rise strongly. In 2018, an increase of more than 72 percent was recorded compared to 2017. While the addition of 120 MW in 2017, around 208 megawatts of capacity were newly installed in 2018. This means that Lower Saxony currently has just under 4,000 [...]
Project partners of the EU project NETfficient take stock and publish manual in January 2019 Over the past four years, the power grid on the North Sea island of Borkum has served as a real laboratory for testing elements of a future-proof energy system. Central to this was the development of energy storage systems and their networked operation within a virtual power plant. The measures were implemented via [...]
The balcony modules with which EWE has equipped an entire apartment building in Delmenhorst have been in operation for a year. The yield balance shows that tenants use almost 80 per cent of the solar electricity themselves and can cover up to 20 per cent of their electricity consumption with it. Read the report from 12 July 2017 at: www.pv-magazine.de/2017/07/12/mieter-nutzen-rund-80-prozent-ihres-balkonstroms-selbst
With the funding announcement "Solar Construction / Energy-Efficient City", the BMBF together with the BMWi will provide up to 100 million euros over the next five years for research, development and innovation in the field of sustainable urban development. In the first round of calls for proposals, more than 60 consortia from city administrations, research institutes and [...]
Some cities subsidize the use of certified insulation materials with a bonus to support resource conservation, carbon storage and particularly environmentally friendly products. This also includes many insulation materials made from renewable raw materials. The overview lists the cities that grant an extra subsidy for certified natural insulation materials: Düsseldorf 10 - 25 EUR/m² Hamburg 10 EUR/m² Hanover [...]
Whether it's financial incentives for moving to smaller apartments, mandatory bicycle parking spaces or public tenders that are based on social and environmental criteria - there are a variety of ways to reduce the consumption of space, energy and materials in municipalities. This is shown by a study of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy [...].