In June 2016, the state government adopted a sustainability strategy for NRW. It is the first federal state to commit to implementing the global sustainability goals of the United Nations and has defined a system of targets and indicators for key areas of action.
Kategorie für Blog: DE-News
Over the past three years, the City of Munich has purchased 950 apartments from GBW's former holdings through its subsidiaries GWG and Gewofag. This is revealed in the answer to a question by City Council members Cetin Oraner and Brigitte Wolf (Die Linke).
Whether it's financial incentives for moving to smaller apartments, mandatory bicycle parking spaces or public tenders that are based on social and environmental criteria - there are a variety of ways to reduce the consumption of space, energy and materials in municipalities. This is shown by a study of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy [...].
The gap between knowledge and action is often wide. Michael Kopatz explains at the beginning of his book "Ökoroutine" why we often do not do what we think is right: out of routine. Because the here and now determines our actions. Because it is difficult to escape advertising. Or because sustainable [...]
STADTraum54 - Schöner Wohnen für alle The new cooperative for Cologne that reinvents the neighbourhood - A participatory event Schöner Wohnen für alle - the rooftop cooperative initiative STADTraum54 is initiating the largest new cooperative project in Cologne - and you are helping to plan it? The initiators of STADTraum54 put their concept up for debate. Join in [...]
Student ideas competition at colleges, universities and academies in German-speaking countries. 5,000 euros and high-quality non-cash prizes are available. Application deadline: until 30.9.2016
Bruderverlag has completely revised its popular smartphone application Holzbau-Finder for searching the vicinity of wooden buildings. New objects have been added, for the first time the two common operating systems iOS and Android are served and the design and user guidance have also been improved. To the article by Bauen mit Holz:
With every new building, soil is sealed and land for nature is thus consumed. Now the German government wants to more than halve land consumption in the next few years. Nicola Brockmüller explains that this is also a good way to cool the earth's climate and prevent flooding [...]
WIESBADEN: In 2014, businesses in Germany generated 3.7 billion euros in turnover with goods and services in the solar industry. Compared to the last economically strong year 2011, this corresponds to an overall decline in turnover of 74.2% or 10.6 billion euros. The crisis in the solar industry in Germany was already apparent in previous years: [...]
What makes a sustainable university? Sustainability Council and 50 university administrations, employees and students are developing a sustainability code for universities. The test phase of the beta version of the university code will start in autumn. In autumn 2014, the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) held a stakeholder conference on the topic "From Pilot to Standard: Sustainability in Research, Teaching [...]
The Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) is looking for municipalities that enable new solutions for climate-, environmentally- and socially-compatible mobility in their urban districts, as well as a pleasant stay in public spaces. This includes, above all, the development and optimisation of infrastructure for walking and cycling, the linking of different mobility offers, [...]
Recycling companies are not getting rid of their goods because they might be polluted. About conflicts between resource and environmental protection. Source: taz article from 15. 7. 2016
Today, the Federal Government is presenting the first German report on the implementation of the global sustainability goals. The report will be presented to the United Nations Forum on Sustainable Development in New York by Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Environment Ministry, and Thomas Silberhorn, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Development Ministry. Germany is thus one of the first countries [...]
Freiburg: the Berndt Koberstein Prize for Living Together and Solidarity in Freiburg, endowed with 10,000€, was awarded for the fifth time in Freiburg's "Weinschlösschen". The Mietshäusersyndikat, which began in the early 80s as a small cooperative on the Grether site, has grown into an association of 111 house projects with more than 2,000 residents in [...]
Housing is expensive, especially in cities there is a lack of affordable housing. Build, build, build - politicians are relying on private investors here. They are supposed to solve the housing crisis. However, research by the ARD magazine Panorama shows that new private apartments are often unaffordable.
The renovation project "Efficiency House Plus in Old Buildings" shows how two ramshackle rows of houses from the 1930s can be brought up to plus energy levels - and in some cases that good architecture can be created in the process. Location: Pfuhler Strasse 4-8 and 10-14, D-89231 Neu-Ulm Architects: Werner Sobek Stuttgart and o5 architekten bda - raab hafke lang Client: NUWOG [...]
"With all kinds of regulations, cities want to ensure sufficient and cheap parking spaces. But economically this is nonsense. It is higher earners who are subsidised. Parking thus becomes a question of justice."
The master thesis "Living without a car - niche concept or future model for sustainable urban development? Planning and implementation of car-free and car-reduced urban development projects in comparison" by Andreas Blechschmidt (2016; 104 pages) is now available online.
A broad alliance of chambers, the housing industry, trade unions, environmental and nature conservation associations as well as consumer and social associations joined forces in June 2016 to form a "NRW Building Alliance for Climate Protection". The aim of the alliance is to promote climate protection in the areas of housing and construction and to introduce jointly developed priorities into the political arena. The [...]
Accessible as an interactive world map, the "New World Atlas of Artificial Sky Brighness" is now publicly available, marking the first global measurement of light pollution since 2001. Further information: New atlas of light pollution: a third of humanity can no longer see the Milky Way | WIRED Germany
The planning practice and planning culture of German cities are the focus of a comprehensive handout produced with the cooperation of the German Association of Cities and Towns and the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development. The brochure brings together 55 projects from 34 cities that show how multifaceted municipal planning practice is implemented in Germany. The documentation of successful [...]
Lecture by Richard Sennett and Saskia Sassen on 9 June 2016 at the Oskar von Miller Forum (International Meeting Centre of the Bavarian Construction Industry) in Munich.
This website of the "Affordable Housing Initiative" provides an overview of funding and programmes in the building sector.
On 30.6. the field test started in Herten, North Rhine-Westphalia. For one year, scientists coordinate the operation of three combined heat and power plants with the use of three heat pumps, a PV system, a large lithium-ion storage unit and a private electric storage heating system to balance the PV and wind feed-in.
Project outlines, especially for public buildings, municipal properties and urban districts, can be submitted until 29 July as part of the new funding initiative "Solar Building & Energy Efficient City".
In the interview Migration and Urban Planning: "Wir können Einwanderung" in the taz of 14.6.2016, which is well worth reading, Leggewie refers to the urban Chilean designer Alejandro Aravena, who builds half a house for a few thousand US dollars so that the other half can be designed by the residents themselves. Aravena has most recently won the Pritzker Prize, the Nobel Prize [...]
The research project clarifies how the yields of photovoltaic components on building facades can be increased by up to 50 percent compared to vertically installed PV elements by tilting and turning the elements. Read more here at Detail: Article
In the new brochure "Finishing and Designing with Renewable Raw Materials" published by the Agency for Renewable Resources (Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V.). (FNR) provides a compact overview of bio-based building and furnishing products for interior designers, renovators and builders. The topics range from floor coverings, paints and wood protection systems to wooden windows and furniture for interior [...]
4,996 single- and multi-family houses in timber construction were approved in Bavaria in 2015. This early indicator from the State Statistical Office sets a new record in the readiness for timber construction. In terms of building permits, the timber construction rate is thus already at 19.6 percent. In the last 30 years, never before have so many residential buildings been [...]
Roof extensions offer enormous housing potential A great opportunity for more housing in Germany lies on the roofs: More than 1.5 million additional flats could be created by adding storeys to roofs. And this could happen in places where living space is already scarce and housing is expensive: in large cities, conurbations and university towns.
Method for the holistic analysis of planning concepts by Stephan Anders 39,- Euro | ISBN 978-3-946319-02-3, 310 pages with numerous color illustrations, 19 x 25,5 cm, Softcover - May 2016 Melting glaciers, floods and the smog in cities are just a few visible signs of the need for sustainable development. Sustainable neighborhoods can [...]
Another piece of good news for Bonn: The Federal Government will set up one of four regional "Sustainability Strategies Network Offices" in the federal city. This was announced by Chancellor Merkel and the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) on Tuesday, 31 May, at the RNE annual conference in Berlin.
on 6 July 2016 in Oberhausen More housing! This is the message of the hour, because we urgently need housing. Especially for people who cannot participate in social life because of their income, their social status or their education: e.g. for transfer recipients, for the homeless and of course for the refugees, [...]
It is estimated that the care and integration of refugees will cost 20 billion euros in 2016. In the program Frontal21 from 24.5.2016 (from (minute 25 to 33) figures are mentioned, how some providers of refugee accommodations charge horrendous prices. According to their research, the cost of accommodation per refugee is 87 to [...]
Several federal ministries launched new funding programmes and research initiatives in April. The common goal is to promote affordable and climate-friendly construction in order to advance the energy transition through energy-efficient and climate-friendly buildings. The building sector accounts for around 40 percent of Germany's final energy consumption and about one third of CO2 emissions. At the same time, the potential for energy and CO2 savings [...]
ExWoSt Information 48/1 (April 2016) This issue of ExWoSt Information provides an up-to-date and well-founded overview of common balancing tools and also introduces you to one that was developed as part of the ExWoSt predecessor study "Requirements for energy-efficient and climate-neutral neighbourhoods (EQ)". Publisher Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) at the Federal Office for [...]
"Hermann Knoflacher wants to build on roads and parking spaces. Car-free cities are feasible, says the transport expert. This would allow municipalities to create masses of affordable housing." Read the complete article from 3.3.2016: Deutschlandradio Kultur
Saturday, May 21, 2016, from 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Address: 50226 Frechen | Europaallee 45 | FertighausWelt Köln/Frechen Program 11.15 a.m. Official opening and blessing of the house from 12.00 p.m. Building experts will advise you throughout the day, on the topics of "Healthy Building & Living", "Innovative Building Technology" and "Individual & Modern Architecture" Experts [...]
According to the DGS (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie e.V. - German Solar Energy Society), the general conditions for solar thermal systems are more attractive than ever before, which is related to the market incentive programme (MAP) for solar thermal subsidies that was overhauled last year. After years of dwindling sales, the latest collector sales statistics from the German Solar Industry Association (BSW) and the German Heating Industry Association [...]