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Lecture by Prof. Quaschning "Energiewende, Climate Protection and Citizen Energy

24 min., published on 22.09.2016

Internationally, the German government promises effective climate protection measures. But with the current energy policy, it is impossible to keep these promises. In his lecture at the 3rd Citizens' Energy Convention, Prof. Volker Quaschning explained to the State Secretary for Energy Rainer Baake, who was present at the event, the undesirable developments in German energy policy and the need for change for a functioning energy transition.

The video is worth watching, it is a factual as well as unsparing analysis of the current energy policy of the German government. In the meantime, there is also an interesting discussion on the topic on the YouTube page, especially with regard to the State Secretary Rainer Baake, who was addressed several times by the speaker.

Keywords: DE-News, Renewable, Movies, Movies 11 to 45 Min, Climate protection, Environmental policy