The German Association of Cities, the Global Parliament of Mayors and the international cities network ICLEI have joined forces to form a Cities Alliance to accompany the German G7 Presidency. The alliance is organising a conference on Tuesday, 3 May a U7 Mayors Summitwhich brings together high-level representatives of cities from the G7 countries. Representatives of the media are invited to follow the event virtually.
The international exchange is under the heading "Engaging the Urban World - Cities as Engines of Change for Peace, Democracy and Sustainability".. It is the most important event of cities in the framework of the German G7 Presidency. A joint declaration by the cities will also be adopted: In the „Urban7 Mayors Declaration“ the city leaders from the G7 countries will present their expectations of politics and business in order to meet the global challenges on the ground.
Participating and speaking as the German delegation will be:
- Lord Mayor Markus Lewe, Münster, President of the German Association of Cities,
- Lord Mayor Peter Kurz, Mannheim, Chairman Global Parliament of Mayors,
- State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
- State Secretary Dr. Rolf Bösinger, Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Construction
The Mayors Round Table is also attended by city leaders from the G7 countries USA, Japan, Canada, Italy, the UK, France and the EU. Among the topics discussed at the event will be: Consequences of the war in Ukraine, role of cities in multi-level governance, impact of climate change, status of democracy, sustainable urban development, municipal development cooperation and the United Nations Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Cities Summit is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Service Agency Communities in One World (SKEW) of Engagement Global.
You will find the programme in the appendix. The event, which will last around two hours, will start at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, 3 May. You can register and follow the event virtually at this link:
A press release of the German Association of Cities and its partners will also be published for the event. Further information is available on the Summit website at:
DE-News, Communities, SDG 2030, City, Environmental policy