50733 Cologne-Nippes: "Autofreie Siedlung". 460 Wohnungen für ca. 1.500 Bewohner. Der Stellplatzschlüssel liegt bei 0,2 Pkw je Wohneinheit. Für die Haushalte der Siedlung und für ca. 40 Besucher wurde am Siedlungsrand ein Parkhaus mit 120 Stellplätzen gebaut. Normalerweise wären an dem Standort ca. 400 bis 500 Stellplätze erforderlich gewesen. Fertigstellung: 2013
Dekade: 2010-2019
Cologne-Niehl: Redevelopment and addition of 11 apartment blocks with rental apartments. 300 flats before refurbishment, 345 flats after refurbishment. Average 47 m² before refurbishment, approx. 55 m² after refurbishment. Architecture: ARCHPLAN Münster. Client: State development company (LEG Wohnen NRW). Completion: 2010
51379 Leverkusen-Opladen: New development area of around 70 ha directly adjacent to Opladen railway station. Since 2008, the city of Leverkusen has been developing a new urban district with housing, education, work, shopping, green space and leisure on the former railway repair works. On the east side is an area of about 45 hectares, which has now been built on. Historic industrial buildings such as the boiler house, magazine and water tower have been preserved.
50968 Cologne-Bayenthal: 16,500 square metres, addr.: Koblenzer Str. (between Südstadt and Bayenthal). On 3 July 2011, 170 people came together to plant the wasteland in a smartmob. This resulted in the interim use of the site as a community garden. www.neuland-koeln.de
52249 Eschweiler-Dürwiß: Model settlement for resource-efficient construction. 60 plots on 3.7 ha of open space. The city of Eschweiler is developing a resource-efficient residential area together with RWE Power AG and the Aachen-based Kathy Beys Foundation. Single-family and multi-family houses, multi-generation houses, residential courtyards, etc. are to be built with a wide range of living space for families, residential communities, individualists, senior citizens, etc.
52459 Inden: The aim of the settlement development was to use valuable resources more efficiently by a factor of 2 when building and living. Raw materials and building constructions were selected according to their environmental consumption and long-term costs. Regional building materials, timeless architecture, durable and maintenance-friendly constructions were given priority. Completion: 2018
54296 Trier: Total area approx. 70 ha, residential area: approx. 25 ha, Science Park and University of Trier mainly in the area of the former barracks: approx. 23 ha, green and open spaces: approx. 20 ha. Private investment in residential construction approx. 200 million euros and approx. 150 million euros in commercial construction. Approx. 850 residential units*, completion: 2015
60327 Frankfurt: Energy-plus building, BMUB-supported. 74 residential units and 2 commercial units, gross floor area: 11,700 m². The building itself generates the energy required by the residents for heating, ventilation, water heating, household, elevator and general electricity. The energy supply including electricity is included in the flat rate rent. Surpluses can be used by the residents for e-mobility. Completion: 2015
69115 Heidelberg: Bahnstadt is the largest passive house development in the world and one of the largest new development areas in Germany with 116 ha. Electricity and heat are supplied entirely from renewable energies. 6,500 to 6,800 people will live in Bahnstadt in the future, and 5,000 to 6,000 people will work there. At the end of 2018, more than 4,000 people will live in Bahnstadt. Around 2,450 apartments have already been built - a total of around 3,700 apartments will be built.
70191 Stuttgart: in the Rosensteinviertel, the first larger housing estate (125 WEs) with electric cars in the car-sharing fleet was built as a model project. Completion: 2016
72072 Tübingen: District development in the French Quarter for 2,500 residents. Around 150 businesses with around 700 jobs have been established. Leisure, shopping and service facilities are planned in the quarter itself or are partly available in the immediate vicinity of the quarter. This is a conversion area with former barracks of the French Army; conversion of the massive barracks buildings, which are worth preserving, to multi-storey housing or redensification on vacant, cleared areas. Completion: 2012
72074 Tübingen-Lustnau: Timeframe for implementation: Acquisition of Egeria South: February 2008; Acquisition of Egeria North: 2009; Revised urban design: July 2010; Start of construction of buildings: Spring 2012; Completion 2015, Planned area: 9.6 ha, Population: approx. 750. The building plots were sold to 25 building associations and a social developer. According to the plans, 100 jobs were to be created. Speed limit 20 km/h on the central access road.
72074 Tübingen-Lustnau: Naturally ventilated KfW Efficiency House 55 in timber construction in the new Old Weaving Mill" Quarter, Tübingen. 9 apartments and 1 commercial unit on the ground floor. Architecture: Joachim Eble Architektur. Local heat supply from biogas plant. Completion: 2014
74076 Heilbronn: 22 houses are to be built and occupied in the first construction phase by 2019. The development is intended to form a compact, urban edge to the Federal Horticultural Show Heilbronn 2019. 19 renowned offices have designed the architecture for this. The usage concepts are diverse, and technical innovations are to be showcased. A four- to six-storey development is planned for the approximately 30-hectare site. Around 3,500 residents are expected to live here one day. The site is certified as a "DGNB Platinum" for urban neighbourhoods (2016 version).
D - 74594 Kreßberg: "Schloss Tempelhof" is a grassroots community that has existed in northern Baden-Württemberg since 2010. Almost 150 residents live on the 30-hectare village site. The ecovillage community is set to grow to 300 residents. The community practises solidarity agriculture based on permaculture principles. There are jobs in a market garden, animal husbandry, cheese dairy, beekeeping, bakery and in the kitchen. Others have been created in the seminar centre, the building sector, the administration and the Free Montessori School.
78234 Engen: Passive house development in the "Hugenberg 2" building area. Wooden houses made from healthy building materials, photovoltaic modules, central wood pellet system. Architecture: Büro Mahler (Engen) and 'architektur-werkstatt' (Singen). So far, 8 flats have been built in 6 residential buildings. A plot for a double or EFH is still available. (as of 8.2016)
79100 Freiburg-Vauban: extended citizen participation through the Forum Vauban, car-free living, public transport, car sharing, mixed use, solar garage, local heating with CHP units, nature-oriented open space design, building biology and ecological materials. 40% of households live without their own car. The number of parking spaces for the entire quarter is 0.42 PkW/WE. Large-scale completion: 2012
81829 Munich: New development area on the site of the former Riem Airport on a planning area of 556 ha. There are plans for 6,500 apartments for 15,000 residents, mainly in multi-storey housing, and jobs for 13,000 employees. In 2014, there were more than 12,000 residents. Developing the district sustainably was a central theme of Messestadt Riem. Several evaluations of Messestadt Riem took place. Completion: 2018
81829 Munich-Riem: 49 apartments, common rooms as well as a commercial unit, ultra-low energy house with passive house standard, controlled living space ventilation, barrier-free planning
81927 Munich: Germany's largest contiguous timber housing estate with 566 flats in timber or timber hybrid construction has been built in the Oberföhring district. Different building types up to 7-storey houses were built in timber construction. The approximately 30-hectare site of the former Prinz Eugen barracks is located in the Bogenhausen neighbourhood (district 13). The flats were realised by building associations, cooperatives, municipal and independent developers, which means that a wide range of housing can be offered for a wide variety of housing needs: for rent and ownership, in different building types, for all household sizes and income groups and alternative forms of housing. Completion: 2020
83043 Bad Aibling: The "H8" building is the first eight-story wooden high-rise in Germany. It was built in 2011 in the Upper Bavarian town of Bad Aibling. Together with the building E3 in Berlin, it is currently one of the tallest wooden buildings in Germany. 9 WEs and offices. Usable area: 803 m2, Architect: Architekturbüro Schankula. Client: B&O Wohnungswirtschaft, the building is located in a zero-energy quarter, completion: 2011
85049 Ingolstadt: With 116 units in timber construction out of a total of 142 units, this is one of the larger timber housing estates in Germany. It was realised in three construction phases, with 81 units by bogevischs buero architekten & stadtplaner gmbh, Munich; as well as 35 by Behnisch Architekten, Stgt. and 26 units by Brand Architekten, Ingolstadt (in mineral construction); client: St. Gundekar-Werk Wohnungs- und Städtebaugesellschaft mbH, Schwabach. Completion: 2011
85276 Pfaffenhofen: On over 91,000 m2 approx. 250 residential units and commercial areas are being built. Condominiums, semi-detached and terraced houses, as well as single-family houses were built. Slightly more than 50 residential units and the daycare center were built in timber construction. There was also the possibility of acquiring plots of land and building on them yourself. Completion: 2017
89518 Heidenheim: 63 units of intergenerational living in the city with high ecological standards. The first residents moved in in 2004. By the end of 2009, just over 100 people from babies to the elderly were already living in the project. The group of houses is located on the outskirts of Heidenheim, rich in forests and meadows, in the direct vicinity of a Demeter farm.
Cooperative for social, ecological and self-managed living Wogeno was founded in 1993 and entered in the register as a cooperative in 1994 and has since established itself as an umbrella cooperative. As of 1.1.2016, WOGENO has a total of 19 houses in Munich with 530 apartments occupied by WOGENO members. The newest Wogeno house is the [...]
91052 Erlangen: On a former military site of the US Army, a district close to the city centre for approx. 5,000 residents is being developed on 136 ha. In addition to areas for Business and housing, the University of Nuremberg-Erlangen was expanded on this site. A district park linked to a nature reserve completes the mix of uses from living, working, learning and leisure. Completion: 2014