The Climate Protection Programme 2030 presented by the Climate Cabinet on 20 September 2019 also includes new rules for the supply of heat to buildings. One measure is the replacement premium for old oil and gas heating systems. With this, the state wants to take over up to 40 % of the costs, according to the reading of the information program Zukunft Altbau promoted by the Ministry of the Environment of Baden-Württemberg, [...]
Kategorie für Blog: Funding
The Agency for Renewable Resources (Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V. - FNR) supports potential applicants in applying for funding with a guideline for submitting outlines and applications for projects in the field of the Forest Climate Fund. (FNR) supports potentially interested parties in applying for funding. The guide is available in print and for download. The 58-page brochure in A5 format provides condensed information on the funding procedure and explains [...]
There is money in Rhineland-Palatinate: After Bavaria, Rhineland-Palatinate will also launch its own funding program for electricity storage this year. "The funding program is being worked out at the moment," announced State Secretary Griese (the Greens). The Rhineland-Palatinate state parliament had already approved the funding last December. In 2019 and 2020, 1.5 million each [...]
In the Bavarian 10,000 Houses Program, there is now also money for electricity storage units if the user installs them together with a PV system. Until the end of 2020, 24 million euros are available for the entire program.
In 20 real laboratories across Germany, companies will be testing new hydrogen technologies on an industrial scale and in a real environment. Today, Federal Minister of Economics and Technology Peter Altmaier announced the winners of the "Energy Transition Real Labs Ideas Competition". With the Energy Transition Real Labs, sustainable energy technologies are tested under real conditions and on an industrial scale. The central theme [...]
Baden-Württemberg's Environment and Energy Minister Franz Untersteller has concluded the state's support programme for PV storage systems and described it as a success.
Many detached houses and apartment buildings, as well as commercial buildings, are suitable for the installation of a fuel cell heating system. It generates electricity and heat at the same time. The installation of such micro-CHP systems is also promoted by the federal government. Dr. Karsten McGovern, head of the LandesEnergieAgentur (LEA), says: "For many years, Hesse has been supporting fuel cell heating as a building block for the [...]
With up to 100 million euros per year, the BMWi is funding real laboratories for the energy transition. The focus of the competition is primarily on energy-optimised districts as real laboratories. Project ideas can be submitted as of now. Concepts can be submitted until 05 April 2019. You can find further information at
The Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Management of Baden-Württemberg is again supporting investments in photovoltaic systems in combination with battery storage with a total of five million euros in the coming year.
With the "GREEN high 3 Roofs | Facades | Courtyards" funding programme for existing buildings, we want to expand the greening of roofs, facades and backyards. In this way, we are supporting the efforts of the people of Cologne to green and thus enhance the value of private house and courtyard areas close to their homes as well as commercial areas.
with a focus on solar energy, neighbourhood concepts and funding The BUND Yearbook Ecological Building & Renovation, published by the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND), helps owners by making them fit for discussions with the house bank, architect, energy advisor and tradesmen. The guidebook, which will be available in November, shows what can be done and how: Starting [...]
New ideas can be submitted from summer 2019 The Federal Environment Ministry is today launching a new funding call for "Climate protection through cycling". In future, the National Climate Initiative (NKI) will fund model projects that, among other things, support cities and municipalities, but also associations and companies, in developing attractive cycling offers and [...]
Difu study gives recommendations for more effective use of funding in NRW Lack of staff and high administrative demands are two of the reasons that prevent cities, districts and municipalities in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) from drawing down available urban development funding on time. This is a key finding of a study conducted by the German Institute for [...]
Online tool provides information on funding programmes Düsseldorf. With Förder.Navi, an online tool from EnergyAgency.NRW, it is now even quicker to find one's way through the funding jungle. The tool ( helps private individuals, companies and local authorities to find funding opportunities, for example when it comes to energy-efficient refurbishment.
Deutsche Umwelthilfe calls for immediate proposal for tax incentives for energy-efficient building refurbishment - Building sector makes decisive contribution to achieving climate protection targets - Increase refurbishment rate to 2 percent per year In the draft budget presented by Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz on 2 May 2018, the tax incentive [...]
The Saxony-Anhalt Ministry of Transport is funding new charging stations for more e-mobility in the state with up to 40 percent. Not only municipalities are eligible to apply, but also companies that want to set up publicly accessible charging stations. In Saxony-Anhalt, funding applications for the installation of public e-charging stations can be submitted with immediate effect. With their publication in the ministerial gazette, the [...]
The Ministry of the Environment in Rhineland-Palatinate has launched the "1,000 efficient stoves for Rhineland-Palatinate" funding programme. As part of this, the replacement of old fireplaces with modern wood-burning systems is financially supported if they received approval between 1 January 1985 and 1 January 1995. The subsidy amounts to up to €800. The [...]
Funding guideline comes into force on 1 March 2018 With the so-called small series guideline, the Federal Environment Ministry is launching a new funding programme as part of the National Climate Initiative. Funding is available for products and processes for climate protection that are already ready for the market but have not yet made the breakthrough. The guideline will enter into force on 1 March 2018 [...].
Incentive for less "grey energy" in the construction of non-residential buildings The City of Hamburg promotes the use of wood in the construction of new non-residential buildings with a floor area of 100 m² or more. The use of wood in the construction of new buildings is subsidised with € 800 per tonne of wood product.
Modern mobility is more than e-car subsidies, which is why Baden-Württemberg has introduced a purchase premium of 50% (max. 4,000 euros) for commercial eCargobikes. In an interview with, Minister of Transport Winfried Hermann (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) explains the Bicycle STRATEGY in the southwest:
With the funding announcement "Solar Construction / Energy-Efficient City", the BMBF together with the BMWi will provide up to 100 million euros over the next five years for research, development and innovation in the field of sustainable urban development. In the first round of calls for proposals, more than 60 consortia from city administrations, research institutes and [...]
Photovoltaic systems are already a financially rewarding investment for homeowners today. Coupled with a solar power storage system, the profit will increase even more in the future. This is because storage systems are on the verge of becoming economically viable. This is the result of calculations by the Solar Cluster Baden-Württemberg.
07.07.2017 - The Ministry of the Environment in Thuringia has increased the funding for the Solar Invest Programme by a further 1.3 million euros as of 1 July 2017. After Erfurt already increased the originally planned funding amount of 2.5 million euros by 1.9 million euros in April, a total of 5.7 million euros are available for this year [...]
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) is expanding its funding for fuel cell heating systems. With immediate effect, you can apply to KfW for attractive subsidies for the installation of fuel cell heating systems in both all residential and non-residential buildings. Private individuals, freelancers, small and medium-sized enterprises (including contractors) as well as municipal and non-profit organisations are eligible to apply.
Berlin/ Hamburg: According to the newly founded Global Foundation Platform (F20), "the G7 Summit in Italy paved the way for the G20 Summit in Hamburg". "Six of the seven heads of state and government have shown their determination to implement the Paris climate agreement - despite the reluctance of the US government to do so". The largest economies now face the task of [...]
The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) is promoting highly ambitious and innovative concepts for nearly climate-neutral buildings and neighbourhoods under the EnEff.Gebäude.2050 funding initiative. The ideas competition is looking for energy concepts that show that nearly climate-neutral buildings and neighbourhoods can already be implemented in practice using today's technologies and [...].
The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs and the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) are supporting municipalities that want to use new approaches to activate more unused land for housing construction. To this end, the cities are employing inner development managers and expanding active inner development with various building blocks. The model projects in Aalen, Berlin, Hamburg-Altona, Ludwigsfelde, Offenburg, Regensburg, Solingen and [...]
Some cities subsidize the use of certified insulation materials with a bonus to support resource conservation, carbon storage and particularly environmentally friendly products. This also includes many insulation materials made from renewable raw materials. The overview lists the cities that grant an extra subsidy for certified natural insulation materials: Düsseldorf 10 - 25 EUR/m² Hamburg 10 EUR/m² Hanover [...]
Since January 2017, building owners who have a residential building constructed and certified in accordance with the requirements of the DGNB have the opportunity to receive a grant for construction support from KfW. This covers 50 percent of the eligible costs up to a maximum of 4,000 euros per building project.
A new "Export Initiative for Environmental Technologies" of the Federal Ministry for the Environment is to support the foreign business of the German environmental industry and thus promote the development of environmental infrastructure. Interested companies and organisations can apply until the end of April. The BMUB is making a total of five million euros available this year.
From January 2017, the state capital of Munich will also pay up to 2000 euros in purchase incentives for privately used eCargobikes. On April 1, 2016, the Electromobility Funding Directive came into force in Munich. It introduced purchase premiums for commercial e-vehicles from pedelecs to e-cars. Since then, there has been a subsidy for commercially used eCargobikes [...].
From January 2017, the City of Munich will also pay a purchase premium of up to 2,000 euros for privately used eCargobikes. On April 1, 2016, the Electromobility Funding Directive came into force in Munich. It introduced purchase premiums for commercial e-vehicles from pedelecs to e-cars. Since then, there has been a subsidy for commercially used eCargobikes [...].
Government aid for housing construction drives up prices, but does not bring more homes. This is how an assessment by the DIW can be interpreted.
Government aid for housing construction drives up prices, but does not bring more homes. This is how an assessment by the DIW (German Institute for Economic Research), Berlin can be interpreted. Read article from 11.1.2017:
To date, over 500 neighbourhoods have applied for funding for energy-related neighbourhood concepts. A new brochure and a travelling exhibition present practical examples and recommendations for implementation.
Since August 2016, fuel cell heating systems have been subsidised with an attractive grant of at least EUR 5,700 via the KfW programme "Energy-efficient construction and refurbishment - fuel cell grant". With a fuel cell heating system, electricity and heat can be generated simultaneously according to the principle of combined heat and power.
NRW.BANK's new promotion loan is aimed at all condominium associations (WEGs) in North Rhine-Westphalia that want to modernise or refurbish the housing they mainly use themselves, have no commercial landlords as members and consist of at least five owners. Smaller WEGs can make use of the NRW.BANK.Gebäudesanierung promotion programme.
Support for solar houses with large photovoltaic and solar thermal systems for heat, electricity and mobility remains constantly high "Solar houses with large photovoltaic and solar thermal systems for the climate-friendly generation of electricity and heat are not affected by the changes in the amended Renewable Energy Sources Act." Rainer Körner, 2nd chairman of the Sonnenhaus-Institut e.V., points this out. Since [...]