City as a pioneer of mobility change Wuppertal is making a name for itself in terms of sustainable and modern transport systems. It is not only the 100-year-old suspension railway that has long stood for the city as a symbol of innovative modes of transport. The new Nordbahn route for cyclists and pedestrians above the roofs of the city has brought great recognition nationwide. A modern [...]
Kategorie für Blog: DE-News
It's an attitude to life: without a car, but a bike. Whereas it can also be more, to have the right bike for all undertakings, without a car it also works When the brakes of my car were rusted due to too long standing time, it was clear: I no longer need one. What does it have for [...]
On the costs of modernisation measures for tenants The Working Group on Tenancy Law in the RAV published the brochure "Modernisation as a price driver" in November 2016. It describes in detail the problematic effects of modernisation measures on tenants. In addition, the authors criticise the legal situation and call for fundamental new regulations under tenancy law.
In a team with the architects Dietrich|Untertrifaller, the office Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl won the multiple commission from Freiburger Stadtbau GmbH for the Metzgergrün quarter. The settlement is to change significantly over the next ten years and develop into a contemporary quarter with around 500 apartments, without losing its original character. [...]
In a team with the architects Dietrich|Untertrifaller, the office Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl won the multiple commission from Freiburger Stadtbau GmbH for the Metzgergrün quarter. The settlement is to change significantly over the next ten years and develop into a contemporary quarter with around 500 apartments, without losing its original character. [...]
"When it comes to apartments in Munich, it's mostly about prices. But what does it actually look like in terms of new buildings going up all over the city? All in all: an incredibly expensive disaster."
After one and a half years of consultation, the black-green Hessian state government has adopted its Climate Protection Plan 2025. According to this plan, greenhouse gas emissions are to be reduced by 30 percent by 2020, by 40 percent by 2025 and by at least 90 percent by 2050 (compared to the base year 1990). By achieving these goals, Hesse aims to [...]
Extreme weather events such as heat waves, heavy rain, floods and storms do not stop at property boundaries. That is why adapting to the consequences of climate change is an issue for everyone - both for politicians and administrators, who are responsible for protecting public space, and for every private owner and tenant. Task of [...]
New labelling mandatory from 1 April Since 1 April 2017, the EU energy efficiency label now also applies to wood heating systems such as pellet, woodchip and log heating systems. The energy efficiency class scale for wood heaters ranges from A++ to G, and from 26 September 2019 from A+++ to D. Pellet boilers are generally rated A+, [...]
Throughout Germany, the federal government has only granted four plots of land at a lower price so that social housing can be built. Yet it is authorised to do so and is actually required to do so. That the federal government does not take the responsibility for the housing supply in the width of the country very lightly, or at least does not use all its resources in the fight against the [...]
On 15 March, the Mayors' Dialogue "Sustainable City" developed impulses for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in German municipalities. The mayors focused on the contributions of municipalities to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11 "Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable".
Federal Ministry for the Environment provides 2.4 million euros from the Climate Protection Fund The Senator for the Environment, Construction and Transport and Bremen University of Applied Sciences have jointly applied for funding in a competitive procedure in the "Federal Competition for Climate Protection in Cycling" of the National Climate Initiative (NKI) for a "Bicycle Model Quarter Alte Neustadt Bremen - from bicycle street to [...]
Since February 2017, the houses of Chiemgauer Holzhaus have been able to distinguish themselves with the RAL quality mark GZ 425. This is because the solid wood houses achieve a GWP (Global Warming Potential) value of less than zero in their carbon footprint. This has been tested by the "Gütegemeinschaft CO2 neutrale Bauwerke in Holz e.V.". Taking into account all the necessary materials, such as [...]
"How do we want to live in our city and in our neighbourhood? We asked ourselves these questions at the planning workshop "Viva Werkstatt". The aim was to collect ideas for the careful development of the Viktoriaviertel. The neighbourhood should become lively again and the urban areas should be converted for the common good. Among the over [...]
"While cars are getting heavier and heavier and the farewell to the diesel engine is not succeeding, electric vehicles on two and three wheels have moved into the fast lane. The Zweirad-Industrie-Verband (ZIV) also published a market estimate for electrically powered cargo bikes for the first time in addition to its sales figures for 2016 presented in March. Berlin-based cargo bike expert Arne Behrensen [...]
Danish architect and urban planner Jan Gehl is in demand worldwide as a source of inspiration for urban redevelopment. He explains what Stuttgart can do in the face of increasing traffic and environmental problems and why he thinks nothing of self-driving cars.
Within the framework of a VHS theme series, interested parties can discuss the further development of the former barracks area this coming Saturday. The event series "Stadtgestaltung im Dialog" (Urban Design in Dialogue) wants to encourage citizens to think about the design of concrete areas and buildings in Bonn and to influence their future development. On Saturday, the 25th [...]
The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs and the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) are supporting municipalities that want to use new approaches to activate more unused land for housing construction. To this end, the cities are employing inner development managers and expanding active inner development with various building blocks. The model projects in Aalen, Berlin, Hamburg-Altona, Ludwigsfelde, Offenburg, Regensburg, Solingen and [...]
The Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) has published two brochures providing information on the portals ÖKOBAUDAT and WECOBIS. WECOBIS - Web-based ecological building materials information system Download (PDF, 5MB) ÖKOBAUDAT - Basis for life cycle assessment Download (PDF, 7MB)
Some cities subsidize the use of certified insulation materials with a bonus to support resource conservation, carbon storage and particularly environmentally friendly products. This also includes many insulation materials made from renewable raw materials. The overview lists the cities that grant an extra subsidy for certified natural insulation materials: Düsseldorf 10 - 25 EUR/m² Hamburg 10 EUR/m² Hanover [...]
The prize has been organised since 2005 by the Senator for the Environment, Building and Transport in cooperation with the Federal Chamber of Architects. Previously known as the Bremer Bauherrenpreis, the competition honours the commitment of builders in Bremen and Bremerhaven. The aim is to showcase the range of services offered by housing construction in the state of Bremen [...]
How can cities develop sustainably? How can they limit traffic, reduce pollutants and make attractive use of urban areas, and how can they create affordable, attractive housing for all? These and other questions are at the heart of a project just launched by the Öko-Institut in cooperation with the Institute for Regional and Urban Development Research (ILS, Dortmund), the [...]
The closing date for entries is 1 June 2017 Housing construction has become a public issue like it hasn't been for years. That is why the competition for the German Building Owner Award 2018 has come at the right time. It is organised by the working group COOPERATION GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen, Bund Deutscher Architekten BDA and Deutscher Städtetag (DST).
The potential of photovoltaics (PV) has not yet been exhausted; industry and research are working intensively on further increasing the efficiency and reducing the costs of solar cells, the heart of PV power plants. For multicrystalline silicon, the workhorse of the solar cell industry, researchers at Fraunhofer ISE have now achieved an efficiency of 21.9 percent, breaking the world record [...]
Ansbach, Herbartstrasse Two buildings in timber construction with a highly insulated building envelope, together with two adjoining buildings in a simple, clear architectural language, form a striking, extremely energy-efficient block around a lively courtyard, from which all flats and ancillary rooms can be accessed barrier-free.
„Was ist das eigentlich, „das gute Leben“? Am 27. Februar 2017 sprach der Soziologe Hartmut Rosa über Wachstumszwänge, Entfremdung und das Moment der Unverfügbarkeit als Bedingung der Resonanz.“ Quelle:
Today, almost everyone has a mobile phone; that was different 20 years ago. Sometimes, contrary to forecasts, technical change can happen very quickly. In 20 years, scientists say, one in two of us will be driving an electric car. Read the Feb. 22, 2017, article in Perspective Daily [Editor's note: In [...]
33 architectural firms from Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland, among others, have presented the design for WerkBundStadt Berlin. Around 1,100 new apartments are to be built in 38 buildings on 2.8 hectares of land. A critique of it in the deutsche bauzeitung (db) reminds readers of the historical legacy in which the project stands: "There [...]
According to the PC Price Index, prices for photovoltaic modules from all regions of the world fell by an average of over 15 % to between €0.40 and €0.57/Wp in the last 12 months.
In stark contrast to the political reality, the designs for the WerkBundStadt Berlin are characterized by the longing retro chic of a 19th century bourgeois residential culture.
More than 1.7 million CarSharing users in Germany The number of CarSharing users in Germany rose sharply again in 2016. On 01.01.2017, a good 1.7 million customers were registered with German CarSharing providers. This is 36 percent more than in the previous year. The federal government now wants to promote the further spread of the service by [...]
In the Federal Republic of Germany, more than 720 million square metres of building space have been covered with polystyrene since the Second World War. Now, according to manager magazin, a series of major fires in the industry has startled the insurance industry. According to the report, the insurance industry is now openly advising against the use of Styrofoam not only as an insulating material for commercial buildings, but also [...]
With the targets for the Climate Protection Plan 2050, the German government is pursuing ambitious plans. For the building sector, this means that a nearly climate-neutral building stock is to be achieved by 2050. The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs has launched model projects, such as Efficiency Houses Plus in Old Buildings, with which ways of achieving this [...]
Classic building material in a flexible system Wood is considered a visually and haptically appealing material, it is sustainable, renewable and usually readily available. However, the fact that wood is also suitable almost without restriction for use in multi-storey building construction is new and requires a creative approach to the previously practised method of building construction. Modern timber construction [...]
Since January 2017, building owners who have a residential building constructed and certified in accordance with the requirements of the DGNB have the opportunity to receive a grant for construction support from KfW. This covers 50 percent of the eligible costs up to a maximum of 4,000 euros per building project.
City planners present two new scenarios for Patrick Henry Village at the IBA Citizens' Forum. Both plan with more residents.
At least 18 million birds die each year from bird strikes on glass. It is more than disconcerting that the 100,000 to 200,000 victims of wind energy are discussed so intensively, but the main causes of bird deaths are not.
Publication of the final report The project "Energy Sufficiency - Strategies and Instruments for a Technical, Systemic and Cultural Transformation to Sustainably Limit Energy Demand in the Consumer Field of Building/Housing", funded by the BMBF, was successfully completed at the end of 2016. The project investigated how energy-sufficiency-related everyday routines, social practices and lifestyle aspects can be reconciled with the requirements of a [...]