Freiburg: the Berndt Koberstein Prize for Living Together and Solidarity in Freiburg, endowed with 10,000€, was awarded for the fifth time in Freiburg's "Weinschlösschen". The Mietshäusersyndikat, which began in the early 80s as a small cooperative on the Grether site, has grown into an association of 111 house projects with more than 2,000 residents in [...]
Kategorie für Blog: Social / Culture
Lecture by Richard Sennett and Saskia Sassen on 9 June 2016 at the Oskar von Miller Forum (International Meeting Centre of the Bavarian Construction Industry) in Munich.
In the interview Migration and Urban Planning: "Wir können Einwanderung" in the taz of 14.6.2016, which is well worth reading, Leggewie refers to the urban Chilean designer Alejandro Aravena, who builds half a house for a few thousand US dollars so that the other half can be designed by the residents themselves. Aravena has most recently won the Pritzker Prize, the Nobel Prize [...]
How local initiatives and associations can be supported in the development and implementation of climate protection projects at neighbourhood level was the topic of an expert meeting on 4 February at the Pestel Institute in Hanover. The participants from science and practice discussed a new funding concept of the BMUB, which supports the local implementation of climate protection within the framework of the National Climate Initiative [...].
According to a recent survey of Germany's 700 largest cities and municipalities, only 6 percent of municipalities feel overwhelmed by the current refugee numbers.
Hrsg. Wohnbund e.V. Creating sufficient affordable housing - especially in European conurbations - is one of the great challenges of our future and calls for new solutions. In view of demographic change, changing family structures and growing environmental awareness, completely new forms of housing have developed in Europe: shared living for young and [...]
The Montag-Stiftung Urbane Räume (Bonn) refers to real estate developed by many for many and contributing to the common good as Immovielien. A website of the foundation has now gone online, documenting in detail exemplary projects from which one can be inspired: from the ExRotaprint in Berlin to the Elsebad [...]