With the portal https://energiewendedörfer.de the University of Kassel and the Georg-August-University Göttingen present first results from the joint project "Innovative concepts and business models for sustainable bioenergy villages - climate-friendly, democratic, close to the citizens". In particular, concepts for bioenergy or biogas plants are being developed that can enable continued economic operation following the previous 20-year EEG phase.
With recommendations for action in the areas of residual material use, alternative energy crops, optimisation of value creation through recycling management, future electricity marketing, efficient heating networks and sector coupling of bioenergy with other renewable energies, bioenergy villages and operators of energy plants are shown possible new business models. To this end, the researchers are working in so-called real laboratories with the bioenergy villages Krebeck/Wollbrandshausen and Altenmellrich/Anröchte in order to be able to examine the feasibility and economic viability of the new models under practical conditions.
The platform https://energiewendedörfer.de offers recommendations for action as well as information on biomass and residual material potentials and a GIS map that presents the bioenergy villages in Germany and their measures and technologies. Among other things, this enables a targeted search for the fuels or substrates used and the technologies applied. It is aimed at all interested parties who are committed to an energy and heat transition in their villages or communities.
The CO2-In addition, attractive funding programmes and the Building Energy Act support local authorities in switching to a renewable heat supply. Extensive information offers on energiewendedörfer.de as well as the guides, market overviews and other service offers of the Agency for Renewable Resources (Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V. - FNR) provide the necessary information. (FNR) provide the necessary support to advance the energy transition in municipalities.
The joint project "Innovative concepts and business models for sustainable bioenergy villages - climate-friendly, democratic, close to the people" is funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) via the project management organisation FNR. Information on the project is available at https://energiewendedörfer.de and in the FNR project database at www.fnr.de under the funding codes "22405817" and "22405218" available.
Source: PM of the FNR from 1.12.2020
Keywords: 100% EEs, Construction and operating costs, Blogs & Portals, Citizen Energy, DE-News, Renewable, Climate protection, Sustainable management, Transition Town