12:28 min, upload from 06/19/2020; presentation at the Berlin Energy Days 2020.
Keywords: DE-News, Energy storage, Movies, Movies 11 to 45 Min, Research, News Blog Baden-Württemberg, PV, Hydrogen, eMobility
12:28 min, upload from 06/19/2020; presentation at the Berlin Energy Days 2020.
Adjusted for inflation, construction volume will decline in 2022 - Price development and rising interest rates will continue to have a severe impact on the construction industry in the years to come - New residential construction will slump more than the overall construction volume - Policymakers will have to change their strategy in order to achieve their goals for the creation of new housing and energy-efficient building renovation in the medium term
Inflation and supply bottlenecks have stopped the construction boom in Germany: In 2022, real construction volume declined for the first time in many years, by around two percent. Similar declines are expected this year as well. Only in 2024 will the construction volume, adjusted for inflation, be back in the black. Residential construction in particular is disproportionately affected by the decline. This is the result of the current calculations of the construction volume, which are prepared annually by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin).
© DIW Berlin
Although the construction volume rose by a record-breaking 13.6 percent last year in nominal terms, i.e. in current prices, the increase is solely due to the rapid rise in construction prices. Although this gave the construction companies good sales, adjusted for inflation, construction activity fell by two percent. The urgently needed new housing construction was and is particularly affected, which was even down 4.5 per cent in real terms. "For many years, residential construction has always grown faster than the overall construction volume. Now there are signs of a trend reversal, especially in new construction, which policymakers must take into account," says study author Laura Pagenhardt.
The federal government's goal of building 400,000 new flats per year is thus becoming a distant prospect. Already in the last two years, no more than 300,000 flats have been built. This year and next, the study authors expect that worsening financing conditions and political uncertainty will make investors even more cautious. However, construction prices are likely to rise less sharply due to the easing of supply chains and declining capacity utilisation. "Adjusted for inflation, the construction volume will probably still be negative this year and will only be positive again from 2024, but even then residential construction, especially new construction, is likely to lag behind the overall development," expects study author Martin Gornig.
"What is needed is a master plan that not only supports demand with long-term funding programmes, but also counteracts the bottlenecks in supply" Martin Gornig
He therefore calls for a change in strategy. Although the federal government has already decided on measures to promote housing construction through taxation, it must focus more on redensification of existing buildings in order to create affordable new housing, especially in urban areas. At the same time, there is a danger that a large part of the subsidies, especially for energy-efficient building renovation, will evaporate into rising prices if the supply side is not strengthened in addition to the demand side. According to Gornig, what is needed is a master plan that not only supports demand with long-term subsidy programmes. In addition, it must increasingly promote the expansion of planning, production and installation capacities in order to counteract bottlenecks in supply and thus price increases.
DE-News, Quarters, Settlements, Housing, Housing policy
A broad alliance of more than 50 large and medium-sized companies and business associations is calling on the parties in the exploratory talks to make climate protection the central task of the future German government.
Subscribers to the declaration include major companies active in Germany, larger SMEs and associations from a wide range of sectors. They include 6 DAX 30 companies and well-known names such as Aldi Süd, Deutsche Börse, Deutsche Telekom, Hochtief, Nestlé, SAP and many more. Energy-intensive industrial companies and coal-fired power plant operators are also supporting the appeal, including Siemens, EnBW, E.ON and Papier- und Kartonfabrik Varel. Many of the subscribing companies are not direct winners of decarbonisation or the energy transition. However, the subscribers promise to play their part in climate protection. Coordinators of the declaration are the business associations Stiftung 2° and B.A.U.M. as well as the development and environmental organisation Germanwatch.
Stakeholders, DE-News, Climate protection, SDG 2030, Environmental policy
The state of Lower Saxony has launched a new funding program for battery storage. The funding guidelines were published in the Lower Saxony Ministerial Gazette on 21 October. Applications can be submitted to the NBank with immediate effect.
The grant funding of up to 40 percent of the net investment costs of a battery storage system applies in connection with the new construction or expansion of PV systems (at least 4 kWp). In addition to natural persons, grant recipients can also be companies, legal entities, municipalities and many others.
In addition to the subsidy, bonuses can be granted for e-charging points, PV systems over 10 kWp and the roofing of parking areas or other structural facilities with elevated PV systems.
The funding programme is carried out as a support programme for the economy in the context of the Covid19 pandemic. The grantees are to make investments and thus contribute to the promotion of the economy. The programme is therefore limited in time, Applications can be submitted until 30.9.2022.
On the support programme for Private households and for Companies and municipalities
Source: PM of the State of Lower Saxony from 11 November 2020
Energy storage, Renewable, Funding, Climate protection, News Blog Lower Saxony, PV
Four different tickets to get from A to B? Registered with five services for car sharing, e-scooters or rental bikes? That's annoying. The Greens want to simplify mobility and link up rail, public transport, cycling and the car. In the city and in the country. This is possible with the green MobilPass.
This good concept has been around for a while. Finally, a party is including it in its election manifesto.
Movies, Movies < 4 Min, Media, Mobility, SDG 2030, Environmental policy