2.15 min., published: 2015
Project Info: http://sdg21.eu/db/fuggerei-in-augsburg
Keywords: Movies, Movies < 4 Min, News Blog Bavaria, Affordable housing, Settlements, Housing
2.15 min., published: 2015
Project Info: http://sdg21.eu/db/fuggerei-in-augsburg
6:10 min. trailer of the conference
All presentations are documented on the WATCHzebralog channel:
Program and Downloads
Bike-/Velo-City, DE-News, Movies, Movies 4 to 10 Min, Media, News Blog Bremen, Mix of uses, Quarters, Resource efficiency, Settlements, City, Urban production, Housing, Housing policy, Housing projects, Aesthetics / Architecture / Building Culture
2:04 min
Video report about the car-free settlement Florisdorf in Vienna.
Content: For 16 years there has been a car-free settlement in the 21st district. Instead of parking spaces, communal areas dominate. The residents are still enthusiastic - but for some of them, the sloppiness has set in.
To the project website:
There is also a text post about this from 10/12/2016: www.derstandard.at/...Floridsdorf-Ohne-Auto-im-Autofahrer-Bezirk
Car Free, Movies, Movies < 4 Min, News Blog Austria, Quarters, Settlements, Vienna
"Why do the same dreary apartment blocks have to be built everywhere?" asks F.A.Z. economics writer Nadine Oberhuber in Your post from 26.04.2017. She thinks "unambitious" is still the most harmless word of the viewers for the block architecture". As the main cause she quotes her F.A.Z. colleague and architecture critic Niklas Maak who observes a "radical economization of building", similar to the Bundesstiftung Baukultur.
Even the sustainable settlements cannot escape this pressure for returns and are becoming increasingly unimaginative, as I have unfortunately noticed in my observations over the last 20 years. "It's not pretty", as Gerhard Matzig puts it in his Contribution from 16.4. using the example of Munich's housing construction.
This is what the mayors of Mexico City, Paris, Athens and Madrid decided at the C40 meeting at a climate protection meeting of major international cities in Mexico City. They want to "do everything in their power to promote the use of electric and hybrid cars". In addition, more money is to be invested in the expansion of public transport and cycle paths.
Behind the meeting is the Group C40, short for Climate Leadership Group. In the beginning, there were 40 cities committed to climate protection - now there are more than 80. According to their own figures, they have a combined population of more than 600 million, i.e. almost one tenth of the world's population.
Source: Adiós diesel car! - DRadio Wissen (2.12.2016)
The taz publishes an interview on the topic with the mobility expert Paco Seguro (Chief coordinator of the Spanish environmental organisation Ecologistas en Acción) on 3.12.2016, in which it is explained how it should work: www.taz.de/Oekologe-ueber-dieselfreie-Innenstadt/!5359282
Stakeholders, Stock, Bike-/Velo-City, Renewable, Climate protection, Communities, Mobility, News Blog Europe (without DE), News Blog France, News Blog Greece, News Blog Spain, Quarters, SDG 2030, Settlements, Environmental policy, eMobility