After one and a half years of consultation, the black-green Hessian state government has adopted its Climate Protection Plan 2025. According to the plan, greenhouse gas emissions are to be reduced by 30 percent by 2020, by 40 percent by 2025 and by at least 90 percent by 2050 (compared to the base year 1990). By achieving these goals, Hessen wants to become climate neutral by the middle of the century and contribute to national and international climate protection efforts.
The measures include, among others, the "storage of carbon in durable wood and fibre products and substitution of energy-intensive materials with wood and fibre products". To implement this, the state of Hesse wants to explicitly support timber construction and promote innovative timber products through funding programmes. In addition, timber construction and the use of wood are to be further promoted by reviewing building regulations and the state's procurement guideline.
Keywords: DE-News, Wood construction, Climate protection, News Blog Hesse, Environmental policy, Ecology