Kategorie für Blog: DE-News
Broadcast: 11.12.2016 Talk: KenFM Running time: 1 h 37 min 31 s Content overview: 00:10:25 The secret of trees: the perfect cycle 00:27:13 Lunar wood: how the moon influences growth 00:37:52 Real energy transition 00:41:16 Energy self-sufficient houses and: Why wood doesn't burn 00:50:06 Common good, big corporations and tax avoidance 01:02:55 Modern thermodynamics: the model of [...]
In Norderstedt, there is a housing project where you can only live if you have a special electric car with a rechargeable car charging box. Small catch: this doesn't even exist yet.
With the Sustainable Small House Building (BNK) quality seal, there is now a standard for detached and semi-detached houses that you can use, for example, to optimise the conditions for insurance and financing of your own home. At the first official award ceremony, our "Room for Healthy Ideas" was also awarded the top grade of 1.4.
According to information from SPIEGEL ONLINE, Deutsche Bank does not want to put any more money into mines and power plants. Existing loans in projects are to be gradually reduced.
Back in December, with the votes of the red-red-green coalition, the state parliament passed a resolution on how the state intends to implement the 2030 Agenda for Global Sustainable Development and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on the ground.
Video verfügbar bis 28.01.2017, 16:30 Eine Million Elektroautos sollen bis zum Jahr 2020 in Deutschland fahren, so will es zumindest die Bundesregierung. Noch hinken die Verkaufszahlen den Erwartungen hinterher. Zusätzlich stellen sich wichtige Fragen nach der Herkunft von Strom und Rohstoffen. Das ZDF hat diesen Fragen in der Reihe „planet […]
The study "Method development for the description of target values for primary energy consumption and CO2 equivalent of building constructions for linking with property allocation and quality assurance up to design planning" of the RuhrUni Bochum under the direction of Prof. Dr. Annette Hafner has now been published and is available for download. Download: www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/...2016_dbu-abschlussbericht...pdf
From January 2017, the state capital of Munich will also pay up to 2000 euros in purchase incentives for privately used eCargobikes. On April 1, 2016, the Electromobility Funding Directive came into force in Munich. It introduced purchase premiums for commercial e-vehicles from pedelecs to e-cars. Since then, there has been a subsidy for commercially used eCargobikes [...].
From January 2017, the City of Munich will also pay a purchase premium of up to 2,000 euros for privately used eCargobikes. On April 1, 2016, the Electromobility Funding Directive came into force in Munich. It introduced purchase premiums for commercial e-vehicles from pedelecs to e-cars. Since then, there has been a subsidy for commercially used eCargobikes [...].
Electricity from the sun and wind is too expensive? Wrong: according to new studies, green electricity is cheaper than fossil energy worldwide and in Germany.
The Schweighofer Prize rewards innovative ideas, technologies, products and services along the entire value chain with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the European forestry and timber industry.
In cooperation between the TU Darmstadt and the Institute Housing and Environment (IWU), the endowed junior professorship "Models of Housing and Energy Policy in Cities" was established and filled by the scientist Kai Schulze. He teaches and conducts research at the Institute of Political Science in the Department of Social and Historical Sciences at TU Darmstadt.
Government aid for housing construction drives up prices, but does not bring more homes. This is how an assessment by the DIW can be interpreted.
Did Federal Minister for Building Barbara Hendricks (SPD) raise expectations with the Alliance for Affordable Housing and Building that ultimately could not be fulfilled? The parliamentary group of Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen is investigating their doubts about the sense and effectiveness of the alliance in a question. And they want to know: How and when does [...]
The era of the coal industry with its dusty air and polluted soil is long gone - but Essen has not yet emerged as an ecological model city. That is about to change. The Ruhr metropolis will be the green capital of Europe in 2017 and wants to completely reinvent itself.
Further decreasing investment costs for PV, wind and electric storage expected: In this regard, the Agency for Renewable Energies (AEE) publishes a new meta-analysis today. It compares the investment costs reported in 15 studies for a total of 11 energy technologies, including offshore and onshore wind energy, photovoltaics and solar thermal energy.
On 14 December 2016, the North Rhine-Westphalia state parliament passed the amendment to the state building code. The main parts of the new version will come into force one year after publication in the NRW Ministerial Gazette, i.e. in all probability at the beginning of 2018.
Even after the EEG reform, most photovoltaic systems on buildings are economical to operate. sonnen GmbH from Wildpoldsried offers a "sonnenFlat". This is particularly interesting for those who already have a PV system and are thinking about adding a battery, but also for anyone planning to purchase a PV system in 2017.
A socially acceptable coal phase-out is feasible and financially viable, according to the findings of an expert report commissioned by ver.di. "We calculate that in none of the scenarios will annual costs of more than 250 million euros have to be raised, even at the peak times around 2030, for early pensions, but also for retraining and [...]
More than insulation: The life cycle assessment of a house is decided by the choice of building materials. Another comparison with clear results. Click here for the life cycle assessment study by ÖkoPlus AG
In 2015, a historic double success was achieved for sustainability and climate policy. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement on climate protection define an ambitious global target system.
On 23 November, Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Gerd Wegener passed on his office as spokesman for the Forestry and Wood Cluster in Bavaria. The handover of office took place at the Bavarian Ministry of Agriculture as part of a ceremony held to mark the 10th anniversary of the cluster initiative and the 5th anniversary of proHolz Bayern.
More and more people are answering the question "How do we want to live?" with "Together instead of lonely." Living in community has become very popular in recent years, among young and older people alike. The forms of the new housing, house and settlement communities are diverse: from self-sufficient eco-villages to multi-generational housing projects [...]
They sat unanimously next to each other: the mayor, the Peruvian mountain guide, high-ranking representatives of churches and foundations and activists...
To date, over 500 neighbourhoods have applied for funding for energy-related neighbourhood concepts. A new brochure and a travelling exhibition present practical examples and recommendations for implementation.
Rhineland-Palatinate advises insulation with renewables In recent weeks, there has been much discussion about the disposal of old EPS-based insulation boards containing the flame retardant HBCD. The new Waste Catalogue Ordinance requires separate disposal. It thus goes beyond the corresponding EU regulation, which only requires [...]
In 2013, ABG FRANKFURT HOLDING built an apartment building with 17 residential units at Cordierstraße 4 in Frankfurt am Main as a passive house with energy gain in an existing neighbourhood. The specified orientation of the new replacement building, which is unfavourable for solar optimisation, posed particular challenges in achieving an energy surplus in the [...]
The Munich City Council has passed the Housing Promotion Programme Wohnen in München VI with the votes of the SPD and CSU. The city wants to invest 870 million euros in the construction of apartments over the next five years. Investors will no longer receive city-owned land.
For every third German, the car is still a status symbol. But because of running costs and scarce parking spaces, more and more city dwellers are doing without their own car. Is it worth relying completely on car sharing? Source: WISO Tip: Carsharing - ZDFmediathek
The City Makes Future as a System. A book by Klaus Burmeister and Ben Rodenhäuser about the city as a real laboratory for living and doing business. Based on four main topics (environment/sustainability, technology/networking, urban culture/participation and social affairs/inequality), Burmeister/Rodenhäuser name ten fields of action whose potentials, but also risks for the development of urban spaces are explored. Contribution by [...]
In 2012, the annual expansion in PV was still a good 7 GW; in 2016, it will reach just 1 GW. The expansion of PV in Germany has been falling for years and is now far below the government's expansion targets, which are already far too low.
The electricity for the electric car can come from the socket - or from the fuel cell. On the road, however, this technology is an absolute rarity. A car rental company in Munich now wants to change that.
On siedlungen.eu, photos of the sustainable showcase neighbourhood eQ in Pfaffenhofen are now available for the first time. In 2012, Pfaffenhofen received the German Sustainability Award in the "Small Towns and Municipalities" category, and in 2011 the city of Pfaffenhofen was honoured as the most sustainable city in the world (category 20,000 - 75,000 inhabitants) for its eco-neighbourhood, among other things. Click here for the photo gallery [...]
of the City of Freiburg im Breisgau Contractors: Joachim Eble Architektur, Rolf Messerschmidt, Tübingen EGS-Plan Ingenieurgesellschaft für Energie-, Gebäude- und Solartechnik mbH IER Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Rationelle Energieanwendung, Universität Stuttgart Results: In the analysis of the total annual costs, the running costs and revenues in the utilisation phase are taken into account in addition to the capital-linked investment costs. [...]
The Paris Climate Agreement has given renewable energies and energy efficiency a global tailwind. The Climate Protection Index 2017 presented today by Germanwatch shows a stable upward trend. Overall, however, the global energy transition is still proceeding too slowly to make its contribution to the Paris climate goals, warns the environment and development organisation Germanwatch. The choice of [...]