The state of Rhineland-Palatinate is providing funding of 150,000 euros for a local heating network in Gimbweiler, which is to be supplied in future by means of a solar thermal open-space system and a woodchip system.
Kategorie für Blog: DE-News
Project partners of the EU project NETfficient take stock and publish manual in January 2019 Over the past four years, the power grid on the North Sea island of Borkum has served as a real laboratory for testing elements of a future-proof energy system. Central to this was the development of energy storage systems and their networked operation within a virtual power plant. The measures were implemented via [...]
A recent study by the Energy Watch Group and the Finnish University LUT shows how the energy transition can be realized with 100% renewable energies in Europe. According to the study, greenhouse gas emissions would be reduced to zero before 2050 and there would be significant financial advantages compared to the conventional fossil-nuclear system. Pdf-Download:
The Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Management of Baden-Württemberg is again supporting investments in photovoltaic systems in combination with battery storage with a total of five million euros in the coming year.
5th Symposium on Citizen Energy & Energy Cooperatives in NRW Recklinghausen. Energy in the hands of citizens: This was the topic of the symposium on citizen energy & energy cooperatives in North Rhine-Westphalia on Thursday, December 6, in Recklinghausen. Around 80 players in the field of citizen energy met there to exchange experiences and transfer knowledge. The 5th symposium is a cooperation of the cooperative association - [...]
Fast and sustainable building, adding storeys and renovating with wood As part of Expo Real 2019, experts from the timber construction industry met for the inaugural event of the Netzwerk Holzbau München. Organiser Andreas Lerge, Managing Director Wood Real Estate, opened the evening and welcomed his guests with the topics of digitalisation and professionalisation in timber construction. Currently, [...]
Environment Minister Ursula Heinen-Esser presents this year's NRW Forest Condition Report: "Our forests are in a worrying condition. This is because the combined effect of storms in the spring, followed by extreme summer drought and then heavy bark beetle infestation in the coniferous forests means that the damage this year is considerable."
With the "GREEN high 3 Roofs | Facades | Courtyards" funding programme for existing buildings, we want to expand the greening of roofs, facades and backyards. In this way, we are supporting the efforts of the people of Cologne to green and thus enhance the value of private house and courtyard areas close to their homes as well as commercial areas.
with a focus on solar energy, neighbourhood concepts and funding The BUND Yearbook Ecological Building & Renovation, published by the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND), helps owners by making them fit for discussions with the house bank, architect, energy advisor and tradesmen. The guidebook, which will be available in November, shows what can be done and how: Starting [...]
The current share of green electricity should not hide the fact that this federal government is blocking the energy transition at every turn. Take wind energy, for example: the government keeps delaying the additional tenders. As a result, a massive slump is imminent in the next two years. This means job losses in a key industry of the future and stagnating development [...]
New ideas can be submitted from summer 2019 The Federal Environment Ministry is today launching a new funding call for "Climate protection through cycling". In future, the National Climate Initiative (NKI) will fund model projects that, among other things, support cities and municipalities, but also associations and companies, in developing attractive cycling offers and [...]
In its current special report, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has pointed out the need for massive savings in greenhouse gases. With its project of "100 climate protection settlements in NRW", North Rhine-Westphalia is pursuing the goal of significantly reducing these emissions through the combination of energy-efficient buildings with low greenhouse gas house technologies. 35 of these energy-efficient climate protection settlements have already been [...]
Berlin, 22 October 2018: Vattenfall Energy Solutions, Gewobag and the energy storage start-up Lumenion are jointly piloting a new type of sector-coupled steel storage system at Bottroper Weg in Berlin-Tegel, which absorbs regional generation peaks from wind and solar energy in a grid-serving manner and later provides the renewable energy as heat and electricity in line with demand.
Six to ten gigawatts of photovoltaic capacity could be installed on Berlin buildings. More than enough to cover 25 percent of Berlin's electricity supply with solar energy, as envisaged in the plan for Berlin. But the current pace of expansion is decidedly too slow. The Solarcity Berlin master plan envisages a quarter of [...]
The district of Paderborn has achieved a climate goal that can only be dreamed of nationwide. It is more than 100 percent in the supply of green electricity. This year, for the first time, as much electricity will be generated renewably with the help of wind, sun, biomass and water as is also consumed. Since [...]
Heating village heating networks with sun and wood is becoming a model for success. In Germany, five such heating systems are being launched this year. While the heating sector is the problem child of the energy transition throughout Germany, numerous villages are showing how the conversion to renewable energies can be mastered in one fell swoop. More and more frequently [...]
Immovielien contra Staats- und Marktversagen in der Bodenpolitik Almost 50 members from all over Germany founded the association Netzwerk Immovielien e. V. at the ufaFabrik in Berlin-Tempelhof on 18 June 2018. Since 2017, actors from civil society, the public sector, business, welfare, and academia have been working closely together in the network and are jointly [...]
Four award winners selected from 58 submissions The Rhineland-Palatinate Timber Construction Award 2018 was presented on 12 June at the Centre for Building Culture in Mainz. There were four equal prizes as well as four recognitions. In addition, an honorable mention was given. Function, (construction) technology, aesthetics and climate protection were the selection criteria for the award, now in its eighth [...]
Colourful, lively, largely car-free - the people of Tübingen jokingly refer to the French Quarter as the "green hell". However, the residents appreciate the "ideal world feeling".
In Troisdorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, the largest tenant electricity project in Germany is currently running with subsidised funding from the so-called tenant electricity surcharge under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). The project, which was supported by EnergyAgency.NRW following an initial consultation, supplies 24 social housing apartments in three multi-storey buildings with a total of 75 residents with electricity.
The car-free settlement and the mobility concept is presented from about minute 2 to 7 in the kika media library:
Difu study gives recommendations for more effective use of funding in NRW Lack of staff and high administrative demands are two of the reasons that prevent cities, districts and municipalities in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) from drawing down available urban development funding on time. This is a key finding of a study conducted by the German Institute for [...]
Online tool provides information on funding programmes Düsseldorf. With Förder.Navi, an online tool from EnergyAgency.NRW, it is now even quicker to find one's way through the funding jungle. The tool ( helps private individuals, companies and local authorities to find funding opportunities, for example when it comes to energy-efficient refurbishment.
Deutsche Umwelthilfe calls for immediate proposal for tax incentives for energy-efficient building refurbishment - Building sector makes decisive contribution to achieving climate protection targets - Increase refurbishment rate to 2 percent per year In the draft budget presented by Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz on 2 May 2018, the tax incentive [...]
The Institute for Solar Energy Research (ISFH) has presented a free tool for the individual design and holistic evaluation of tenant electricity concepts. These offer tenants in apartment buildings the opportunity to benefit from cheap renewable electricity generated on site. However, the economic viability depends on a large number of factors, which is why tenant electricity providers can hardly estimate whether [...]
Berlin: On 4 May 2018, BUND presented a shutdown plan for nuclear power plants (NPPs) and coal-fired power plants. This analysis shows that the decommissioning of the most climate-damaging coal-fired power plants by 2020 and a significant acceleration of the nuclear phase-out in Germany are possible without jeopardising security of supply. "The shutdown plan is a call to the political [...]
Since 1 May 2018, the amendments to the Hamburg Building Code (HBauO) have come into force. The resolution on this was passed in June 2017. In the future, wood can be used for construction projects with a height of up to 22 metres - i.e. approximately 6 to 7 storeys. Also in the area of [...]
The exhibition marking the halfway point of the IBA Heidelberg has opened: A rich accompanying programme attracted almost 1000 visitors from Thursday to Saturday, many of whom were visiting the exhibition venue, the Mark Twain Center in Heidelberg's Südstadt, for the first time.
Resilient Cities Congress of the Cities Network ICLEI in Bonn The Paris Climate Agreement involves all levels of government in addressing climate change. At the local level, these are cities and municipalities. The ICLEI network of cities, which includes 22 German cities, will meet in Bonn from 26 to 28 April for the [...]
The Saxony-Anhalt Ministry of Transport is funding new charging stations for more e-mobility in the state with up to 40 percent. Not only municipalities are eligible to apply, but also companies that want to set up publicly accessible charging stations. In Saxony-Anhalt, funding applications for the installation of public e-charging stations can be submitted with immediate effect. With their publication in the ministerial gazette, the [...]
The Clouth Quarter, a project of the Cologne urban development company moderne stadt GmbH, was awarded a "polis AWARD" in silver (2nd prize) in the category "Social Neighbourhood Development". Around 100 local authorities, development companies, architects, property developers and initiatives such as building groups entered the competition. The awards were given to current projects from Germany, grouped in the categories of urban land recycling, [...]
"Nearly two million affordable homes are lacking. The situation is likely to get worse. Social housing must be promoted more strongly."
The "Alternative Economic Policy Working Group" has published its MEMORANDUM 2018 report. Price of the "black zero": distribution deficits and gaps in supply Germany, with its senseless ideology of austerity and cuts, has not yet arrived economically in the 21st century. The small-minded hucksterism of the ruling politicians is also slowing down the recovery in the European Union and the Eurozone. The [...]
On Saturday 14.4.2018, around 13,000 to 15,000 people took to the streets in Berlin under the slogan "Resistance - together against displacement and rent madness". 254 initiatives and organizations (see called for the protest march. Many Berliners fear for their existence due to high housing costs.