Kategorie für Blog: Bike-/Velo-City
- Other countries are leading the way: Spain adopts 30 km/h speed limit in cities; French cities with 30 km/h speed limit have 70 percent fewer fatal accidents
- Federal government fails "Vision Zero" and ignores 30 km/h as an immediate measure in key points paper for new road safety programme
- Current United Nations Road Safety Week identifies reduction of speed limit to 30 km/h in built-up areas as key measure to protect lives
Animation from Jan Kamensky (2020)
Heidelberg is receiving massive funding from the 2021 urban development programme for two construction projects on conversion sites. The development of Patrick-Henry-Village (PHV) into a new city district has even received the highest funding amount in the entire programme. Heidelberg will receive 3.5 million euros for this project. In addition, the conversion of the sports hall on the former US hospital in Rohrbach will be funded with 400,000 euros. This was announced by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economics on Wednesday, February 3.
A further 700,000 euros will be available for #moinzukunft cargo bikes from 1 April. Up to 2,000 euros in subsidies are possible for the purchase of a new e-load bike and 500 euros for normal load bikes.
Newly built districts with space-efficient mobility offers
A new sustainable urban district is being built on the west side of the Merwedekanal in a central location not far from Utrecht Central Station. The plan is to create a mixed-use district with 6,000 to 9,000 homes for approximately 12,000 residents. The area will become a showcase for healthy and sustainable living with innovative concepts for recycling, energy production, climate adaptation and mobility solutions. Planned completion: by 2024
Germany's largest cooperative housing project in Berlin 28:58 min Video available until: 12/02/2020 First broadcast on: 2.12.2019 Living in the metropolis, in a large community, according to its own rules. Central, energy-saving, ecological, cosmopolitan, inclusive. The residents of Möckernkiez in Berlin-Kreuzberg have fulfilled this dream.
Dynamic master plan for the Patrick Henry Village presented / Citizen participation from 9 December A central park with a lake in the centre, diversity in architecture and in the use of buildings, energy production directly in the neighbourhood, a ring road, large neighbourhood garages, the public space for it free of parking spaces - these are just a few aspects from [...]
Senate adopts concrete measures for the next ten years and sets new CO2-targets for 2030 and 2050

21.11.2019. Heute gründet das Bundesverkehrsministerium zusammen mit Ländern und Kommunen ein Bündnis für moderne Mobilität. Ziel ist, mehr Platz für umweltfreundliche Verkehrsmittel zu schaffen.
Dazu gehört auch der schnelle Ausbau des Radverkehrs gemäß Klimapaket der Bundesregierung. Der Fahrradclub ADFC ist mit einem Impulsvortrag vertreten. ADFC-Bundesgeschäftsführer Burkhard Stork sichert Bürgermeisterinnen und Bürgermeistern volle Unterstützung bei den zu erwartenden Flächenkonflikten zu.
ADFC-Bundesgeschäftsführer Burkhard Stork said in the run-up to the event: „From 2020, for the first time there will be real money from the federal government to finance high-quality cycle path networks, cycle bridges and cycle parking facilities in the municipalities. To make sure that this money gets to the roads quickly, mayors and their administrations must start planning now - and build really good cycle paths from 2021 at the latest. As everywhere else in the world, there will be conflicts when it comes to redistributing road space. This is where it is important to show attitude and leadership, dear mayors. The ADFC, with its more than 450 branches nationwide, will strengthen you in this!"
The ecovillage Sieben Linden has existed near Berlin for 30 years. The documentary gives a detailed insight into life there and what the villagers have experienced so far. Available until 28.10.2024
The ADFC cycling club is a supporter of the Fridays For Future movement's global climate strike and is calling on all cycling sympathisers, members, supporters and regional groups to take part in the strike from 20 September.
According to the ADFC, the climate goals can only be achieved with a traffic turnaround in favor of car alternatives and a tripling of cycling. Groups of ADFC and Fridays For Future are planning joint actions in numerous cities.
Rebecca Peter's, ADFC deputy federal chairwoman, said: „The transport sector has so far not contributed at all to achieving the climate and sustainability goals. On the contrary, our cities are becoming more and more crowded, stressful, dangerous and dirty. However, climate-friendly mobility does not mean joining forces now to put 47 million e-cars on the roads and continuing to provide every conceivable incentive for people to travel even absurdly short distances by car. We need highly attractive offers for cycling and walking in combination with a top-developed public transport system - and much less car traffic to secure the quality of life in cities and the countryside!"
Available until 08.04.2024. ARD-alpha A district without cars, in a big German city? In Cologne-Nippes about 1300 people live in a car-free quarter. The residents of the French Quarter in Tübingen have been gathering experience in a neighbourhood without cars for about 20 years. Does the concept work?
In the 40th year of its existence, the ADFC has launched a nationwide action and awareness campaign under the motto #MMorePlaceForBicycles. The aim is to create a spirit of optimism in politics and society for more and better cycling. Concrete demands are: Wide and good cycle lanes, safe crossings and many more bicycle parking spaces everywhere in Germany. Numerous [...]
Retail with sales plus of 22.3 % The boom in the bicycle trade, which has been continuing for years, also continued in 2018. As further reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) on the occasion of World Health Day on 7 April, the retail trade in bicycles, parts and accessories recorded an increase in turnover of 11.9 % in real terms in 2018 compared [...]
Denmark's capital has reached a milestone on its way to becoming a bicycle city. There are now more bikes on the streets than cars. Will other cities follow suit?
New ideas can be submitted from summer 2019 The Federal Environment Ministry is today launching a new funding call for "Climate protection through cycling". In future, the National Climate Initiative (NKI) will fund model projects that, among other things, support cities and municipalities, but also associations and companies, in developing attractive cycling offers and [...]
The car-free settlement and the mobility concept is presented from about minute 2 to 7 in the kika media library: www.kika.de/erde-an-zukunft/sendungen/sendung106156.html
While two large providers are planning a merger, another company is entering the market in Munich with Oply. But it is still unclear when the city will be able to actively promote the rental system. http://sz.de/1.3921869
Funding guideline comes into force on 1 March 2018 With the so-called small series guideline, the Federal Environment Ministry is launching a new funding programme as part of the National Climate Initiative. Funding is available for products and processes for climate protection that are already ready for the market but have not yet made the breakthrough. The guideline will enter into force on 1 March 2018 [...].
Modern mobility is more than e-car subsidies, which is why Baden-Württemberg has introduced a purchase premium of 50% (max. 4,000 euros) for commercial eCargobikes. In an interview with cargobike.jetzt, Minister of Transport Winfried Hermann (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) explains the Bicycle STRATEGY in the southwest: www.cargobike.jetzt/interview-winfried-hermann
"Europe's largest rental for e-load bikes has started in Cologne. The initiators see the project as an active contribution to the energy transition and want to transfer the system - if it is successful - to other cities" Read the article: https://enorm-magazin.de/europas-groesster-e-lastenrad-verleih
In an elaborate programme, NDR devoted itself to the topic of "Who owns the road? Anyone who cycles a lot will know many of the situations shown only too well. Examples from northern Germany, including Oldenburg and Hamburg, as well as the Koppenhagen model with wide and demarcated cycle paths and the first high-speed cycle path in Germany in NRW "SR1" are shown, but the sense of cycle lanes on the road is also discussed.
The mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo is creating more space for cyclists and pedestrians - and wants to push cars out of the city in the long term. Everything else is "old-fashioned". Read what is planned in the article from 9.1.2017: www.faz.net/...paris-buergermeisterin-anne-hidalgo-sagt-autos-den-kampf-an-14611364.html
City as a pioneer of mobility change Wuppertal is making a name for itself in terms of sustainable and modern transport systems. It is not only the 100-year-old suspension railway that has long stood for the city as a symbol of innovative modes of transport. The new Nordbahn route for cyclists and pedestrians above the roofs of the city has brought great recognition nationwide. A modern [...]