The BMWi and the BMBF presented the new interdepartmental funding announcement "Solar Building & Energy Efficient City" at the Berlin Energy Days 2016 (11-13 April). Its aim is to network the players in this field and create synergies. To this end, the Federal Government is providing 150 million euros within the 6th Energy Research Programme [...]
Kategorie für Blog: DE-News
"Cars have no place in cities" Hermann Knoflacher with Vladimir Balzer and Axel Rahmlow Hermann Knoflacher wants to have streets and parking lots built over. Car-free big cities are feasible, says the transport expert. This would enable local authorities to create masses of affordable housing. But will they go for it?
Maic Verbücheln and Susanne Dähner (eds.), Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik Special Publication "Klimaschutz in der Stadt- und Regionalplanung. Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency in Municipal Planning Practice", Berlin, February 2016 (pdf, 9 MB)
ifeu-Institut Heidelberg commissioned by the Heinrich Böll Foundation In recent years, many cities around the world have committed themselves to significantly reducing their greenhouse gas emissions by improving their heat supply and thus making an important contribution to climate protection. Despite the energy transition, Germany is lagging behind in this endeavour because the energy transition [...]
Question: The energy transition has entered a new phase with the EEG reform of summer 2014. How do you assess the current situation? Nina Scheer: The question of when it entered a new phase cannot always be identified so precisely. In any case, it was marked out in the coalition agreement, and it was given legal form [...].
How local initiatives and associations can be supported in the development and implementation of climate protection projects at neighbourhood level was the topic of an expert meeting on 4 February at the Pestel Institute in Hanover. The participants from science and practice discussed a new funding concept of the BMUB, which supports the local implementation of climate protection within the framework of the National Climate Initiative [...].
The new housing development "Ludmilla Wohnpark" was built in Landshut with more than 180 residential units in plus-energy construction. Five single-family houses, two semi-detached houses, six terraced houses and eight multi-family houses with a total of 55 apartments were built on a plot of around 7,300 square metres. Researchers from Munich University of Applied Sciences and the Technical University of Dresden are evaluating the quarter [...].
The Federal Cabinet today approved an update of the Resource Efficiency Programme. Germanwatch welcomes in principle the government's plan for resource efficiency, but says that the original draft of the Environment Ministry has been weakened considerably, especially with regard to human rights issues. "In many places we now only find lip service instead of a binding framework," regrets Cornelia Heydenreich, Team Leader Corporate Responsibility at Germanwatch. She emphasises: [...]
According to a recent survey of Germany's 700 largest cities and municipalities, only 6 percent of municipalities feel overwhelmed by the current refugee numbers.
With the many successful, new examples of façade integration of photovoltaics and solar thermal energy, the pages starting on p.36 are particularly interesting for architects. In addition, the study provides detailed fundamentals of building-integrated solar-active systems and shows their potential. Hegger, Manfred; Drebes, Christoph; Wurzbacher, Steffen (2015): benefit E - Gebäudeintegrierte solaraktive Systeme (Final Report), [...].
Timber construction can be cheaper than standard construction - at the same time significantly better CO2 balance Current comparative calculations based on realized new buildings in timber construction show: Building with wood does not have to be more expensive than standard construction methods. This result is surprising, as it contradicts the common perception that timber construction is more expensive. At the same time, the CO2 balance of timber construction is significantly better [...].
Apply now! Climate-active municipalities and regions wanted! The "Municipal Climate Protection" competition, which has been running since 2009, is now called the "Climate-Active Municipality" competition and runs from January to the end of March 2016. © Difu /Anna Jolk The new name of the nationwide competition underlines the comprehensive commitment of municipalities to tackling the [...]
Hendricks: We can invest even more in the future. BMUB budget grows to 4.07 billion euros The federal government wants to significantly increase its spending on climate protection and the promotion of affordable housing in the coming year. "This is a very central concern for the Federal Government, but also for me personally," emphasised [...]
The Federal Environment Ministry's funding programme now offers more opportunities for your climate protection projects. With new funding priorities and improved funding for financially weak municipalities, the offer has been significantly expanded. A separate funding priority has been introduced for the renovation of day-care centres, schools, youth leisure facilities, sports facilities and swimming pools. The chances of receiving funding are good, because so far [...]
Today, the state parliament will be presented with a bill on the state's Reception Act. With this, the municipalities will receive more money for the reception, accommodation and care of asylum seekers. "The amendment to the State Reception Act will lead to a significant improvement in the financing of the task of refugee assistance for the municipalities and is an important basis for ensuring that [...]
Hrsg. Wohnbund e.V. Creating sufficient affordable housing - especially in European conurbations - is one of the great challenges of our future and calls for new solutions. In view of demographic change, changing family structures and growing environmental awareness, completely new forms of housing have developed in Europe: shared living for young and [...]
NEW November 2015 | Types and constructions Current timber engineering at a glance Typologically arranged overview with 24 current timber buildings Various typologies and constructions in timber: wide-span halls, light post-compaction and prefabricated building elements
On 12 December 2015, the climate negotiating parties in Paris agreed that global warming should be limited to a maximum of 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius. This was presented with such confidence that one could almost forget that the Earth's atmosphere has no thermostat. No one can assure, certainly not on the basis [...]
A new version of fact sheets for the Sustainable Building Assessment System (BNB) is to be published shortly. In addition, the new eBNB system for the implementation of the BNB during planning and construction is about to be launched.
The Montag-Stiftung Urbane Räume (Bonn) refers to real estate developed by many for many and contributing to the common good as Immovielien. A website of the foundation has now gone online, documenting in detail exemplary projects from which one can be inspired: from the ExRotaprint in Berlin to the Elsebad [...]
The internationally renowned electrosmog expert Dr. Klaus Trost explains which electromagnetic radiation is emitted by PV systems, the magnitude of this radiation and what to look out for when installing the system components.
In addition to the well-known ecological footprint, which describes the use of biocapacity by the population (in Germany about 2.5 times the available area), an attempt is currently being made with funds from the Ministry of Education and Research to develop an ecological handprint for positive sustainability effects. This is intended to orient consumers in the direction of a [...]
Europe's largest passive house in timber construction is located in Lübeck. It serves as a new workplace for 430 employees of the local public utility company. According to the client, the timber construction method was no more expensive than a conventional mineral wet construction method - also because an intelligent fire protection concept meant that it was not necessary to clad the timber components.
The following 2 minute video (Nov. 2015) reports on the visions for the urban future of the Morgenstadt program and the focal points of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft's work:
In cooperation with the DGNB, the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) is organising a networking event on Interreg B - an EU programme to promote cooperation in transnational cooperation areas. The content of the event will focus on topics such as
Gold, silver and bronze" becomes "platinum, gold and silver": this is a short description of what the DGNB officially announced today. The DGNB is thus changing its award logic for the certification of buildings and urban quarters. Read in the DGNB article from 11.9.2015 what exactly is changing.
While the sound barrier of 100,000 installed fuel cells was already broken in Japan last year, numerous heating technology suppliers presented natural gas fuel cell heaters for the first time at the ISH in Frankfurt in March of this year, which are now to conquer German boiler rooms after decades of development and testing.
With more than 1,700 completed buildings, SolarActiveHouses are no longer a marginal phenomenon. What has been missing so far is a scientific evaluation of this heat supply concept. To this end, researchers have measured nine solar houses over several heating periods. The responsible project manager Gerhard Stryi-Hipp presented the interim results at the OTTI symposium "Thermal Solar Energy". Read the further in the [...]
The six 72-square-meter apartments of the GBB Plusenergiehaus on Südring are intended for tenants who have a certificate of eligibility for housing. Demand was high. Even before completion, all of the apartments, which were ready for occupancy from May 2015, were already occupied.
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. M.Sc. Econ. Manfred Hegger, gave a lecture on 26 November 2014 at the 6th North German Passive House Conference in Neumünster on the topic "Aktivplus im Blick: Guiding Thoughts - Implementation - Perspectives".