Countless agreements since the 1970s testify again and again to the intention to build and live in a more environmentally friendly or sustainable way. In these, everything has been sufficiently stated, recommended and politically decided. The following is a selection of some important documents.
Title / Topic |
2021 | The Bauhaus of the Earth. Baustelle Weltklima: Call for a green Bauhaus movement for the 21st century. The idea behind the goal is the Substitution of Reinforced concrete through organic Building materials and A strategies for a sustainable Settlementachieve economy. The by the world-renowned climate researcher Prof. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber withinitiated„Bauhaus of the Earth“ should also be the driving force for innovationen at Construction sector and Stachel in the flesh of the relevant decision-makers be. „Without radical building turnaround wird the Paris climate agreement to fail“, so Schellnhuber. |
2020 | The Mannheim Message - Local Green Deals for a climate-neutral, sustainable and inclusive Europe With the Mannheim Message, the mayors and decision-makers of Europe's cities and regions are responding to the European Green Deal. The document builds on the content and principles of the Aalborg Charter (1994), the Aalborg Commitments (2004) and the Basque Declaration (2016). It reflects the goal of integrated sustainable urban and regional development as supported by the Leipzig Charter. Go to pdf-Download (german a.o.) Further information: |
2020 | Four-point economic recovery plan dated 5/26/2020. Innovation programme of the Federal Chamber of Architects and the Federal Foundation for Building Culture carried along by: AHO - Committee of the Associations and Chambers of Engineers and Architects for the Fee Regulations e.V. BDA - Association of German Architects BDIA - Association of German Interior Architects e.V. BDLA - Association of German Landscape Architects e.V. BDVI- Association of publicly appointed surveyors e.V. BFB - Bundesverband der Freien Berufe e.V. (Federal Association of Liberal Professions) DAI - Association of German Architects' and Engineers' Associations DASL -Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung e.V. (German Academy for Urban and Regional Planning) Die Stadtentwickler Bundesverband e.V. DV - German Association for Housing, Urban and Regional Planning HDB - German Construction Industry Federation IfR - Information Circle for Spatial Planning e.V. VBI - Association of Consulting Engineers e.V. VDV - Association of German Surveying Engineers e.V. VDMA Building Technology VfA - Association of Freelance Architects of Germany e.V. VPB - Verband Privater Bauherren e.V. (Association of Private Building Owners) ZBI - Central Federation of Engineering Associations e.V. ZDB - Zentralverband des Deutschen Baugewerbes e.V. (Central Association of the German Construction Industry) |
2019 | BDA position paper "The House of Earth (adopted at the 15th BDA Conference in Halle/Saale), 6 pp. |
2019 | EU climate emergency declaration The EU states are to reduce CO2-emissions by 55 percent by 2030 (instead of the current 40 percent).… |
2019 | Düsseldorf Declaration on Urban Development Law, 7 S. |
2018 | Manifesto on electromobility and renewable energies The first signatories of the Manifesto are the Bundesverband eMobilität e.V., Bundesverband Neue Energiewirtschaft e.V., Bundesverband Solare Mobilität e.V., Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V., Bundesverband WindEnergie e.V., Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie e.V. and International Battery & Energy Storage Alliance. 8 p. Link (pdf) |
Appeal "post-growth economy" to the EU In an open letter to the EU, more than 200 scientists, including many renowned economists, are calling for an end to the focus on growth and a commitment to a better quality of life and a healthy environment. Link |
2018 | Demand paper of the Bündnis Junge Genossenschaften Berlin, 24 p. Link |
2017 | Charter for Wood 2.0, 60 p. Link |
2017 | Resolution of the Lord Mayor's Sustainable City Dialogue (15 March 2017) on SDG 2030, 3 pp. |
Habitat III: New Urban Agenda. Quito Declaration on Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements for All., 22 pp. Link |
Basque Declaration: The Basque Declaration outlines new pathways for European Cities and Towns to create productive, sustainable and resilient cities for a liveable and inclusive Europe. The document aims to support and accelerate socio-cultural, socio-economic and technological transformation. The Basque Declaration was acclaimed by the participants of the 8th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns held in the Basque Country from 27-29 April 2016, and it is an important step following the Aalborg Charter (1994) and the Aalborg Commitments (2004). Link |
Bremen Manifesto: for citizen energy and 100 % renewable energy: |
„Reposition housing policy! Plea of vhw and Difu for a social and resilient housing policy", 9 p. |
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Paris Agreement: it is the first climate treaty that is binding under international law and contains obligations for all 195 states. The global community commits itself to the goal of limiting man-made global warming to well below 2°C compared to pre-industrial times and, if possible, even to a maximum of 1.5°C. The year 2015 was already 1°C warmer than the second half of the 19th century. February 2016 was the largest temperature anomaly ever recorded, at 1.35° above normal. Greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere have now passed the critical threshold of 400 parts per million. The Paris Agreement came into force in November. |
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UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights with implementation guidance download pdf |
Environmental Encyclical "Laudato si" by Pope Francis, 220 pp. Link |
German Academy for Urban and Regional Planning - DASL (2014): Position Paper "Cities in Germany 2030: Challenges and Opportunities for Urban Development and Urbanism." download pdf |
5 years Leipzig Charter for Sustainable Urban Development |
Manifesto & Policy Recommendations. EUROPEAN RESOURCE EFFICIENCY PLATFORM (EREP). download pdf |
To Artists Life Manifesto by Marina Abramovic…An-Artists-Life-Manifesto.pdf |
PlusEnergy petition initiated by Rolf Disch from Freiburg. The PlusEnergy construction method should become the standard for new buildings as quickly as possible. Link |
Decision to close all nuclear power plants in Germany by December 2022, prompted by the superGAUs and explosions at 3 reactors in Fukushima, Japan. |
"Freiburg Charter. Requirements for future-oriented urban development and urban planning" City of Freiburg |
Reason for the World Manifesto of architects, engineers and urban planners for sustainable architecture and engineering. The manifesto was introduced as the German contribution to the 2009 UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. Supporting institutions: BDA, BDB, BDIA, bdla, Federal Chamber of Architects, Federal Chamber of Engineers, VBI, DAI, SRL, VFA. Link |
Thomas Herzog (ed.): Solar CharterEuropean Charter for Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning. European Charter for Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning. Prestel, Munich/Berlin/London/New York 2007 (German, English, Chinese, Spanish, French, Japanese, Italian, Russian, Greek, Arabic) |
Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities. Created during the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Leipzig Charter was adopted by all 27 EU member states as a policy basis. |
Initiative Global Marshall Plan | |
Charter for wood. BMVEL - Federal Minister of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture. 26 S. | |
Marienthal Declaration. Demographic Change and Ecological Settlement Development. IES Hannover and IÖR Dresden. 5 S. | |
New Athens Charter 2003. Vision for the cities of the 21st century. European council of town planners. Paradigm shift towards the "city of short distances" and mixed-use districts. 24 S. | |
Five-point plan for sustainable building Federal Chamber of Architects. 1 S. |
2003 (1981)![]() |
The Building Biology Manifesto. B.A.U. Bund Architektur & Umwelt e.V. 2003 (new edition). First edition: 1981 (formerly Bund Architektur und Baubiologie e.V.), 5 pp. Link: |
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National Sustainability Strategy - Perspectives for Germany. Strategy for Sustainable Development. Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. 343 S. |
„World report for the future of cities - urban 21" Contains guiding principles for the future development of cities (authors include Prof. Klaus Töpfer/UNEP; Thomas Herzog, ...) as a German version. 50 S. | |
Factor 10 Manifesto. Web page for to the link of the pdf download. Initiator: Friedrich Schmidt-Bleek. 17 p. Link |
Friedensreich Hundertwasser: Manifesto for the GREEN CITADEL OF MAGDEBURG Link |
BauGB: Anchoring the requirement of sustainable urban development in §1 Link |
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Position Paper "Ecological Planning and Building" International Building Exhibition Emscher Park. Resolution adopted by the IBA Steering Committee 26 April 1996, 6 pp. |
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An overview of agreements on the subject "Sustainable urban development / Local Agenda 21“. Ed.: BBR - Bundesministerium für Raumordnung, Bauwesen und Städtebau 1996: Lokale Agenda. Status and perspectives of implementation. Overview of international programs and strategies. Author: ICLEI Freiburg. Bonn. 2 S. |
Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements - Habitat II (German version) 12 p. Original version (English): or - – .../Ch-2a - – .../Ch-3a - – .../Ch-4a See also: |
As well as BBR (2006): "The implementation of the goals and principles of the Habitat Agenda in the legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany, Finland, the Netherlands, Romania and Turkey in the years 1996 to 2005." Bonn. The study investigated whether and how the goals and principles of the Agenda adopted in Istanbul in 1996 have been incorporated into the legislation of five selected signatory states in Europe.![]() ![]() |
European Charter for Solar Energy in Architecture and Town Planning. 6 S.![]() |
Aalborg Charter - Charter of European Cities and Towns on the road to sustainability. Adopted on 27 May 1994 by the participants of the European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns in Aalborg, Denmark.The Aalborg Charter was endorsed by the LISBONNER ACTION PLAN 1996 and the HANNOVER AUFRUF 2000. 10 PP. Source: |
10 theses on the relationship between two related disciplines: Urban development is more than just "enlarged" architecture. Peterek, Michael (1994) in: Einsele, Martin (ed.)(1994): Stadt im Diskurs: Beiträge zur aktuellen Städtebaudiskussion. Karlsruhe |
Hamburg Manifesto of the Housing Association, 5 pp. Link |
Manifesto for the Foundation of a "Free International University for Creativity and Interdisciplinary Research Joseph Beuys and Klaus Staeck Link |
Friedensreich Hundertwasser: Manifesto "Shit Culture - The Holy Shit" Link |
The limits to growth. The Club of Rome |
Friedensreich Hundertwasser: Mouldy manifesto against rationalism in architecture Link |