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New publication: So that we do what we think is right

oekoroutine-buchcoverThe gap between knowledge and action is often wide. At the beginning of his book "Ökoroutine", Michael Kopatz explains why we often don't do what we think is right: out of routine. Because the here and now determines our actions. Because it is difficult to avoid advertising. Or because living sustainably seems more expensive and more inconvenient in everyday life. Why should I, of all people, cycle more often, fly less, spend more money on organic products?

Appeals and campaigns alone will not bring the necessary change any closer

Kopatz recommends political intervention and raising standards - in animal husbandry, for example, or in agriculture. Appliances must be repairable and energy-efficient refurbishments must be socially just. Kopatz also makes an imaginative plea for new political framework conditions with regard to mobility or regional economic models.

Further information on the "eco-routine" can be found at www.oekoroutine.de.

Michael Kopatz: Ökoroutine - Damit wir tun, was wir für richtig halten, 2016. 416 pages, €24.95

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Keywords: DE-News, Climate protection, Lifestyle / Consumption, Sustainable management, New books and studies, Sufficiency, Transition Town