Charakteristik: Rental apartments
76187 Karlsruhe-Nordweststadt: the design was planned for an undeveloped plot of land as a student research project at the University of Karlsruhe in cooperation with the association ASKA e.V., but was not realized. Concept: 140 units, photovoltaic and biomass CHP, business and office facilities, community facilities, gastronomy, car sharing tower, reed sewage treatment plant, board stack wood construction, hemp, flax or cellulose insulation, social settlement concept, integrated living. Completion: not realized
79100 Freiburg-Vauban: extended citizen participation through the Forum Vauban, car-free living, public transport, car sharing, mixed use, solar garage, local heating with CHP units, nature-oriented open space design, building biology and ecological materials. 40% of households live without their own car. The number of parking spaces for the entire quarter is 0.42 PkW/WE. Large-scale completion: 2012
81927 Munich: Germany's largest contiguous timber housing estate with 566 flats in timber or timber hybrid construction has been built in the Oberföhring district. Different building types up to 7-storey houses were built in timber construction. The approximately 30-hectare site of the former Prinz Eugen barracks is located in the Bogenhausen neighbourhood (district 13). The flats were realised by building associations, cooperatives, municipal and independent developers, which means that a wide range of housing can be offered for a wide variety of housing needs: for rent and ownership, in different building types, for all household sizes and income groups and alternative forms of housing. Completion: 2020
81829 Munich, Messestadt Riem: 28 apartments, including 6 maisonettes, in 2 houses, low-energy construction. Completion 2001
30539 Hanover-Kronsberg: Reducing energy consumption through low-energy construction, saving electricity and using CHP units. A passive house estate (see "Lummerland estate") and a solar estate with solar local heating and seasonal storage were realised as sub-projects. Intensive green space design. Rainwater is channelled into the trough-trench system. Completion: 2000
79111 Freiburg-Rieselfeld (Project No. 2): 67 Wohnungen, 3 Gewerbeeinheiten. Weitgehende Berücksichtigung von Genderaspekten, barrierefreies Bauen, gemeinschaftliche Nutzung verschiedener Räume, großzügige Laubengänge. Durchmischung: im 1. BA vorwiegend allein erziehende Mütter, im 2. BA junge Familien und im 3. BA durchmischte Bewohnerstruktur. Erstellung: 1996 - 2001