By a large majority, the city council has instructed the administration to increase the use of wooden building materials in new municipal buildings such as schools and day-care centres. Complete wooden buildings are to be erected wherever possible.
Kategorie für Blog: Building materials / Construction
The ecological model settlement in Prinz Eugen Park in Munich, currently the largest contiguous timber construction settlement in Europe, was presented. The Holzbaunetzwerk München organized a guided tour through the ecological model settlement in Prinz Eugen Park in Munich on 24.05.2019. In 2009, on the initiative of the Green Party, the City Council of the City of Munich decided to build an ecological model settlement with 600 apartments in timber construction in the new district on the site of the former Prinz Eugen barracks in Bogenhausen. Based on the urban design by GSP Architects with Rainer Schmidt Landscape Architects, eight developers, the municipal housing associations GEWOFAG and GWG München, building communities and building cooperatives have developed timber construction projects ranging from atrium houses to seven-storey residential buildings. Today, all projects are under construction and some will be completed this year.
On 21 March 2019, the members of the Berlin state parliament unanimously voted in favour of promoting urban timber construction. Following Baden-Württemberg, the state of Berlin has now also decided to focus on wooden buildings in the future with the motion "Sustainability in construction: Berlin builds with wood". Within the framework of the Berlin Energy [...]
Since 2002, the area of forest in Germany has increased by around 50,000 hectares. On the occasion of the International Forest Day on 21 March 2019, the Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, Julia Klöckner, went to see the situation for herself.
The nationwide Forest and Wood Competence and Information Centre started its work on 1 January 2019. At the beginning of the year, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) gave the go-ahead for the Competence and Information Centre for Forests and Wood (KIWUH) under the umbrella of the Agency for Renewable Resources (Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V.). (FNR). "With the [...]
2:33 min 12/17/2018 |
Fast and sustainable building, adding storeys and renovating with wood As part of Expo Real 2019, experts from the timber construction industry met for the inaugural event of the Netzwerk Holzbau München. Organiser Andreas Lerge, Managing Director Wood Real Estate, opened the evening and welcomed his guests with the topics of digitalisation and professionalisation in timber construction. Currently, [...]
Environment Minister Ursula Heinen-Esser presents this year's NRW Forest Condition Report: "Our forests are in a worrying condition. This is because the combined effect of storms in the spring, followed by extreme summer drought and then heavy bark beetle infestation in the coniferous forests means that the damage this year is considerable."
BauInfoConsult surveyed 6,000 architects On the insulation market, so-called "natural" insulation materials such as wood wool, hemp, cork, granulates and co. are still niche products. However, they are on the rise throughout Europe, at least from the point of view of architects: According to a survey of 1,600 European planners, the use of natural insulation materials is likely to increase in seven of [...]
Four award winners selected from 58 submissions The Rhineland-Palatinate Timber Construction Award 2018 was presented on 12 June at the Centre for Building Culture in Mainz. There were four equal prizes as well as four recognitions. In addition, an honorable mention was given. Function, (construction) technology, aesthetics and climate protection were the selection criteria for the award, now in its eighth [...]
Deutsche Umwelthilfe calls for immediate proposal for tax incentives for energy-efficient building refurbishment - Building sector makes decisive contribution to achieving climate protection targets - Increase refurbishment rate to 2 percent per year In the draft budget presented by Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz on 2 May 2018, the tax incentive [...]
Building products play an important role in the sustainability certification of buildings. After all, a large number of the criteria to be considered relate to their quality characteristics. To reduce the complexity of the necessary information, product labels can be helpful as independent proof of quality. With the new 2018 version of its certification system, the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) is introducing a procedure for the recognition of such product labels for the first time. For this, label providers must meet a number of requirements. Recognition can be based on three criteria within the DGNB system: responsible resource extraction, the avoidance of harmful and risky substances, and deconstruction and recycling friendliness. The first standards recognised by the DGNB are CSC, FSC, WOOD FROM HERE, Indoor Air Comfort Gold, PEFC and WiN=WiN Fair Stone.
Since 1 May 2018, the amendments to the Hamburg Building Code (HBauO) have come into force. The resolution on this was passed in June 2017. In the future, wood can be used for construction projects with a height of up to 22 metres - i.e. approximately 6 to 7 storeys. Also in the area of [...]
Since 1999, ABG Frankfurt Holding has built around 3,000 apartments in passive house standard for residents from 180 nations, ranging from subsidized apartments to condominiums. Due to the low ancillary costs and the high living comfort, there are hardly any vacancies. "We build cheaper than the competition, which either doesn't want or can't do Passive House," [...]
The Ministry of the Environment in Rhineland-Palatinate has launched the "1,000 efficient stoves for Rhineland-Palatinate" funding programme. As part of this, the replacement of old fireplaces with modern wood-burning systems is financially supported if they received approval between 1 January 1985 and 1 January 1995. The subsidy amounts to up to €800. The [...]
Incentive for less "grey energy" in the construction of non-residential buildings The City of Hamburg promotes the use of wood in the construction of new non-residential buildings with a floor area of 100 m² or more. The use of wood in the construction of new buildings is subsidised with € 800 per tonne of wood product.
Since the first edition of the FNR brochure "Straw Insulated Buildings" in 2013, building with this environmentally friendly and cost-effective material has developed positively.
In its August issue, ÖKO-TEST magazine evaluated 15 different roof insulation materials, including 5 with the natureplus seal of approval. The products are mainly suitable for insulation between rafters. The good performance of conventional products made of glass and rock wool, which all achieved "good", was striking. Of the natureplus-certified products, 2 insulation materials made of wood fibres - "Gutex Thermoflex" [...]
To date, the "Hoher Weg" eco estate in Hamm is the second largest timber housing estate in Germany with 120 residential units. This is astonishing because it was built back in the 1990s. The photos were taken in August 2017: The largest German timber housing estate was also built in Hamm: More information about the estate in [...]
The jury selected nine winners this year, and seven additional commendations were awarded. 134 projects were submitted, all of which, according to the jury, "demonstrate a degree of maturity in craftsmanship that can hardly be surpassed". On 30 June they were awarded in the CUBUS Wolfurt. The "Vorarlberger Holzbaupreis 2017" was awarded to:
The 88th Conference of Environment Ministers has just passed a resolution in Bad Saarow on the "Promotion of Building with Wood", which was introduced by Rhineland-Palatinate. The document calls on the federal government to improve the framework conditions for timber construction. The German Timber Industry Council e. V. (DHWR) expressly welcomes this initiative.
The current issue of the timber construction magazine "Mikado" presents the design of the first construction site of Germany's largest timber construction estate: According to the Mikado article, all the plots in the model development, which is up to seven storeys high, have already been allocated.
Sea sand is a sought-after building material - so sought-after that beaches are being plundered everywhere. Researchers now want to tap the desert instead. To the article from 1.7.2017:
Senate passes new building code The Hamburg Senate passed a new building code on June 13. Hamburg is one of the first federal states to create new possibilities for diverse and innovative construction with wood: In future, wood may also be used for building projects with a height of up to 22 metres - this corresponds [...]
In this interview, Hermann Kaufmann focuses on wood as a material and talks about the role the material and architecture play in his life. Click here for the interview:
Eco-neighborhoods are experimental laboratories in which the future of urban development is being tested. In a hybrid of fiction and documentary, the series presents eco-neighborhoods in Germany, France and Switzerland. In 12 episodes, the neighbourhoods enter into a dialogue with each other and present their objectives with regard to sustainable urban development.
Initiative HolzProKlima honours award winners Over the last 150 years, the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere responsible for climate change has risen sharply. Germany has set itself the goal of becoming largely greenhouse gas neutral by 2050. What great importance municipalities have in achieving these climate protection goals and what [...]
The city's largest timber house celebrated its topping-out ceremony in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg on Thursday. The six storeys consist of 371 pre-assembled wooden modules that are stacked on top of each other. The individual modules weigh more than nine tonnes and are virtually ready-made student flats, including bathroom, kitchenette and bed. Only the foundations and staircases are made of concrete. "The building could revolutionise the way residential buildings are built," said building owner Torsten Rickmann at the topping-out ceremony on Thursday. The student residence should be ready for occupancy by the winter semester. A furnished flat will cost 500 euros warm rent per month. The first students are due to move in on 1 October.
The study "Greenhouse Gas Balancing of Timber Buildings -Implementation of New Requirements for Life Cycle Assessments and Determination of Empirical Substitution Factors (GHG Timber Construction)" led by Prof. Dr. Annette Hafner (RuhrUni Bochum) has now been published. Download: