Cooperatives and building communities promise affordable and sociable living. But what is everyday life like there?
Read more on the website of the South German Newspaper
Keywords: Stakeholders, Cohousing, DE-News, eG
Cooperatives and building communities promise affordable and sociable living. But what is everyday life like there?
Read more on the website of the South German Newspaper
RNE Secretary General Günther Bachmann explains in an interview how important new alliances for sustainability are.
Exclusive clubs of high-ranking personalities have historical merits, just think of the Club of Rome. Today, however, we need other forms of organization. The focus is not on international celebrities, but on the practical competence of the players on the ground. This is what we signal with "open". The Open SDGclub is a concept of the "sharing society". Its concept is "share ware". That is, it is designed to be replicated elsewhere.
Read the full post from 11/18/2016: Council for Sustainable Development
Stakeholders, Participation, Environmental policy
"Solar energy is a fundamental pillar of the energy transition. In order to further support this and to achieve our goal - a complete power supply from renewable energies by 2030 - we are further expanding our successful solar offensive: In addition to expanding the solar storage programme, which is in high demand, we are currently developing a solar register for Rhineland-Palatinate. In addition, we will also promote solar carports, balcony plug-in modules, wall boxes or agro-PV projects in the future," announced Environment and Energy Minister Ulrike Höfken during the event under the motto "Solar Offensive Rhineland-Palatinate: Investments for Climate and Economy" as part of the series "Wednesdays at the MUEEF" in Mainz today. Together with guests from the solar industry, nature conservation and citizen energy, she discussed the opportunities of solar energy for the state, for example through the economic factor of the Solar Offensive or cooperative PV projects.
Rhineland-Palatinate is investing an additional 14 million euros alone in climate-friendly solar energy from the Corona-related second supplementary budget. Because energy from the sun not only protects the climate, but also stimulates the economy and generates added value and jobs in Rhineland-Palatinate, Höfken continued.
Solar storage programme: more than 3,250 applications submitted
Solar storage enables solar energy to be used even when it is cloudy or dark. "In order to cover more of their own needs from renewable energy sources, we support private households, schools, municipal properties, charitable institutions and companies in investing in a solar storage system in addition to a PV system. With success: more than 3,250 applications have already been received by the Energy Agency. And with the additional funds we can support many more projects", explained the Minister. The trades in particular benefit enormously from these investments: 1,000 new PV roof systems with solar storage bring around 19 million euros of investment to Rhineland-Palatinate, Höfken concluded.
By 2030, the electricity supply in the state is to be generated entirely from renewable energies. Every second kilowatt hour of electricity generated in Rhineland-Palatinate already consists of energy from wind, sun, biomass or water.
The solar offensive will contribute to further expanding the share of solar energy in the state. At the federal level, Rhineland-Palatinate is also campaigning within the offensive for the removal of obstacles and better legal requirements. For example, the Ministry of the Environment has lobbied in the Bundesrat for the abolition of the cap on installed PV capacity of 52 gigawatts without replacement.
In addition, the Solar Offensive includes the guideline on electric mobility in the state administration, an open space ordinance for the installation of PV systems on low-yield and species-poor grassland, as well as comprehensive advice and information from many partners.
More information on the solar storage program is available online at:
Source: PM of the MUEEF RLP from 30.09.2020
News Blog RLP, Environmental policy
1:47 min, date: 11/27/2020
With the Innovation Award, the economic administrations of the two states of Berlin and Brandenburg annually honor innovative and outstanding work from the region. With the involvement of business enterprises and other institutions as private partners, the prize was and is also a prize of the economy for the economy. Since it was first awarded in 1984 (since 1992 jointly with Brandenburg), there have been more than 160 prize winners and over 4,000 applications. In 2020, the number of applications rose to 221, once again an increase over the previous year, despite more difficult conditions due to the Corona situation - a clear sign of the great innovative potential of the two states.
Lumenion GmbH: In order to generate sustainable renewable energy, the company developed the Lumenion storage system. It stores electricity as heat at 650°C. The stored thermal energy can then be used in a time-delayed and cost-effective manner as process heat for industry or as district heating.
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100% EEs, DE-News, Energy storage, Movies, Movies < 4 Min, Research
Length 1 min.
Time-lapse of the construction of the ZEB Lab in Trondheim (Norway) until April 2020
Completion: May 2020
ZEB laboratory
Address: Att. SINTEF Community
Høyskoleringen 7B, 7034 Trondheim, NORWAY
CO2-neutral, Energy storage, Movies, Movies < 4 Min, Building, University, Wood construction, NaWaRohs, News Blog Europe (without DE), News Blog Norway, PV, PlusEnergy house/settlement