In the Federal Republic of Germany, more than 720 million square metres of building space have been covered with polystyrene since the Second World War. Now, according to manager magazin, a series of major fires in the industry has startled the insurance industry. According to the report, the insurance industry is now openly advising against the use of Styrofoam not only as an insulating material for commercial buildings, but also [...]
Kategorie für Blog: Housing policy
With the targets for the Climate Protection Plan 2050, the German government is pursuing ambitious plans. For the building sector, this means that a nearly climate-neutral building stock is to be achieved by 2050. The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs has launched model projects, such as Efficiency Houses Plus in Old Buildings, with which ways of achieving this [...]
The DGNB blog highlights sustainable building in all its facets. Leading experts from the construction and real estate industry discuss topics that move the industry. Pioneers of sustainability provide impulses that encourage people to rethink. Click here for the DGNB blog:
Government aid for housing construction drives up prices, but does not bring more homes. This is how an assessment by the DIW can be interpreted.
Government aid for housing construction drives up prices, but does not bring more homes. This is how an assessment by the DIW (German Institute for Economic Research), Berlin can be interpreted. Read article from 11.1.2017:
Did Federal Minister for Building Barbara Hendricks (SPD) raise expectations with the Alliance for Affordable Housing and Building that ultimately could not be fulfilled? The parliamentary group of Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen is investigating their doubts about the sense and effectiveness of the alliance in a question. And they want to know: How and when does [...]
To date, over 500 neighbourhoods have applied for funding for energy-related neighbourhood concepts. A new brochure and a travelling exhibition present practical examples and recommendations for implementation.
The Munich City Council has passed the Housing Promotion Programme Wohnen in München VI with the votes of the SPD and CSU. The city wants to invest 870 million euros in the construction of apartments over the next five years. Investors will no longer receive city-owned land.
"Vienna has never squandered its stock of apartments, that's why a quarter of all apartments now belong to the city. That sounds good, but it also has disadvantages." Read the whole report in the Süddeutsche from 13.11.2016
In October, the Habitat III Conference took place in Quito. The "New Urban Agenda" was adopted there. It is intended to help the world community to shape the global urbanisation process in a sustainable way. Why is there so little discussion about this in Germany?
At the end of the UN conference Habitat III in Quito (Ecuador), the environmental and development organization Germanwatch draws a mixed balance. "Around 50,000 people took part in the conference. This alone shows that cities are considered to be of great importance on the way to a sustainable world.
With only a few weeks left until the Habitat III conference, DDD #18 on "Cities" has now published 22 insightful articles around the topic of urbanisation. Authors from all over the world have told us about urban life in Africa, Asia, Middle East and the Americas. With a close eye [...]
In the run-up to the UN World Summit on Human Settlements Habitat III, the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) points to the major challenges of increasing urbanization. In its report "Moving Humanity: The Transformative Power of Cities", the WBGU stresses that a brief window of opportunity is opening up in the next decades of urbanization "to [...]
The member states of the United Nations want to agree on a new urban agenda at the Habitat III conference in Quito. This "New Urban Agenda" is to serve as a political guideline for urban development over the next two decades. Together with Friedrich Kitschelt, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs Barbara Hendricks will take part in the official opening [...]
Over the past three years, the City of Munich has purchased 950 apartments from GBW's former holdings through its subsidiaries GWG and Gewofag. This is revealed in the answer to a question by City Council members Cetin Oraner and Brigitte Wolf (Die Linke).
Whether it's financial incentives for moving to smaller apartments, mandatory bicycle parking spaces or public tenders that are based on social and environmental criteria - there are a variety of ways to reduce the consumption of space, energy and materials in municipalities. This is shown by a study of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy [...].
STADTraum54 - Schöner Wohnen für alle The new cooperative for Cologne that reinvents the neighbourhood - A participatory event Schöner Wohnen für alle - the rooftop cooperative initiative STADTraum54 is initiating the largest new cooperative project in Cologne - and you are helping to plan it? The initiators of STADTraum54 put their concept up for debate. Join in [...]
Freiburg: the Berndt Koberstein Prize for Living Together and Solidarity in Freiburg, endowed with 10,000€, was awarded for the fifth time in Freiburg's "Weinschlösschen". The Mietshäusersyndikat, which began in the early 80s as a small cooperative on the Grether site, has grown into an association of 111 house projects with more than 2,000 residents in [...]
Housing is expensive, especially in cities there is a lack of affordable housing. Build, build, build - politicians are relying on private investors here. They are supposed to solve the housing crisis. However, research by the ARD magazine Panorama shows that new private apartments are often unaffordable.
The planning practice and planning culture of German cities are the focus of a comprehensive handout produced with the cooperation of the German Association of Cities and Towns and the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development. The brochure brings together 55 projects from 34 cities that show how multifaceted municipal planning practice is implemented in Germany. The documentation of successful [...]
The German Habitat Forum ended today with the "Berlin Recommendations". Thomas Silberhorn, Parliamentary State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Gunther Adler, State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, handed over the recommendations to the Secretary General of the Habitat III Conference, Joan Clos. The "Berlin Recommendations" are intended as a contribution to the new [...]
The German Habitat Forum came to an end today with the "Berlin Recommendations". Thomas Silberhorn, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and Gunther Adler, State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, handed over the "Berlin Recommendations".
This website of the "Affordable Housing Initiative" provides an overview of funding and programmes in the building sector.
In the interview Migration and Urban Planning: "Wir können Einwanderung" in the taz of 14.6.2016, which is well worth reading, Leggewie refers to the urban Chilean designer Alejandro Aravena, who builds half a house for a few thousand US dollars so that the other half can be designed by the residents themselves. Aravena has most recently won the Pritzker Prize, the Nobel Prize [...]
on 6 July 2016 in Oberhausen More housing! This is the message of the hour, because we urgently need housing. Especially for people who cannot participate in social life because of their income, their social status or their education: e.g. for transfer recipients, for the homeless and of course for the refugees, [...]
"Cars have no place in cities" Hermann Knoflacher with Vladimir Balzer and Axel Rahmlow Hermann Knoflacher wants to have streets and parking lots built over. Car-free big cities are feasible, says the transport expert. This would enable local authorities to create masses of affordable housing. But will they go for it?
According to a recent survey of Germany's 700 largest cities and municipalities, only 6 percent of municipalities feel overwhelmed by the current refugee numbers.
Today, the state parliament will be presented with a bill on the state's Reception Act. With this, the municipalities will receive more money for the reception, accommodation and care of asylum seekers. "The amendment to the State Reception Act will lead to a significant improvement in the financing of the task of refugee assistance for the municipalities and is an important basis for ensuring that [...]
Hrsg. Wohnbund e.V. Creating sufficient affordable housing - especially in European conurbations - is one of the great challenges of our future and calls for new solutions. In view of demographic change, changing family structures and growing environmental awareness, completely new forms of housing have developed in Europe: shared living for young and [...]