Decentrally generated electricity from renewable energies can cover the demand for electrical energy in Bavaria both in balance and in perspective. This is the result of a joint study by the grid operators Bayernwerk Netz GmbH (Bayernwerk), LEW Verteilnetz GmbH (LVN) and Main-Donau Netzgesellschaft. The Bavarian power grid operators have analysed which development paths are possible for Bavaria with regard to renewable power generation and whether climate neutrality can be achieved in the power sector. The grid operators received scientific support from the Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft e.V. (Research Centre for Energy Economics).
Kategorie für Blog: Sustainable management
Als "wichtiges Signal für den gesamten Finanzmarkt" begrüßt die Entwicklungs- und Umweltorganisation Germanwatch die Verabschiedung der neuen Energierichtlinie der Europäischen Investitionsbank. Sie legt den Ausstieg aus der Finanzierung fossiler Energieprojekte bis Ende 2021 fest. Der Ausstieg gelang auch dank einer am Ende gemeinsamen Linie der zuvor zerstrittenen Bundesministerien.
and new energy financing policy No new financing for fossil fuel projects after 2021 Financing to drive future clean energy, energy efficiency and renewable energy innovation EIB Group to mobilise €1 trillion of investment in climate action and environmental sustainability by 2030 All EIB Group financing activities will be geared towards the 2020 [...]
With the successful implementation of the state program "Area-wide Safety Charging Network for Electric Vehicles" (SAFE), Baden-Württemberg is the first state to have an area-wide charging network for electric cars in a 10-kilometer grid. The SAFE charging network consists of more than 450 charging stations.
The ecovillage Sieben Linden has existed near Berlin for 30 years. The documentary gives a detailed insight into life there and what the villagers have experienced so far. Available until 28.10.2024
The five northern German coastal states have joined forces to build a green hydrogen economy as a pillar of the energy and transport transition: At their autumn meeting in Lübeck, the ministers, senators and senators responsible for economy and transport today (7 November) adopted a joint "North German Hydrogen Strategy". At the same time the heads of department called on the federal government to support their initiative and to include it in the national hydrogen strategy announced by the federal government for the end of the year. "With our strategy we show a way how the hydrogen potentials can be raised especially in the field of industry and mobility.
The programme series plan b uses the example of Seestadt Aspern in Vienna to explain what a "circular economy" can look like in concrete terms. Seestadt is one of the largest urban development areas in Europe. By 2028, high-quality living space for more than 20,000 people and almost as many jobs will be created in several stages in the north-east of Vienna's 22nd district. The aim is to create a sustainable neighbourhood.
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Eurosolar, filmmaker Carl-A. Fechner has created a three-minute film about Hermann Scheer, the founder of Eurosolar.
(6:25 min.) published on 5.11.2019 The city of Eschweiler (North Rhine-Westphalia) has been awarded the "Climate Active Municipality 2019" climate protection prize by the Federal Ministry for the Environment in Category 1: "Resource and energy efficiency in the municipality". The city of Eschweiler is committed to more resource and climate protection with its Factor X construction areas. The prize is awarded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) as part of the National Climate Initiative (NKI), which is implemented by the German Institute of Urban Affairs gGmbh (Difu).
Photovoltaic modules can generate climate-friendly electricity for decades Old modules must be disposed of properly New BSW information paper provides information on disposal points and gives important safety instructions One advantage of photovoltaics is that it can supply electricity for decades if it is installed and components are chosen properly. If photovoltaic modules are eventually no longer used for solar power generation due to damage or age [...]
With the timber construction funding program, the city wants to promote concrete timber buildings, especially in residential construction Timber Construction Guide presents 29 realized and forward-looking timber construction projects in Freiburg More climate protection with the renewable raw material wood. Timber construction in Freiburg is an important instrument for climate protection and indispensable for achieving the city's ambitious climate protection goals. […]
Cooperation between Stadtwerke and berlinovo for largest German tenant power project Mietersonne Kaulsdorf, the largest German tenant power project with a capacity of almost 3.4 megawatts (MW), is being built by Berliner Stadtwerke for the Berlin housing association berlinovo in Marzahn-Hellersdorf. Tenants of 4,300 apartments will be able to benefit from the green electricity generated directly on their roofs.
Since January, Berlin has had what it claims to be the toughest administrative regulations for procurement and the environment in the country. Thomas Schwilling from the responsible department has accompanied the development and knows about its effect - and the hurdles. An interview:
Even before the UN Summit on Sustainable Development, it is clear that the implementation of the 2030 Agenda is making slow progress. The global community now needs action instead of words to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The international report on the status of SDG implementation shows that there are major gaps in implementation worldwide. The number of people suffering from hunger is increasing again worldwide [...]
In 20 real laboratories across Germany, companies will be testing new hydrogen technologies on an industrial scale and in a real environment. Today, Federal Minister of Economics and Technology Peter Altmaier announced the winners of the "Energy Transition Real Labs Ideas Competition". With the Energy Transition Real Labs, sustainable energy technologies are tested under real conditions and on an industrial scale. The central theme [...]
By a large majority, the city council has instructed the administration to increase the use of wooden building materials in new municipal buildings such as schools and day-care centres. Complete wooden buildings are to be erected wherever possible.
"Düsseldorfer Erklärung zum Städtebaurecht" (Düsseldorf Declaration on Urban Planning Law) 50 city planning councillors, department heads and heads of planning offices from over 40 German cities, including Hamburg, Hanover, Munich, Cologne, Bochum, Freiburg, Stuttgart and Frankfurt am Main, have signed the "Düsseldorfer Erklärung zum Städtebaurecht" (Düsseldorf Declaration on Urban Planning Law). They are calling for a fundamental amendment of the Building Use Ordinance (BauNVO) and the administrative regulation TA-Lärm, so that in future beautiful and [...]
Retail with sales plus of 22.3 % The boom in the bicycle trade, which has been continuing for years, also continued in 2018. As further reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) on the occasion of World Health Day on 7 April, the retail trade in bicycles, parts and accessories recorded an increase in turnover of 11.9 % in real terms in 2018 compared [...]
A recent study by the Energy Watch Group and the Finnish University LUT shows how the energy transition can be realized with 100% renewable energies in Europe. According to the study, greenhouse gas emissions would be reduced to zero before 2050 and there would be significant financial advantages compared to the conventional fossil-nuclear system. Pdf-Download:
Environment Minister Ursula Heinen-Esser presents this year's NRW Forest Condition Report: "Our forests are in a worrying condition. This is because the combined effect of storms in the spring, followed by extreme summer drought and then heavy bark beetle infestation in the coniferous forests means that the damage this year is considerable."
Building products play an important role in the sustainability certification of buildings. After all, a large number of the criteria to be considered relate to their quality characteristics. To reduce the complexity of the necessary information, product labels can be helpful as independent proof of quality. With the new 2018 version of its certification system, the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) is introducing a procedure for the recognition of such product labels for the first time. For this, label providers must meet a number of requirements. Recognition can be based on three criteria within the DGNB system: responsible resource extraction, the avoidance of harmful and risky substances, and deconstruction and recycling friendliness. The first standards recognised by the DGNB are CSC, FSC, WOOD FROM HERE, Indoor Air Comfort Gold, PEFC and WiN=WiN Fair Stone.
Funding guideline comes into force on 1 March 2018 With the so-called small series guideline, the Federal Environment Ministry is launching a new funding programme as part of the National Climate Initiative. Funding is available for products and processes for climate protection that are already ready for the market but have not yet made the breakthrough. The guideline will enter into force on 1 March 2018 [...].
On 1 and 2 June 2018 in Berlin Venue: Kalkscheune Berlin, Johannisstraße 2, 10117 Berlin The demands on cities and regions as places to work are changing with the ongoing economic structural change. After industrialization and tertiarization, digitalization brings new profound changes for the world of work and thus new challenges for the [...]
Incentive for less "grey energy" in the construction of non-residential buildings The City of Hamburg promotes the use of wood in the construction of new non-residential buildings with a floor area of 100 m² or more. The use of wood in the construction of new buildings is subsidised with € 800 per tonne of wood product.
With 46 billion euros per year, the Federal Government favours the mining and climate-damaging burning of coal, oil and gas in Germany. This policy makes the energy transition more expensive and passes on a large part of the follow-up costs of fossil energies to society. This is the result of a study by the Forum Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft (FÖS) [...]
In an interview with PV Magazine, Xavier Daval, President of the French solar association Ser-Soler, said the EU desperately needs a major European photovoltaic manufacturer. A complete exodus of the domestic solar industry to China and the US, he said, would drive Europe into energy dependency for decades to come. "We are not talking about a [...]
"The development on the housing markets puts the German Bundesbank on alert. The crisis traffic light would meanwhile be "on yellow or even dark yellow". In order to counteract a real estate bubble in time, Bundesbank board member Andreas Dombret is calling for stricter measures for real estate financing."
Ireland no longer wants to make money from fossil fuels. With 90 votes and 53 against, the members of the Irish parliament voted in favour of a corresponding law last Thursday. According to the law, the state-owned Strategic Investment Fund is to withdraw its money from fossil investments. The island state would be the first country to [...]
According to information from SPIEGEL ONLINE, Deutsche Bank does not want to put any more money into mines and power plants. Existing loans in projects are to be gradually reduced.
The media portal MassivKreativ reports on the society-shaping impulses of the arts, cultural and creative industries with inspiring case studies. "Stories of success" encourage imitation in texts, podcasts, interviews and films - on topics such as sustainability, circular economy, bioeconomy, common good, social innovation, creativity and unconditional basic income. One of the three main topics on the homepage is KreativQuartiere. [...]
When the economy is in a bad way, SMEs are often the first to suffer. They can hardly get any more money. This was very extreme during the economic crisis of the 1930s. And that's why some companies founded the WIR Bank in 1934.
In 2015, a historic double success was achieved for sustainability and climate policy. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement on climate protection define an ambitious global target system.
The gap between knowledge and action is often wide. Michael Kopatz explains at the beginning of his book "Ökoroutine" why we often do not do what we think is right: out of routine. Because the here and now determines our actions. Because it is difficult to escape advertising. Or because sustainable [...]
Recycling companies are not getting rid of their goods because they might be polluted. About conflicts between resource and environmental protection. Source: taz article from 15. 7. 2016
Freiburg: the Berndt Koberstein Prize for Living Together and Solidarity in Freiburg, endowed with 10,000€, was awarded for the fifth time in Freiburg's "Weinschlösschen". The Mietshäusersyndikat, which began in the early 80s as a small cooperative on the Grether site, has grown into an association of 111 house projects with more than 2,000 residents in [...]