76149 Karlsruhe: Conversion of the former U.S. housing estate. 526 units of the total of 1,651 units of this existing housing estate were built as storeys in timber frame construction in the low-energy standard. The additional storeys in timber construction alone are the largest coherent timber housing estate in Europe in the last 40 years. Completion: 2000
Stadtregion: Karlsruhe and surrounding area
D - 76131 Karlsruhe-Oststadt: Since 2013, the "Quartier Zukunft" real-world laboratory has been under construction in Karlsruhe, where the urban life of the future is being tested and developed. The city of the future has largely been built in Europe. This means that the major task of sustainable urban development lies in the transformation of the existing.
76187 Karlsruhe-Nordweststadt: the design was planned for an undeveloped plot of land as a student research project at the University of Karlsruhe in cooperation with the association ASKA e.V., but was not realized. Concept: 140 units, photovoltaic and biomass CHP, business and office facilities, community facilities, gastronomy, car sharing tower, reed sewage treatment plant, board stack wood construction, hemp, flax or cellulose insulation, social settlement concept, integrated living. Completion: not realized
76228 Karlsruhe-Hohenwettersbach: "50 Morgen": 150 WE. Verschiedene Architekten und Bauträger u.a. P.I.A., Gisa und Ingo Bohning, LEG Baden-Württemberg. Energieversorgung erfolgt über ein Nahwärmenetz, das von einem Block-Heiz-Kraft-Werk (BHKW) Strom und Wärme bezieht. Das BHKW verbrennt Biogas, das aus einem Teil der Karlsruher Bioabfälle gewonnen wird. Teilweise wurden die Gebäude in Passivhaus- Bauweise realisiert und ökologische Materialien verwendet. Fertigstellung: 2004