Renewable energy growth varies widely from country to country / Greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union rose slightly last year / Agora Energiewende and Sandbag present report on EU energy transition Brussels, 30 January 2018. In 2017, wind, solar and biomass in the European Union generated [...]
Kategorie für Blog: DE-News
Since 1999, ABG Frankfurt Holding has built around 3,000 apartments in passive house standard for residents from 180 nations, ranging from subsidized apartments to condominiums. Due to the low ancillary costs and the high living comfort, there are hardly any vacancies. "We build cheaper than the competition, which either doesn't want or can't do Passive House," [...]
While two large providers are planning a merger, another company is entering the market in Munich with Oply. But it is still unclear when the city will be able to actively promote the rental system.
As of now, the 192-page guide of the AKP - Fachzeitschrift für Alternative Kommunal Politik can be purchased for 15 euros nominal fee plus shipping costs. Climate protection has long been a topic in the councils, climate change adaptation in many places not yet.
Demand Paper of the Alliance of Young Cooperatives Berlin of March 9, 2018 In order to advance the construction of affordable housing, an Alliance of Young Cooperatives was founded in Berlin in 2017. "Housing cooperatives have been a cornerstone of the socially responsible and affordable housing market in Berlin for well over 100 years," notes the cooperative board of Bremer Höhe and [...]
The Federal Environment Agency's publication "Urban Mining" was published in July 2017 and explains the possibilities of extracting raw materials in urban areas, for example from buildings, infrastructures and durable consumer and fixed assets. While waste management is essentially concerned with waste generation, urban mining looks at the total stock of durable goods. The aim is [...]
The Ministry of the Environment in Rhineland-Palatinate has launched the "1,000 efficient stoves for Rhineland-Palatinate" funding programme. As part of this, the replacement of old fireplaces with modern wood-burning systems is financially supported if they received approval between 1 January 1985 and 1 January 1995. The subsidy amounts to up to €800. The [...]
Funding guideline comes into force on 1 March 2018 With the so-called small series guideline, the Federal Environment Ministry is launching a new funding programme as part of the National Climate Initiative. Funding is available for products and processes for climate protection that are already ready for the market but have not yet made the breakthrough. The guideline will enter into force on 1 March 2018 [...].
The state chairwoman of the Sozialverband Deutschland (SoVD), Jutta Kühl, and her deputy Sven Picker, together with the state chair of the Deutscher Mieterbund (DMB) Jochen Kiersch and the managing director Carsten Wendt, gave the starting signal for a popular initiative for affordable housing in Schleswig-Holstein at a press conference in the state house on Friday, February 16. The aim [...]
4.25 TWh from solar energy in NRW last year Düsseldorf. 4.25 terawatts (TWh)! That's how much electricity the photovoltaic systems installed in North Rhine-Westphalia produced last year (2017). This corresponds to the average annual electricity demand of more than 1 million four-person households. In total, there are 8.7 million households in NRW.
On 1 and 2 June 2018 in Berlin Venue: Kalkscheune Berlin, Johannisstraße 2, 10117 Berlin The demands on cities and regions as places to work are changing with the ongoing economic structural change. After industrialization and tertiarization, digitalization brings new profound changes for the world of work and thus new challenges for the [...]
Housing to be created through more effective development of building areas The City of Cologne has revoked its waiver of the exercise of the municipal right of first refusal with effect from 1 February 2018 and announced this in the Official Gazette of the City of Cologne. At the same time, the City of Cologne has informed the Cologne Land Registry, the Cologne Chamber of Notaries and the Federal Chamber of Notaries about [...]
Incentive for less "grey energy" in the construction of non-residential buildings The City of Hamburg promotes the use of wood in the construction of new non-residential buildings with a floor area of 100 m² or more. The use of wood in the construction of new buildings is subsidised with € 800 per tonne of wood product.
The vital, functionally mixed city is the guiding principle of sustainable urban development. Urban production can make an important contribution to the mix of functions. After years of functional segregation, it shows ways in which new city-affine production typologies, manufactories, small businesses and crafts can achieve more functional mixing in the various city quarters and secure or restore supply qualities.
Modern mobility is more than e-car subsidies, which is why Baden-Württemberg has introduced a purchase premium of 50% (max. 4,000 euros) for commercial eCargobikes. In an interview with, Minister of Transport Winfried Hermann (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) explains the Bicycle STRATEGY in the southwest:
New study makes the progress of the German states in the energy transition transparent Berlin/Stuttgart, 16 November 2017. Baden-Württemberg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Bavaria are the leading German states in the field of renewable energies. This is the result of the comparison of the German states published today by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and the Center for Solar Energy and [...]
The successful implementation of the energy transition requires a variety of technologies that solve different tasks in the energy system. Missing components must be supplemented and optimization processes implemented. Technological innovations, supported by social innovations, play a central role in this. Now, several projects are systematically investigating the potentials of the individual energy technologies and the innovation needs [...]
From building to neighbourhood: The current issue of the specialist journal "Information on Spatial Development" (IzR), published by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), shows how entire urban districts can be developed in a climate-friendly and energy-efficient way.
A broad alliance of more than 50 large and medium-sized companies and business associations is calling on the parties in the exploratory talks to make climate protection the central task of the future German government.
Particularly strong increase in expensive large cities Between 2011 and 2016, average building land prices for owner-occupied housing rose by 27 percent across Germany, from 129 euros per square metre to 164 euros. In the major cities, the price of a square metre of building land rose by 33 percent - from a good 250 euros in 2011 to [...]
Even if the share of electric vehicles on German roads increases significantly by 2050, the demand for raw materials for electromobility can be met. Global deposits of lithium, cobalt, nickel, graphite and platinum significantly exceed the forecast demand. These are the findings of a recent analysis by the Öko-Institut commissioned by [...].
BN - Is the roof of my house or company building suitable for a photovoltaic system or a solar thermal system? This question can now be answered quickly and conveniently online with the help of the new solar roof cadastre of the city of Bonn. In a building-specific map display, a colored marking indicates whether and to what extent [...]
Since the first edition of the FNR brochure "Straw Insulated Buildings" in 2013, building with this environmentally friendly and cost-effective material has developed positively.
Bonn/Düsseldorf. The fast, affordable and complete energy transition towards 100 percent renewable energies needs pioneers and trailblazers who inspire others. With the annual awarding of the German Solar Prize, EUROSOLAR puts these actors in the public eye and offers new impulses for a decentralized, citizen-oriented and regenerative conversion of the energy system. EUROSOLAR [...]
In its statement published on 2 October 2017, the German Advisory Council on the Environment calls on the incoming German government to initiate the coal phase-out without delay. The upcoming legislative period offers the last chance to set the course for an appropriate implementation of the Paris climate targets in Germany.
The energy turnaround in the building sector has stalled. Less and less is being invested in energy refurbishment, and the climate protection targets set in Paris are in jeopardy. The reason for this is to be found in inadequate advice and the uncertainty of many consumers on the one hand, and in insufficient government regulations and poorly managed funding on the other. […]
In future, three citizens' energy cooperatives will bear the "Citizens' Energy Project 2017" award. A total of 17 projects nationwide took part in the competition for the title. The three winning projects received a particularly large number of votes during a two-month internet voting process, in which around a thousand interested parties took part, and were also successful in the evaluation by the jury of committee representatives [...]
In its August issue, ÖKO-TEST magazine evaluated 15 different roof insulation materials, including 5 with the natureplus seal of approval. The products are mainly suitable for insulation between rafters. The good performance of conventional products made of glass and rock wool, which all achieved "good", was striking. Of the natureplus-certified products, 2 insulation materials made of wood fibres - "Gutex Thermoflex" [...]
Die Fotos entstanden August 2017 Die ganze Fotogalerie gibt es hier: Weitere Infos über das Öko-Zentrum NRW:
To date, the "Hoher Weg" eco estate in Hamm is the second largest timber housing estate in Germany with 120 residential units. This is astonishing because it was built back in the 1990s. The photos were taken in August 2017: The largest German timber housing estate was also built in Hamm: More information about the estate in [...]
Symposium of the Heidelberg International Building Exhibition takes place in Berlin for the first time On 27 September 2017, the IBA_LAB, the symposium of the International Building Exhibition (IBA) Heidelberg, will take place for the fifth time in a row. This year, for the first time, discussants and guests will meet in the German capital Berlin to broaden their perspective and discuss the question of the "knowledge city of tomorrow" [...]
Issue 3 of the journal IzR on sustainable urban development Four days, more than 30,000 participants, 167 states, numerous lectures, workshops and exhibitions: Habitat III, the World Summit on Human Settlements hosted by the United Nations in autumn 2016, was a major event. The result is the New Urban Agenda, a new global action programme for urban development. But how [...]
Two studies on renewable energy this week announced something that concerns everyone. One, in the journal Joule, calculates for 139 countries how the switch to one hundred percent energy from solar, wind and hydro could work by 2050. In the process, 24 million more jobs would be created than lost [...]
"To create truly livable urban neighborhoods, it takes more than just creating housing." SZ article by Gerhard Matzig from August 16, 2017
Between 31 August and 2 September, the planners' workshop embedded in the participation process for the Viktoriakarree will take place. During these three days, four teams of planners will develop an independent planning concept on site, taking into account the results of the previous participation processes. The planner workshop kick-off event will be held on Thursday, 31 August 2017, at [...]