Web database of sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods

New domain: "sdg21.eu" instead of "siedlungen.eu".

As of today, the web database for sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods can be accessed under the domain "sdg21.eu". The previous domains www.siedlungen.eu, www.holzbausiedlungen.de and their subdomains are still active and lead directly to the respective contents.

Why the move to sdg21.eu?
There is a content-related and a practical reason for this. The practical reason is the somewhat shorter spelling, but also that it is easier to pronounce.

The reason for this is that this website is not only about settlements, as www.siedlungen.eu would suggest, but increasingly also about urban districts. There are not as many urban quarters with more far-reaching sustainability concepts as there are sustainable settlements or eco-settlements. However, the urban structure of mixed-use neighbourhoods, in the best case scenario, and the significantly lower land consumption in most cases for the same usable area, is in itself a significant contribution to sustainable development. Mixed-use neighbourhoods are conceptually ideally suited to organising everyday mobility without private cars and are an established and proven method of creating affordable housing in the city.

In order to be able to communicate this topic more directly, there is now an additional access within the sdg21.web database via the URL www.quartiere.net. This link will directly display Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods.

The web database is still available via the domain www.siedlungen.eu available. Sustainable settlements will continue to be a focus of the sdg21.web database, because this is where most projects and experiences have been made so far.

In general, the use of the letters "sdg21.eu" should further help to make the "sustainable development goals" better known. To achieve a distinction to the SDG 2030 I chose the number 21, which stands for the 21st century we are currently in. The SDG 2030 are the "Sustainable Development Goals 2030"The SDG 2030 Millennium Goals were adopted in September 2015 at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in New York by all the countries of the world as a guiding principle with agreed targets. In order to achieve the SDG 2030 Millennium Goals, the sdg21.web database would also like to offer solutions in the settlement and neighbourhood sector with the listed projects. In addition to the domain www.sdg21.eu the URLs www.sdg21.de, www.sdg21.ch and www.sdg21.at offered, which lead directly to the sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods of the respective countries.

Keywords: DE-News, sdg21 news