8:08 min., 12.07.2010, image video
Project Info: http://sdg21.eu/db/muenchen-riem
Keywords: DE-News, Movies, Movies 4 to 10 Min, News Blog Bavaria
8:08 min., 12.07.2010, image video
Project Info: http://sdg21.eu/db/muenchen-riem
The planning practice and planning culture of German cities are the focus of a comprehensive handout produced with the cooperation of the German Association of Cities and Towns and the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development. The brochure brings together 55 projects from 34 cities that show how multifaceted municipal planning practice is implemented in Germany. The documentation of successful projects and exemplary Planning Processes offers a rich fund of ideas and is intended to encourage new approaches. It covers a broad spectrum of good practice and innovative solutions on strategic concepts, citizen participation, housing, urban design, urban renewal, neighbourhood management or mobility. The brochure, published in April 2016, is addressed to representatives of local politics, administration and civil society initiatives in cities, but also offers inspiring practical examples for research and teaching.
Download: www.staedtetag.de/...staedtebau-planungspraxis-staedte-2016
DE-News, Media, New books and studies, Quarters, Settlements, City, Housing policy
Anne Katrin Bohle has been State Secretary for Construction at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Housing since March 2019.
Until the German EU-The "Leipzig Charter" is to be further developed into the "Leipzig Charter 2.0" for the EU Council Presidency in 2020. The "Leipzig Charter", which is little known even among experts, invokes the values of "citizens' co-determination and self-determination, calls for social integration, the creation and use of public space, a strengthening of city centres and a mix of uses". And the "idea of the "European City" explicitly opposes one-sided and monotonous urban development. Against exclusion and isolation of individual city districts, against the ruthless enforcement of individual interests."
In an interview with Bauwelt, the Secretary of State for Construction explains the goals and approach:
The German Chamber of Architects also reported:
On 5 and 6 December 2019, the Bauwelt Congress will be held for this purpose:
DE-News, News Blog Europe (without DE), Mix of uses, Quarters, SDG 2030, City, Environmental policy, Urban production, Housing policy
The Federal City of Bonn was awarded the "StadtGrün naturnah" label on Thursday, 19 September 2019. With this award, the alliance "Municipalities for Biodiversity" honours exemplary commitment on urban green spaces to promote biodiversity. Bonn was able to score points in the labelling process with species-rich wildflower meadows, sustainable forest management and innovative environmental education offers and is now one of the few large cities certified with the silver label for more nature in the city.
The awarding of the label took place during the "StadtGrün naturnah" conference in Bonn, where around 100 participants from municipalities and authorities learned about the activities of the award-winning municipalities and exchanged views on the scope for action for more diversity in municipal green spaces. Dieter Fuchs, Head of the Office for Urban Greening of the City of Bonn, accepted the award together with his staff.
"Already today, near-natural, species-rich green spaces characterise Bonn's cityscape. The labelling process supports us on our way to further strengthen ecological green space management," says Fuchs. "Especially in large cities with growing populations like Bonn, it is important to continue to give nature space in the city. In the labelling process, intensive cooperation has been established with local partners who are committed to biodiversity. Together we want to inspire citizens for more nature in the city and invite everyone to contribute in their own way."
In the multi-stage labelling process, the participating municipalities were closely accompanied by the project office "StadtGrün naturnah" for one year. Together they analysed how the urban green spaces could be further ecologically upgraded and which strengths and potentials already distinguish the city. A local working group, in which representatives of the city, the Biological Station, nature conservation associations, the University of Bonn and the Vebowag are represented, accompanied the process.
The city of Bonn has been committed to more biodiversity in the city since 1993 with the Bonn Meadow Programme. Today, there are meadows on around 63 hectares in the city area where bees, bumblebees, butterflies and other insects cavort. Species-rich perennial beds have been planted along paths and streets, for example at the Windeckbunker and on the banks of the Rhine below the Beethovenhalle. At Bonn's South Cemetery, 5,000 square metres of unused lawns were transformed into brightly coloured flowering areas. In the future, species-rich meadows will also be created on unused areas at other cemeteries in Bonn.
In the city forest, the city promotes and protects insects, birds and many other animals and plants by leaving over twelve percent of the forest area to natural development. The Bonn city forest has been certified since 1999 according to the strict criteria of the Naturland Association for ecological and sustainable management. For example, the employees of the Bonn city forestry do not clear-cut or use pesticides and fertilisers.
Since its reopening in summer 2019, the Haus der Natur has been the central starting point for environmental education programmes in Bonn. The programme of workshops and guided tours will be significantly expanded and specified in the future. In connection with the farmer's garden, the path of biodiversity, a meadow orchard and the adjacent Kottenforst, it offers numerous opportunities to observe, discover and experience nature.
Bonn citizens who would like to support biodiversity in their city will find a variety of opportunities, for example as a sponsor for a green space or as a flowering ambassador for the "Bonn blossoms and hums" initiative. There is also the possibility of leasing urban areas for urban gardening.
Further information on ecological green space management and the labelling process in Bonn is available at www.bonn.de/stadtgruen-naturnah.
The "StadtGrün naturnah" label was developed jointly by the Alliance of Municipalities for Biological Diversity and the German Environmental Aid (DUH). The award is part of the project "City Green - Species-Rich and Diverse", which is funded by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation with funds from the Federal Ministry for the Environment from 2016 to 2021 as part of the Federal Programme on Biological Diversity. In the first public tender, 14 municipalities were awarded the label. The label is valid for the period 2019 to 2022 and can be renewed after three years through recertification.
More information on the "StadtGrün naturnah" label at www.stadtgruen-naturnah.de.
Source: Press release City of Bonn, 20.09.2019
Greening / climate adaptation, Bonn, Communities, Near-natural open space design, News Blog NRW, Contests & Prizes, Wildlife/animal friendly construction
Forest Minister Peter Hauk MdL: "With our call for ideas, we want to further promote municipal timber construction in the state and further consolidate our nationwide position as the No. 1 timber construction state".
A total of around 6.5 million euros in funding from the Baden-Württemberg timber construction campaign is available for the call for ideas for municipal timber construction concepts.
The online application deadline is February 12, 2020.
"In view of the global climate development, there is no way around the increased use of wood as a renewable and climate-friendly building and insulation material. Only buildings with a high proportion of wood can store larger amounts of carbon over centuries. With our call for ideas, we want to further promote municipal timber construction in the state and further consolidate our nationwide position as the No. 1 timber construction state," said the Minister for Rural Areas and Consumer Protection, Peter Hauk MdL, in Stuttgart on Friday (13 November). The aim is to establish Baden-Württemberg as a model of climate-conscious building culture. As far as possible, the state's building projects would be implemented in timber and timber hybrid construction. Now the state is also supporting the municipalities in their development towards climate-friendly construction with wood.
"The call for ideas focuses primarily on municipal concepts and approaches in urban development that lead to the implementation of timber construction projects. We are looking for new innovative approaches, for example in our own properties, neighbourhood development or the creation of entire settlements", explained Minister Hauk. This requires committed and innovative municipalities that lead the way as trendsetters. The ideas competition is intended to provide incentives for this. "Those who build with the renewable raw material wood protect the climate and strengthen regional economic cycles. The timber and mixed timber construction methods are ideal, for example, for adding on to existing buildings, closing gaps between buildings or renovating existing buildings", explained the Minister. Numerous projects are already proving that high-quality and sustainable further development of urban and rural areas with wood is economical and brings added value for the population.
The state is therefore promoting greater climate awareness in the construction industry with the Baden-Württemberg timber construction offensive. Wood is the only relevant building material that has a favourable CO2-balance and achieves an immediate storage effect. Thanks to innovative processing with low energy consumption, wood is used in a wide variety of forms and can contribute to a sustainable building culture with architectural accents.
Municipalities are invited to submit approaches to planning and building with wood in building construction. These can be initial ideas that must be assigned to one of the following four categories:
1. development and conception of the construction and renovation of own properties,
2. instruments and approaches of urban planning / development,
3. information, advice and education of those willing to build by the municipalities (communication)
4. other/special route.
The submission of ideas for the planning of individual objects, as well as neighbourhood and settlement approaches, consulting and qualification offers (internal and external), communication strategies and public relations, but also other formats in the municipal planning context are conceivable.
The call is designed to be low-threshold in order to address many municipalities. In a two-stage application process, a rough concept is first submitted online in the form of a short idea sketch. After an evaluation by a group of experts, selected municipalities have the chance to deepen the project idea and prepare it for implementation. Financial support of up to 20,000 euros each is available for this (1st stage). After a positive evaluation, there is the possibility of receiving further funding of up to 400,000 euros in the second stage for the implementation of their project idea (2nd stage).
The deadline for submitting a short outline of ideas via the online application is 12 February 2021 (1st stage). Interested municipalities can find more information on the website of the Timber Construction Offensive at www.holzbauoffensivebw.de
Funding, Wood construction, News Blog Baden-Württemberg, Quarters, Environmental policy, Housing