Web database of sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods

Majority of builders in NRW rely on renewables

Abb.: IT.NRW
Fig.: IT.NRW

In North Rhine-Westphalia, around one in two (50.6 percent) of the 18,334 residential buildings (excluding dormitories) approved in 2019 are to be heated predominantly or exclusively with renewable energies.

Düsseldorf (IT.NRW). In North Rhine-Westphalia, around one in two (50.6 per cent) of the 18 334 residential buildings approved in 2019 (excluding dormitories) will be heated predominantly or exclusively with renewable energies. These 9 283 residential buildings use biomass, biogas/biomethane, wood, solar panels and/or heat pumps as primary heating energy. As reported by Information und Technik Nordrhein-Westfalen as the State Statistical Office on the occasion of this year's Renewable Energy Day (25 April 2020), the share of construction projects using environmentally friendly heating energies was highest statewide in the Olpe district last year: there, builders relied on renewable energies in 82.2 percent of new buildings. Bottrop (81.3 percent) and the district of Kleve (73.8 percent) followed in second and third place. Building owners in Solingen and the district of Mettmann, on the other hand, planned to use conventional heating energy in the majority of cases in 2019: Here, renewable energies were the primary heating source in around one in five and one in four residential building projects respectively (Solingen: 22.7 per cent; Mettmann district: 26.7 per cent). (IT.NRW)

Source: PM IT.NRW of 24 April 2020

Keywords: DE-News, Renewable, New books and studies, News Blog NRW, PV, Solar thermal